
21 KiB

Percona Server for MongoDB

This chart deploys Percona Server for MongoDB Cluster on Kubernetes controlled by Percona Operator for MongoDB.

Useful links:


  • Percona Operator for MongoDB running in your Kubernetes cluster. See installation details here or in the Operator Documentation.
  • Kubernetes 1.22+
  • Helm v3

Chart Details

This chart will deploy Percona Server for MongoDB Cluster in Kubernetes. It will create a Custom Resource, and the Operator will trigger the creation of corresponding Kubernetes primitives: StatefulSets, Pods, Secrets, etc.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the psmdb release name using a dedicated namespace (recommended):

helm repo add percona https://percona.github.io/percona-helm-charts/
helm install my-db percona/psmdb-db --version 1.14.0 --namespace my-namespace

The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters:

Parameter Description Default
crVersion CR Cluster Manifest version 1.14.0
pause Stop PSMDB Database safely false
unmanaged Start cluster and don't manage it (cross cluster replication) false
allowUnsafeConfigurations Allows forbidden configurations like even number of PSMDB cluster pods false
clusterServiceDNSSuffix The (non-standard) cluster domain to be used as a suffix of the Service name ""
clusterServiceDNSMode Mode for the cluster service dns (Internal/ServiceMesh) ""
ignoreAnnotations The list of annotations to be ignored by the Operator []
ignoreLabels The list of labels to be ignored by the Operator []
multiCluster.enabled Enable Multi Cluster Services (MCS) cluster mode false
multiCluster.DNSSuffix The cluster domain to be used as a suffix for multi-cluster Services used by Kubernetes ""
updateStrategy Regulates the way how PSMDB Cluster Pods will be updated after setting a new image SmartUpdate
upgradeOptions.versionServiceEndpoint Endpoint for actual PSMDB Versions provider https://check.percona.com/versions/
upgradeOptions.apply PSMDB image to apply from version service - recommended, latest, actual version like 4.4.2-4 disabled
upgradeOptions.schedule Cron formatted time to execute the update "0 2 * * *"
upgradeOptions.setFCV Set feature compatibility version on major upgrade false
finalizers:delete-psmdb-pvc Set this if you want to delete database persistent volumes on cluster deletion []
finalizers:delete-psmdb-pods-in-order Set this if you want to delete PSMDB pods in order (primary last) []
image.repository PSMDB Container image repository percona/percona-server-mongodb
image.tag PSMDB Container image tag 6.0.4-3
imagePullPolicy The policy used to update images Always
imagePullSecrets PSMDB Container pull secret []
initImage.repository Repository for custom init image ""
initImage.tag Tag for custom init image ""
initContainerSecurityContext A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container for the initImage {}
tls.certValidityDuration The validity duration of the external certificate for cert manager ""
secrets Operator secrets section {}
pmm.enabled Enable integration with Percona Monitoring and Management software false
pmm.image.repository PMM Container image repository percona/pmm-client
pmm.image.tag PMM Container image tag 2.35.0
pmm.serverHost PMM server related K8S service hostname monitoring-service
replsets[0].name ReplicaSet name rs0
replsets[0].size ReplicaSet size (pod quantity) 3
replsets[0].externalNodes ReplicaSet external nodes (cross cluster replication) []
replsets[0].configuration Custom config for mongod in replica set ""
replsets[0].antiAffinityTopologyKey ReplicaSet Pod affinity kubernetes.io/hostname
replsets[0].tolerations ReplicaSet Pod tolerations []
replsets[0].priorityClass ReplicaSet Pod priorityClassName ""
replsets[0].annotations ReplicaSet Pod annotations {}
replsets[0].labels ReplicaSet Pod labels {}
replsets[0].nodeSelector ReplicaSet Pod nodeSelector labels {}
replsets[0].livenessProbe ReplicaSet Pod livenessProbe structure {}
replsets[0].readinessProbe ReplicaSet Pod readinessProbe structure {}
replsets[0].storage Set cacheSizeRatio or other custom MongoDB storage options {}
replsets[0].podSecurityContext Set the security context for a Pod {}
replsets[0].containerSecurityContext Set the security context for a Container {}
replsets[0].runtimeClass ReplicaSet Pod runtimeClassName ""
replsets[0].sidecars ReplicaSet Pod sidecars {}
replsets[0].sidecarVolumes ReplicaSet Pod sidecar volumes []
replsets[0].sidecarPVCs ReplicaSet Pod sidecar PVCs []
replsets[0].podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable ReplicaSet failed Pods maximum quantity 1
replsets[0].expose.enabled Allow access to replicaSet from outside of Kubernetes false
replsets[0].expose.exposeType Network service access point type ClusterIP
replsets[0].expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit client IP's access to Load Balancer {}
replsets[0].expose.serviceAnnotations ReplicaSet service annotations {}
replsets[0].expose.serviceLabels ReplicaSet service labels {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.enabled Add MongoDB nonvoting Pods false
replsets[0].nonvoting.podSecurityContext Set the security context for a Pod {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.containerSecurityContext Set the security context for a Container {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.size Number of nonvoting Pods 1
replsets[0].nonvoting.configuration Custom config for mongod nonvoting member ""
replsets[0].nonvoting.antiAffinityTopologyKey Nonvoting Pods affinity kubernetes.io/hostname
replsets[0].nonvoting.tolerations Nonvoting Pod tolerations []
replsets[0].nonvoting.priorityClass Nonvoting Pod priorityClassName ""
replsets[0].nonvoting.annotations Nonvoting Pod annotations {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.labels Nonvoting Pod labels {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.nodeSelector Nonvoting Pod nodeSelector labels {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Nonvoting failed Pods maximum quantity 1
replsets[0].nonvoting.resources Nonvoting Pods resource requests and limits {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec Nonvoting Pods storage resources {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.emptyDir Nonvoting Pods emptyDir K8S storage {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.hostPath Nonvoting Pods hostPath K8S storage
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.hostPath.path Nonvoting Pods hostPath K8S storage path ""
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc Nonvoting Pods PVC request parameters
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc.labels The Kubernetes labels metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc.storageClassName Nonvoting Pods PVC target storageClass ""
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc.accessModes Nonvoting Pods PVC access policy []
replsets[0].nonvoting.volumeSpec.pvc.resources.requests.storage Nonvoting Pods PVC storage size 3Gi
replsets[0].arbiter.enabled Create MongoDB arbiter service false
replsets[0].arbiter.size MongoDB arbiter Pod quantity 1
replsets[0].arbiter.antiAffinityTopologyKey MongoDB arbiter Pod affinity kubernetes.io/hostname
replsets[0].arbiter.tolerations MongoDB arbiter Pod tolerations []
replsets[0].arbiter.priorityClass MongoDB arbiter priorityClassName ""
replsets[0].arbiter.annotations MongoDB arbiter Pod annotations {}
replsets[0].arbiter.labels MongoDB arbiter Pod labels {}
replsets[0].arbiter.nodeSelector MongoDB arbiter Pod nodeSelector labels {}
replsets[0].schedulerName ReplicaSet Pod schedulerName ""
replsets[0].resources ReplicaSet Pods resource requests and limits {}
replsets[0].volumeSpec ReplicaSet Pods storage resources {}
replsets[0].volumeSpec.emptyDir ReplicaSet Pods emptyDir K8S storage {}
replsets[0].volumeSpec.hostPath ReplicaSet Pods hostPath K8S storage
replsets[0].volumeSpec.hostPath.path ReplicaSet Pods hostPath K8S storage path ""
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc ReplicaSet Pods PVC request parameters
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.labels The Kubernetes labels metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.storageClassName ReplicaSet Pods PVC target storageClass ""
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.accessModes ReplicaSet Pods PVC access policy []
replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.resources.requests.storage ReplicaSet Pods PVC storage size 3Gi
sharding.enabled Enable sharding setup true
sharding.configrs.size Config ReplicaSet size (pod quantity) 3
sharding.configrs.externalNodes Config ReplicaSet external nodes (cross cluster replication) []
sharding.configrs.configuration Custom config for mongod in config replica set ""
sharding.configrs.antiAffinityTopologyKey Config ReplicaSet Pod affinity kubernetes.io/hostname
sharding.configrs.tolerations Config ReplicaSet Pod tolerations []
sharding.configrs.priorityClass Config ReplicaSet Pod priorityClassName ""
sharding.configrs.annotations Config ReplicaSet Pod annotations {}
sharding.configrs.labels Config ReplicaSet Pod labels {}
sharding.configrs.nodeSelector Config ReplicaSet Pod nodeSelector labels {}
sharding.configrs.livenessProbe Config ReplicaSet Pod livenessProbe structure {}
sharding.configrs.readinessProbe Config ReplicaSet Pod readinessProbe structure {}
sharding.configrs.storage Set cacheSizeRatio or other custom MongoDB storage options {}
sharding.configrs.podSecurityContext Set the security context for a Pod {}
sharding.configrs.containerSecurityContext Set the security context for a Container {}
sharding.configrs.runtimeClass Config ReplicaSet Pod runtimeClassName ""
sharding.configrs.sidecars Config ReplicaSet Pod sidecars {}
sharding.configrs.sidecarVolumes Config ReplicaSet Pod sidecar volumes []
sharding.configrs.sidecarPVCs Config ReplicaSet Pod sidecar PVCs []
sharding.configrs.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Config ReplicaSet failed Pods maximum quantity 1
sharding.configrs.expose.enabled Allow access to cfg replica from outside of Kubernetes false
sharding.configrs.expose.exposeType Network service access point type ClusterIP
sharding.configrs.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit client IP's access to Load Balancer {}
sharding.configrs.expose.serviceAnnotations Config ReplicaSet service annotations {}
sharding.configrs.expose.serviceLabels Config ReplicaSet service labels {}
sharding.configrs.resources.limits.cpu Config ReplicaSet resource limits CPU 300m
sharding.configrs.resources.limits.memory Config ReplicaSet resource limits memory 0.5G
sharding.configrs.resources.requests.cpu Config ReplicaSet resource requests CPU 300m
sharding.configrs.resources.requests.memory Config ReplicaSet resource requests memory 0.5G
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.hostPath Config ReplicaSet hostPath K8S storage
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.hostPath.path Config ReplicaSet hostPath K8S storage path ""
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.emptyDir Config ReplicaSet Pods emptyDir K8S storage
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc Config ReplicaSet Pods PVC request parameters
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc.labels The Kubernetes labels metadata for Persistent Volume Claim {}
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc.storageClassName Config ReplicaSet Pods PVC storageClass ""
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc.accessModes Config ReplicaSet Pods PVC access policy []
sharding.configrs.volumeSpec.pvc.resources.requests.storage Config ReplicaSet Pods PVC storage size 3Gi
sharding.mongos.size Mongos size (pod quantity) 3
sharding.mongos.configuration Custom config for mongos ""
sharding.mongos.antiAffinityTopologyKey Mongos Pods affinity kubernetes.io/hostname
sharding.mongos.tolerations Mongos Pods tolerations []
sharding.mongos.priorityClass Mongos Pods priorityClassName ""
sharding.mongos.annotations Mongos Pods annotations {}
sharding.mongos.labels Mongos Pods labels {}
sharding.mongos.nodeSelector Mongos Pods nodeSelector labels {}
sharding.mongos.livenessProbe Mongos Pod livenessProbe structure {}
sharding.mongos.readinessProbe Mongos Pod readinessProbe structure {}
sharding.mongos.podSecurityContext Set the security context for a Pod {}
sharding.mongos.containerSecurityContext Set the security context for a Container {}
sharding.mongos.runtimeClass Mongos Pod runtimeClassName ""
sharding.mongos.sidecars Mongos Pod sidecars {}
sharding.mongos.sidecarVolumes Mongos Pod sidecar volumes []
sharding.mongos.sidecarPVCs Mongos Pod sidecar PVCs []
sharding.mongos.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Mongos failed Pods maximum quantity 1
sharding.mongos.resources.limits.cpu Mongos Pods resource limits CPU 300m
sharding.mongos.resources.limits.memory Mongos Pods resource limits memory 0.5G
sharding.mongos.resources.requests.cpu Mongos Pods resource requests CPU 300m
sharding.mongos.resources.requests.memory Mongos Pods resource requests memory 0.5G
sharding.mongos.expose.exposeType Mongos service exposeType ClusterIP
sharding.mongos.expose.servicePerPod Create a separate ClusterIP Service for each mongos instance false
sharding.mongos.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit client IP's access to Load Balancer {}
sharding.mongos.expose.serviceAnnotations Mongos service annotations {}
sharding.mongos.expose.serviceLabels Mongos service labels {}
backup.enabled Enable backup PBM agent true
backup.annotations Backup job annotations {}
backup.restartOnFailure Backup Pods restart policy true
backup.image.repository PBM Container image repository percona/percona-backup-mongodb
backup.image.tag PBM Container image tag 2.0.4
backup.serviceAccountName Run PBM Container under specified K8S SA percona-server-mongodb-operator
backup.storages Local/remote backup storages settings {}
backup.pitr.enabled Enable point in time recovery for backup false
backup.pitr.oplogSpanMin Number of minutes between the uploads of oplogs 10
backup.pitr.compressionType The point-in-time-recovery chunks compression format ""
backup.pitr.compressionLevel The point-in-time-recovery chunks compression level ""
backup.tasks Backup working schedule {}
users PSMDB essential users {}

Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install Notice that you can use multiple replica sets only with sharding enabled.


Deploy a replica set with disabled backups and no mongos pods

This is great for a dev PSMDB/MongoDB cluster as it doesn't bother with backups and sharding setup.

$ helm install dev  --namespace psmdb . \
    --set runUid=1001 --set "replsets[0].volumeSpec.pvc.resources.requests.storage=20Gi" \
    --set backup.enabled=false --set sharding.enabled=false