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Komodor is a Kubernetes reliability platform, complete with automated troubleshooting playbooks for every K8s resource, and static-prevention monitors that enrich live & historical data with contextual insights to help enforce best practices and stop incidents in their tracks.

For each K8s resource, Komodor automatically constructs a coherent view, including the relevant deploys, config changes, dependencies, metrics, and past incidents. Komodor seamlessly integrates and utilizes data from cloud providers, source controls, CI/CD pipelines, monitoring tools, and incident response platforms.

  • Discover the root cause automatically with a timeline that tracks all changes made in your application and infrastructure.
  • Quickly tackle the issue, with easy-to-follow remediation instructions.
  • Give your entire team a way to troubleshoot independently, without having to escalate.


  • Kubernetes 1.16+
  • Helm 2/3

Komodor Installation

  1. Sign up to Komodor and verify your email address.
  2. Go to app.komodor.com and click on Add a Kubernetes Cluster to Install the k8s-watcher Agent on any of your clusters
  3. Enter your clusters name like so:
  4. After entering the cluster name you will receive a command similar to this:
  5. Copy the API key from the command output youve received, and paste it in the appropriate field when prompted to by the Rancher installer

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
apiKey Komodor kubernetes api key (required if existingSecret not specified) ``
existingSecret Existing kubernetes secret resource containing Komodor kubernetes apiKey (required if apiKey not specified) ``
watcher.redact List of regular expressions. Config values for keys that matches one of these expressions will show up at Komodor as "REDACTED:<SHA of config value>" []
watcher.clusterName Override auto-discovery of Cluster Name with one of your choosing ``
watcher.watchNamespace Watch a specific namespace, or all namespaces ("", "all") all
watcher.namespacesDenylist Exclude specific namespaces (list) []
watcher.nameDenylist Exclude specific resource names that contains any of these strings (list) - example: watcher.nameDenylist=["dont-watch"] --> `pod/backend-dont-watch` wont be collected []
watcher.collectHistory On startup collect existing cluster resources in addition to watching new resources (true / false) true
watcher.sinks.webhook.enabled Enables a Webhook output true
watcher.sinks.webhook.url URL to send webhooks to https://app.komodor.io/k8s-events/event/
watcher.sinks.webhook.headers Headers to attach to the webhooks {}
watcher.resources.event Enables watching Event true
watcher.resources.deployment Enables watching Deployments true
watcher.resources.replicationController Enables watching ReplicationControllers true
watcher.resources.replicaSet Enables watching ReplicaSets true
watcher.resources.daemonSet Enables watching DaemonSets true
watcher.resources.statefulSet Enables watching StatefulSets true
watcher.resources.service Enables watching Services true
watcher.resources.pod Enables watching Pods true
watcher.resources.job Enables watching Jobs true
watcher.resources.node Enables watching Nodes true
watcher.resources.clusterRole Enables watching ClusterRoles true
watcher.resources.serviceAccount Enables watching ServiceAccounts true
watcher.resources.persistentVolume Enables watching PersistentVolumes true
watcher.resources.persistentVolumeClaim Enables watching PersistentVolumeClaims true
watcher.resources.namespace Enables watching Namespaces true
watcher.resources.secret Enables watching Secrets false
watcher.resources.configMap Enables watching ConfigMaps true
watcher.resources.ingress Enables watching Ingresses true
watcher.resources.storageClass Enables watching StorageClasses true
watcher.resources.rollout Enables watching Argo Rollouts true
watcher.resources.metrics Enables watching Metrics true
watcher.resources.limitRange Enables watching LimitRange true
watcher.resources.podTemplate Enables watching PodTemplate true
watcher.resources.resourceQuota Enables watching ResourceQuota true
watcher.resources.admissionRegistrationResources Enables watching MutatingWebhookConfigurations and ValidatingWebhookConfigurations true
watcher.resources.controllerRevision Enables watching ControllerRevision true
watcher.resources.authorizationResources Enables watching Authorization Resources true
watcher.resources.horizontalPodAutoscaler Enables watching HorizontalPodAutoscaler true
watcher.resources.certificateSigningRequest Enables watching CertificateSigningRequest true
watcher.resources.lease Enables watching Lease true
watcher.resources.endpointSlice Enables watching EndpointSlice true
watcher.resources.flowControlResources Enables watching FlowControl Resources true
watcher.resources.ingressClass Enables watching IngressClass true
watcher.resources.networkPolicy Enables watching NetworkPolicy true
watcher.resources.runtimeClass Enables watching RuntimeClass true
watcher.resources.policyResources Enables watching Policy Resources true
watcher.resources.clusterRoleBinding Enables watching ClusterRoleBinding true
watcher.resources.roleBinding Enables watching RoleBinding true
watcher.resources.role Enables watching Role true
watcher.resources.PriorityClass Enables watching PriorityClass true
watcher.resources.csiDriver Enables watching CSIDriver true
watcher.resources.csiNode Enables watching CSINode true
watcher.resources.csiStorageCapacity Enables watching CSIStorageCapacity true
watcher.resources.volumeAttachment Enables watching VolumeAttachment true
watcher.servers.healthCheck.port Port of the health check
server 8090
resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests 0.25
resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits 1
resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests 256Mi
resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits 4096Mi
image.repository Image registry/name docker.io/komodorio/k8s-watcher
image.tag Image tag 0.1.10
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
serviceAccount.create Creates a service account true
serviceAccount.name Optional name for the service account {RELEASE_FULLNAME}
proxy.enabled Configure proxy for watcher true
proxy.http Configure Proxy setting (HTTP_PROXY) ``
proxy.https Configure Proxy setting (HTTPS_PROXY) ``
proxy.no_proxy Configure Proxy setting (NO_PROXY) ``
watcher.controller.resync.period Resync period (in minutes, minimum 5) to resync the state of selected controllers (deployment, daemonset, statefulset) "0"
watcher.enableAgentTaskExecution Enable to the agent to execute tasks in the cluster such as log streaming true
watcher.allowReadingPodLogs. Enable the agent to read pod logs from the cluster true
createNamespace Creates the namespace true
podAnnotations Adds custom annotations on the agent pod - Example: --set podAnnotations."app\.komodor\.com/app"="komodor-agent" {}
deploymentAnnotations Adds custom annotations on the agent deployment - Example: --set deploymentAnnotations."app\.komodor\.com/app"="komodor-agent" {}

The above parameters map to a yaml configuration file used by the watcher. Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.
For example: helm upgrade --install k8s-watcher komodorio/k8s-watcher --set apiKey="YOURAPI_KEY_HERE" --set watcher.enableAgentTaskExecution=true --set watcher.allowReadingPodLogs=true Alternativly, you can pass the configuration as environment variables using the KOMOKW prefix and by replacing all the ׳.׳ to ׳_׳. For the root items the camelcase transforms into underscores as well.
For example: # apiKey KOMOKW_API_KEY=1a2b3c4d5e6f7g7h # watcher.resources.replicaSet KOMOKW_RESOURCES_REPLICASET=false # watcher.watchNamespace KOMOKW_WATCH_NAMESPACE=my-namespace # watcher.collectHistory KOMOKW_COLLECT_HISTORY=true

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Updating the Agent using Helm

helm repo update helm upgrade --install k8s-watcher komodorio/k8s-watcher --reuse-values

Uninstalling Komodor

helm uninstall k8s-watcher