
30 KiB

Kasten's K10 Helm chart.

Kasten's k10 is a data lifecycle management system for all your persistence.enabled container-based applications.


$ helm install kasten/k10 --name=k10 --namespace=kasten-io

Additionally, K10 images are available in Platform One's Iron Bank hardened container registry. To install using these images, follow the instructions found here.


This chart bootstraps Kasten's K10 platform on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.26

Installing the Chart

To install the chart on a GKE cluster

$ helm install kasten/k10 --name=k10 --namespace=kasten-io

To install the chart on an AWS kops-created cluster

$ helm install kasten/k10 --name=k10 --namespace=kasten-io --set secrets.awsAccessKeyId="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" \
                                                           --set secrets.awsSecretAccessKey="${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the k10 application:

$ helm delete k10 --purge


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the K10 chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
eula.accept Whether to enable accept EULA before installation false
eula.company Company name. Required field if EULA is accepted None
eula.email Contact email. Required field if EULA is accepted None
license License string obtained from Kasten None
rbac.create Whether to enable RBAC with a specific cluster role and binding for K10 true
scc.create Whether to create a SecurityContextConstraints for K10 ServiceAccounts false
scc.priority Sets the SecurityContextConstraints priority 15
services.dashboardbff.hostNetwork Whether the dashboardbff Pods may use the node network false
services.executor.hostNetwork Whether the executor Pods may use the node network false
services.aggregatedapis.hostNetwork Whether the aggregatedapis Pods may use the node network false
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created true
serviceAccount.name The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set, a name is derived using the release and chart names. None
ingress.create Specifies whether the K10 dashboard should be exposed via ingress false
ingress.name Optional name of the Ingress object for the K10 dashboard. If not set, the name is formed using the release name. {Release.Name}-ingress
ingress.class Cluster ingress controller class: nginx, GCE None
ingress.host FQDN (e.g., k10.example.com) for name-based virtual host None
ingress.urlPath URL path for K10 Dashboard (e.g., /k10) Release.Name
ingress.pathType Specifies the path type for the ingress resource ImplementationSpecific
ingress.annotations Additional Ingress object annotations {}
ingress.tls.enabled Configures a TLS use for ingress.host false
ingress.tls.secretName Optional TLS secret name None
ingress.defaultBackend.service.enabled Configures the default backend backed by a service for the K10 dashboard Ingress (mutually exclusive setting with ingress.defaultBackend.resource.enabled). false
ingress.defaultBackend.service.name The name of a service referenced by the default backend (required if the service-backed default backend is used). None
ingress.defaultBackend.service.port.name The port name of a service referenced by the default backend (mutually exclusive setting with port number, required if the service-backed default backend is used). None
ingress.defaultBackend.service.port.number The port number of a service referenced by the default backend (mutually exclusive setting with port name, required if the service-backed default backend is used). None
ingress.defaultBackend.resource.enabled Configures the default backend backed by a resource for the K10 dashboard Ingress (mutually exclusive setting with ingress.defaultBackend.service.enabled). false
ingress.defaultBackend.resource.apiGroup Optional API group of a resource backing the default backend. ''
ingress.defaultBackend.resource.kind The type of a resource being referenced by the default backend (required if the resource default backend is used). None
ingress.defaultBackend.resource.name The name of a resource being referenced by the default backend (required if the resource default backend is used). None
global.persistence.size Default global size of volumes for K10 persistent services 20Gi
global.persistence.catalog.size Size of a volume for catalog service global.persistence.size
global.persistence.jobs.size Size of a volume for jobs service global.persistence.size
global.persistence.logging.size Size of a volume for logging service global.persistence.size
global.persistence.metering.size Size of a volume for metering service global.persistence.size
global.persistence.storageClass Specified StorageClassName will be used for PVCs None
global.podLabels Configures custom labels to be set to all Kasten Pods None
global.podAnnotations Configures custom annotations to be set to all Kasten Pods None
global.airgapped.repository Specify the helm repository for offline (airgapped) installation ''
global.imagePullSecret Provide secret which contains docker config for private repository. Use k10-ecr when secrets.dockerConfigPath is used. ''
global.prometheus.external.host Provide external prometheus host name ''
global.prometheus.external.port Provide external prometheus port number ''
global.prometheus.external.baseURL Provide Base URL of external prometheus ''
global.network.enable_ipv6 Enable IPv6 support for K10 false
google.workloadIdentityFederation.enabled Enable Google Workload Identity Federation for K10 false
google.workloadIdentityFederation.idp.type Identity Provider type for Google Workload Identity Federation for K10 ''
google.workloadIdentityFederation.idp.aud Audience for whom the ID Token from Identity Provider is intended ''
secrets.awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID (required for AWS deployment) None
secrets.awsSecretAccessKey AWS access key secret None
secrets.awsIamRole ARN of the AWS IAM role assumed by K10 to perform any AWS operation. None
secrets.awsClientSecretName The secret that contains AWS access key ID, AWS access key secret and AWS IAM role for AWS None
secrets.googleApiKey Non-default base64 encoded GCP Service Account key None
secrets.googleProjectId Sets Google Project ID other than the one used in the GCP Service Account None
secrets.azureTenantId Azure tenant ID (required for Azure deployment) None
secrets.azureClientId Azure Service App ID None
secrets.azureClientSecret Azure Service APP secret None
secrets.azureClientSecretName The secret that contains ClientID, ClientSecret and TenantID for Azure None
secrets.azureResourceGroup Resource Group name that was created for the Kubernetes cluster None
secrets.azureSubscriptionID Subscription ID in your Azure tenant None
secrets.azureResourceMgrEndpoint Resource management endpoint for the Azure Stack instance None
secrets.azureADEndpoint Azure Active Directory login endpoint None
secrets.azureADResourceID Azure Active Directory resource ID to obtain AD tokens None
secrets.microsoftEntraIDEndpoint Microsoft Entra ID login endpoint None
secrets.microsoftEntraIDResourceID Microsoft Entra ID resource ID to obtain AD tokens None
secrets.azureCloudEnvID Azure Cloud Environment ID None
secrets.vsphereEndpoint vSphere endpoint for login None
secrets.vsphereUsername vSphere username for login None
secrets.vspherePassword vSphere password for login None
secrets.vsphereClientSecretName The secret that contains vSphere username, vSphere password and vSphere endpoint None
secrets.dockerConfig Set base64 encoded docker config to use for image pull operations. Alternative to the secrets.dockerConfigPath None
secrets.dockerConfigPath Use --set-file secrets.dockerConfigPath=path_to_docker_config.yaml to specify docker config for image pull. Will be overwritten if secrets.dockerConfig is set None
cacertconfigmap.name Name of the ConfigMap that contains a certificate for a trusted root certificate authority None
clusterName Cluster name for better logs visibility None
metering.awsRegion Sets AWS_REGION for metering service None
metering.mode Control license reporting (set to airgap for private-network installs) None
metering.reportCollectionPeriod Sets metric report collection period (in seconds) 1800
metering.reportPushPeriod Sets metric report push period (in seconds) 3600
metering.promoID Sets K10 promotion ID from marketing campaigns None
metering.awsMarketplace Sets AWS cloud metering license mode false
metering.awsManagedLicense Sets AWS managed license mode false
metering.redhatMarketplacePayg Sets Red Hat cloud metering license mode false
metering.licenseConfigSecretName Sets AWS managed license config secret None
externalGateway.create Configures an external gateway for K10 API services false
externalGateway.annotations Standard annotations for the services None
externalGateway.fqdn.name Domain name for the K10 API services None
externalGateway.fqdn.type Supported gateway type: route53-mapper or external-dns None
externalGateway.awsSSLCertARN ARN for the AWS ACM SSL certificate used in the K10 API server None
auth.basicAuth.enabled Configures basic authentication for the K10 dashboard false
auth.basicAuth.htpasswd A username and password pair separated by a colon character None
auth.basicAuth.secretName Name of an existing Secret that contains a file generated with htpasswd None
auth.k10AdminGroups A list of groups whose members are granted admin level access to K10's dashboard None
auth.k10AdminUsers A list of users who are granted admin level access to K10's dashboard None
auth.tokenAuth.enabled Configures token based authentication for the K10 dashboard false
auth.oidcAuth.enabled Configures Open ID Connect based authentication for the K10 dashboard false
auth.oidcAuth.providerURL URL for the OIDC Provider None
auth.oidcAuth.redirectURL URL to the K10 gateway service None
auth.oidcAuth.scopes Space separated OIDC scopes required for userinfo. Example: "profile email" None
auth.oidcAuth.prompt The type of prompt to be used during authentication (none, consent, login or select_account) select_account
auth.oidcAuth.clientID Client ID given by the OIDC provider for K10 None
auth.oidcAuth.clientSecret Client secret given by the OIDC provider for K10 None
auth.oidcAuth.clientSecretName The secret that contains the Client ID and Client secret given by the OIDC provider for K10 None
auth.oidcAuth.usernameClaim The claim to be used as the username sub
auth.oidcAuth.usernamePrefix Prefix that has to be used with the username obtained from the username claim None
auth.oidcAuth.groupClaim Name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups None
auth.oidcAuth.groupPrefix All groups will be prefixed with this value to prevent conflicts None
auth.oidcAuth.sessionDuration Maximum OIDC session duration 1h
auth.oidcAuth.refreshTokenSupport Enable OIDC Refresh Token support false
auth.openshift.enabled Enables access to the K10 dashboard by authenticating with the OpenShift OAuth server false
auth.openshift.serviceAccount Name of the service account that represents an OAuth client None
auth.openshift.clientSecret The token corresponding to the service account None
auth.openshift.clientSecretName The secret that contains the token corresponding to the service account None
auth.openshift.dashboardURL The URL used for accessing K10's dashboard None
auth.openshift.openshiftURL The URL for accessing OpenShift's API server None
auth.openshift.insecureCA To turn off SSL verification of connections to OpenShift false
auth.openshift.useServiceAccountCA Set this to true to use the CA certificate corresponding to the Service Account auth.openshift.serviceAccount usually found at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt false
auth.openshift.caCertsAutoExtraction Set this to false to disable the OCP CA certificates automatic extraction to the K10 namespace true
auth.ldap.enabled Configures Active Directory/LDAP based authentication for the K10 dashboard false
auth.ldap.restartPod To force a restart of the authentication service Pod (useful when updating authentication config) false
auth.ldap.dashboardURL The URL used for accessing K10's dashboard None
auth.ldap.host Host and optional port of the AD/LDAP server in the form host:port None
auth.ldap.insecureNoSSL Required if the AD/LDAP host is not using TLS false
auth.ldap.insecureSkipVerifySSL To turn off SSL verification of connections to the AD/LDAP host false
auth.ldap.startTLS When set to true, ldap:// is used to connect to the server followed by creation of a TLS session. When set to false, ldaps:// is used. false
auth.ldap.bindDN The Distinguished Name(username) used for connecting to the AD/LDAP host None
auth.ldap.bindPW The password corresponding to the bindDN for connecting to the AD/LDAP host None
auth.ldap.bindPWSecretName The name of the secret that contains the password corresponding to the bindDN for connecting to the AD/LDAP host None
auth.ldap.userSearch.baseDN The base Distinguished Name to start the AD/LDAP search from None
auth.ldap.userSearch.filter Optional filter to apply when searching the directory None
auth.ldap.userSearch.username Attribute used for comparing user entries when searching the directory None
auth.ldap.userSearch.idAttr AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the user ID field in a token None
auth.ldap.userSearch.emailAttr AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the email field in a token None
auth.ldap.userSearch.nameAttr AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the name field in a token None
auth.ldap.userSearch.preferredUsernameAttr AD/LDAP attribute in a user's entry that should map to the preferred_username field in a token None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.baseDN The base Distinguished Name to start the AD/LDAP group search from None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.filter Optional filter to apply when searching the directory for groups None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.nameAttr The AD/LDAP attribute that represents a group's name in the directory None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers List of field pairs that are used to match a user to a group. None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.userAttr Attribute in the user's entry that must match with the groupAttr while searching for groups None
auth.ldap.groupSearch.userMatchers.groupAttr Attribute in the group's entry that must match with the userAttr while searching for groups None
auth.groupAllowList A list of groups whose members are allowed access to K10's dashboard None
services.securityContext Custom security context for K10 service containers {"runAsUser" : 1000, "fsGroup": 1000}
services.securityContext.runAsUser User ID K10 service containers run as 1000
services.securityContext.runAsGroup Group ID K10 service containers run as 1000
services.securityContext.fsGroup FSGroup that owns K10 service container volumes 1000
siem.logging.cluster.enabled Whether to enable writing K10 audit event logs to stdout (standard output) true
siem.logging.cloud.path Directory path for saving audit logs in a cloud object store k10audit/
siem.logging.cloud.awsS3.enabled Whether to enable sending K10 audit event logs to AWS S3 true
injectGenericVolumeBackupSidecar.enabled Enables injection of sidecar container required to perform Generic Volume Backup into workload Pods false
injectGenericVolumeBackupSidecar.namespaceSelector.matchLabels Set of labels to select namespaces in which sidecar injection is enabled for workloads {}
injectGenericVolumeBackupSidecar.objectSelector.matchLabels Set of labels to filter workload objects in which the sidecar is injected {}
injectGenericVolumeBackupSidecar.webhookServer.port Port number on which the mutating webhook server accepts request 8080
gateway.resources.[requests|limits].[cpu|memory] Resource requests and limits for gateway Pod {}
gateway.service.externalPort Specifies the gateway services external port 80
genericVolumeSnapshot.resources.[requests|limits].[cpu|memory] Specifies resource requests and limits for generic backup sidecar and all temporary Kasten worker Pods. Superseded by ActionPodSpec {}
multicluster.enabled Choose whether to enable the multi-cluster system components and capabilities true
multicluster.primary.create Choose whether to setup cluster as a multi-cluster primary false
multicluster.primary.name Primary cluster name ''
multicluster.primary.ingressURL Primary cluster dashboard URL ''
prometheus.k10image.registry (optional) Set Prometheus image registry. gcr.io
prometheus.k10image.repository (optional) Set Prometheus image repository. kasten-images
prometheus.rbac.create (optional) Whether to create Prometheus RBAC configuration. Warning - this action will allow prometheus to scrape Pods in all k8s namespaces false
prometheus.alertmanager.enabled DEPRECATED: (optional) Enable Prometheus alertmanager service false
prometheus.alertmanager.serviceAccount.create DEPRECATED: (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for alertmanager false
prometheus.networkPolicy.enabled DEPRECATED: (optional) Enable Prometheus networkPolicy false
prometheus.prometheus-node-exporter.enabled DEPRECATED: (optional) Enable Prometheus node-exporter false
prometheus.prometheus-node-exporter.serviceAccount.create DEPRECATED: (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for prometheus-node-exporter false
prometheus.prometheus-pushgateway.enabled DEPRECATED: (optional) Enable Prometheus pushgateway false
prometheus.prometheus-pushgateway.serviceAccount.create DEPRECATED: (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for prometheus-pushgateway false
prometheus.scrapeCAdvisor DEPRECATED: (optional) Enable Prometheus ScrapeCAdvisor false
prometheus.server.enabled (optional) If false, K10's Prometheus server will not be created, reducing the dashboard's functionality. true
prometheus.server.securityContext.runAsUser (optional) Set security context runAsUser ID for Prometheus server Pod 65534
prometheus.server.securityContext.runAsNonRoot (optional) Enable security context runAsNonRoot for Prometheus server Pod true
prometheus.server.securityContext.runAsGroup (optional) Set security context runAsGroup ID for Prometheus server Pod 65534
prometheus.server.securityContext.fsGroup (optional) Set security context fsGroup ID for Prometheus server Pod 65534
prometheus.server.retention (optional) K10 Prometheus data retention "30d"
prometheus.server.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge DEPRECATED: (optional) The number of Prometheus server Pods that can be created above the desired amount of Pods during an update "100%"
prometheus.server.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable DEPRECATED: (optional) The number of Prometheus server Pods that can be unavailable during the upgrade process "100%"
prometheus.server.strategy.type DEPRECATED: (optional) Change default deployment strategy for Prometheus server "RollingUpdate"
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled DEPRECATED: (optional) If true, K10 Prometheus server will create a Persistent Volume Claim true
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size (optional) K10 Prometheus server data Persistent Volume size 30Gi
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.storageClass (optional) StorageClassName used to create Prometheus PVC. Setting this option overwrites global StorageClass value ""
prometheus.server.configMapOverrideName DEPRECATED: (optional) Prometheus configmap name to override default generated name k10-prometheus-config
prometheus.server.fullnameOverride (optional) Prometheus deployment name to override default generated name prometheus-server
prometheus.server.baseURL (optional) K10 Prometheus external url path at which the server can be accessed /k10/prometheus/
prometheus.server.prefixURL (optional) K10 Prometheus prefix slug at which the server can be accessed /k10/prometheus/
prometheus.server.serviceAccounts.server.create DEPRECATED: (optional) Set true to create ServiceAccount for Prometheus server service true
resources.<deploymentName>.<containerName>.[requests|limits].[cpu|memory] Overwriting the default K10 container resource requests and limits varies depending on the container
route.enabled Specifies whether the K10 dashboard should be exposed via route false
route.host FQDN (e.g., .k10.example.com) for name-based virtual host ""
route.path URL path for K10 Dashboard (e.g., /k10) /
route.annotations Additional Route object annotations {}
route.labels Additional Route object labels {}
route.tls.enabled Configures a TLS use for route.host false
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy Specifies behavior for insecure scheme traffic Redirect
route.tls.termination Specifies the TLS termination of the route edge
limiter.executorReplicas Specifies the number of executor-svc Pods used to process Kasten jobs 3
limiter.executorThreads Specifies the number of threads per executor-svc Pod used to process Kasten jobs 8
limiter.workloadSnapshotsPerAction Per action limit of concurrent manifest data snapshots, based on workload (ex. Namespace, Deployment, StatefulSet, VirtualMachine) 5
limiter.csiSnapshotsPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent CSI VolumeSnapshot creation requests 10
limiter.directSnapshotsPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent non-CSI snapshot creation requests 10
limiter.snapshotExportsPerAction Per action limit of concurrent volume export operations 3
limiter.snapshotExportsPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent volume export operations 10
limiter.genericVolumeBackupsPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent Generic Volume Backup operations 10
limiter.imageCopiesPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent ImageStream container image backup (i.e. copy from) and restore (i.e. copy to) operations 10
limiter.workloadRestoresPerAction Per action limit of concurrent manifest data restores, based on workload (ex. Namespace, Deployment, StatefulSet, VirtualMachine) 3
limiter.csiSnapshotRestoresPerAction Per action limit of concurrent CSI volume provisioning requests when restoring from VolumeSnapshots 3
limiter.volumeRestoresPerAction Per action limit of concurrent volume restore operations from an exported backup 3
limiter.volumeRestoresPerCluster Cluster-wide limit of concurrent volume restore operations from exported backups 10
cluster.domainName Specifies the domain name of the cluster ""
timeout.blueprintBackup Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for Blueprint backup actions 45
timeout.blueprintRestore Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for Blueprint restore actions 600
timeout.blueprintDelete Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for Blueprint delete actions 45
timeout.blueprintHooks Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for Blueprint backupPrehook and backupPosthook actions 20
timeout.checkRepoPodReady Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for temporary worker Pods used to validate backup repository existence 20
timeout.statsPodReady Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for temporary worker Pods used to collect repository statistics 20
timeout.efsRestorePodReady Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for temporary worker Pods used for shareable volume restore operations 45
timeout.workerPodReady Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for all other temporary worker Pods used during Veeam Kasten operations 15
timeout.jobWait Specifies the timeout (in minutes) for completing execution of any child job, after which the parent job will be canceled. If no value is set, a default of 10 hours will be used None
awsConfig.assumeRoleDuration Duration of a session token generated by AWS for an IAM role. The minimum value is 15 minutes and the maximum value is the maximum duration setting for that IAM role. For documentation about how to view and edit the maximum session duration for an IAM role see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html#id_roles_use_view-role-max-session. The value accepts a number along with a single character m(for minutes) or h (for hours) Examples: 60m or 2h ''
awsConfig.efsBackupVaultName Specifies the AWS EFS backup vault name k10vault
vmWare.taskTimeoutMin Specifies the timeout for VMWare operations 60
encryption.primaryKey.awsCmkKeyId Specifies the AWS CMK key ID for encrypting K10 Primary Key None
garbagecollector.daemonPeriod Sets garbage collection period (in seconds) 21600
garbagecollector.keepMaxActions Sets maximum actions to keep 1000
garbagecollector.actions.enabled Enables action collectors false
kubeVirtVMs.snapshot.unfreezeTimeout Defines the time duration within which the VMs must be unfrozen while backing them up. To know more about format go doc can be followed 5m
excludedApps Specifies a list of applications to be excluded from the dashboard & compliance considerations. Format should be a :ref:YAML array<k10_compliance> ["kube-system", "kube-ingress", "kube-node-lease", "kube-public", "kube-rook-ceph"]
workerPodMetricSidecar.enabled Enables a sidecar container for temporary worker Pods used to push Pod performance metrics to Prometheus true
workerPodMetricSidecar.metricLifetime Specifies the period after which metrics for an individual worker Pod are removed from Prometheus 2m
workerPodMetricSidecar.pushGatewayInterval Specifies the frequency for pushing metrics into Prometheus 30s
workerPodMetricSidecar.resources.[requests|limits].[cpu|memory] Specifies resource requests and limits for the temporary worker Pod metric sidecar {}
forceRootInBlueprintActions Forces any Pod created by a Blueprint to run as root user true
defaultPriorityClassName Specifies the default priority class name for all K10 deployments and ephemeral Pods None
priorityClassName.<deploymentName> Overrides the default priority class name for the specified deployment {}
ephemeralPVCOverhead Set the percentage increase for the ephemeral Persistent Volume Claim's storage request, e.g. PVC size = (file raw size) * (1 + ephemeralPVCOverhead) 0.1
datastore.parallelUploads Specifies how many files can be uploaded in parallel to the data store 8
datastore.parallelDownloads Specifies how many files can be downloaded in parallel from the data store 8
kastenDisasterRecovery.quickMode.enabled Enables K10 Quick Disaster Recovery false
fips.enabled Specifies whether K10 should be run in the FIPS mode of operation false
workerPodCRDs.enabled Specifies whether K10 should use ActionPodSpec for granular resource control of worker Pods false
workerPodCRDs.resourcesRequests.maxCPU Max CPU which might be setup in ActionPodSpec ''
workerPodCRDs.resourcesRequests.maxMemory Max memory which might be setup in ActionPodSpec ''
workerPodCRDs.defaultActionPodSpec.name The name of ActionPodSpec that will be used by default for worker Pod resources. ''
workerPodCRDs.defaultActionPodSpec.namespace The namespace of ActionPodSpec that will be used by default for worker Pod resources. ''

Helm tips and tricks

There is a way of setting values via a yaml file instead of using --set. First, copy/paste values into a file (e.g., my_values.yaml):

  awsAccessKeyId: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
  awsSecretAccessKey: ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}

and then run:

  envsubst < my_values.yaml > my_values_out.yaml && helm install k10 kasten/k10 -f my_values_out.yaml

To set a single value from a file, --set-file may be used over --set:

  helm install k10 kasten/k10  --set-file license=my_license.lic

To use non-default GCP ServiceAccount (SA) credentials, the credentials JSON file needs to be encoded into a base64 string:

  sa_key=$(base64 -w0 sa-key.json)
  helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --set secrets.googleApiKey=$sa_key

If the Google Service Account belongs to a project other than the one in which the cluster is located, then the project's ID of the cluster must be also provided during the installation:

  sa_key=$(base64 -w0 sa-key.json)
  helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --set secrets.googleApiKey=$sa_key --set secrets.googleProjectId=<project-id>