
62 KiB

Codefresh Runner

Version: 7.1.7

Helm chart for deploying Codefresh Runner to Kubernetes.

Table of Content


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.8.0+


Since version 6.2.x chart is pushed only to OCI registry at oci://quay.io/codefresh/cf-runtime

Versions prior to 6.2.x are still available in ChartMuseum at http://chartmuseum.codefresh.io/cf-runtime

Get Chart Info

helm show all oci://quay.io/codefresh/cf-runtime

See Use OCI-based registries

Install Chart

Important: only helm3 is supported

  • Specify the following mandatory values


# -- Global parameters
# @default -- See below
  # -- User token in plain text (required if `global.codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef` is omitted!)
  # Ref: https://g.codefresh.io/user/settings (see API Keys)
  # Minimal API key scopes: Runner-Installation(read+write), Agent(read+write), Agents(read+write)
  codefreshToken: ""
  # -- User token that references an existing secret containing API key (required if `global.codefreshToken` is omitted!)
  codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef: {}
  # E.g.
  # codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef:
  #   name: my-codefresh-api-token
  #   key: codefresh-api-token

  # -- Account ID (required!)
  # Can be obtained here https://g.codefresh.io/2.0/account-settings/account-information
  accountId: ""

  # -- K8s context name (required!)
  context: ""
  # E.g.
  # context: prod-ue1-runtime-1

  # -- Agent Name (optional!)
  # If omitted, the following format will be used '{{ .Values.global.context }}_{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
  agentName: ""
  # E.g.
  # agentName: prod-ue1-runtime-1

  # -- Runtime name (optional!)
  # If omitted, the following format will be used '{{ .Values.global.context }}/{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
  runtimeName: ""
  # E.g.
  # runtimeName: prod-ue1-runtime-1/namespace
  • Install chart
helm upgrade --install cf-runtime oci://quay.io/codefresh/cf-runtime -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace codefresh

Chart Configuration

See Customizing the Chart Before Installing.

Upgrade Chart

To 2.x

This major release renames and deprecated several values in the chart. Most of the workload templates have been refactored.

Affected values:

  • dockerRegistry is deprecated. Replaced with global.imageRegistry
  • re is renamed to runtime
  • storage.localVolumeMonitor is replaced with volumeProvisioner.dind-lv-monitor
  • volumeProvisioner.volume-cleanup is replaced with volumeProvisioner.dind-volume-cleanup
  • image values structure has been updated. Split to image.registry image.repository image.tag
  • pod's annotations is renamed to podAnnotations

To 3.x


READ this before the upgrade!

This major release adds runtime-environment spec into chart templates. That means it is possible to set parametes for dind and engine pods via values.yaml.

If you had any overrides (i.e. tolerations/nodeSelector/environment variables/etc) added in runtime spec via codefresh CLI (for example, you did use get and patch commands to modify the runtime-environment), you MUST add these into chart's values.yaml for .Values.runtime.dind or(and) .Values.runtime.engine

For backward compatibility, you can disable updating runtime-environment spec via .Values.runtime.patch.enabled=false

Affected values:

  • added mandatory global.codefreshToken/global.codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef You must specify it before the upgrade!
  • runtime.engine is added
  • runtime.dind is added
  • global.existingAgentToken is replaced with global.agentTokenSecretKeyRef
  • global.existingDindCertsSecret is replaced with global.dindCertsSecretRef

To 4.x

This major release adds agentless inCluster runtime mode (relevant only for Codefresh On-Premises users)

Affected values:

  • runtime.agent / runtime.inCluster / runtime.accounts / runtime.description are added

To 5.x

This major release converts .runtime.dind.pvcs from list to dict

4.x chart's values example:

      - name: dind
        storageClassName: my-storage-class-name
        volumeSize: 32Gi
        reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName'
        reuseVolumeSortOrder: pipeline_id

5.x chart's values example:

        name: dind
        storageClassName: my-storage-class-name
        volumeSize: 32Gi
        reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName'
        reuseVolumeSortOrder: pipeline_id

Affected values:

  • .runtime.dind.pvcs converted from list to dict

To 6.x


READ this before the upgrade!

This major release deprecates previously required codefresh runner init --generate-helm-values-file.

Affected values:

  • Replaced .monitor.clusterId with .global.context as mandatory value!
  • Deprecated .global.agentToken / .global.agentTokenSecretKeyRef
  • Removed .global.agentId
  • Removed .global.keys / .global.dindCertsSecretRef
  • Removed .global.existingAgentToken / existingDindCertsSecret
  • Removed .monitor.clusterId / .monitor.token / .monitor.existingMonitorToken

Migrate the Helm chart from version 5.x to 6.x

Given this is the legacy generated_values.yaml values:

legacy generated_values.yaml

    "appProxy": {
        "enabled": false,
    "monitor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "clusterId": "my-cluster-name",
        "token": "1234567890"
    "global": {
        "namespace": "namespace",
        "codefreshHost": "https://g.codefresh.io",
        "agentToken": "0987654321",
        "agentId": "agent-id-here",
        "agentName": "my-cluster-name_my-namespace",
        "accountId": "my-account-id",
        "runtimeName": "my-cluster-name/my-namespace",
        "codefreshToken": "1234567890",
        "keys": {
            "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...",
            "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----...",
            "ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
            "serverCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----..."

Update values.yaml for new chart version:

For existing installation for backward compatibility .Values.global.agentToken/agentTokenSecretKeyRef must be provided! For installation from scratch this value is no longer required.

updated values.yaml

  codefreshToken: "1234567890"
  accountId: "my-account-id"
  context: "my-cluster-name"
  agentToken: "0987654321"  # MANDATORY when migrating from < 6.x chart version !
  agentName: "my-cluster-name_my-namespace" # optional
  runtimeName: "my-cluster-name/my-namespace" # optional

Note! Though it's still possible to update runtime-environment via get and patch commands, it's recommended to enable sidecar container to pull runtime spec from Codefresh API to detect any drift in configuration.

  # -- Sidecar container
  # Reconciles runtime spec from Codefresh API for drift detection
    enabled: true

To 7.x

⚠️⚠️⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE ⚠️⚠️⚠️

7.0.0 release adds image digests to all images in default values, for example:

      registry: quay.io
      repository: codefresh/engine
      tag: 1.174.15
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      digest: sha256:d547c2044c1488e911ff726462cc417adf2dda731cafd736493c4de4eb9e357b

Which means any overrides for tags won't be used and underlying Kubernetes runtime will pull the image by the digest.

See Pull an image by digest (immutable identifier)


Codefresh Runner architecture


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing.

EBS backend volume configuration

dind-volume-provisioner should have permissions to create/attach/detach/delete/get EBS volumes

Minimal IAM policy for dind-volume-provisioner

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

There are three options:

  1. Run dind-volume-provisioner pod on the node/node-group with IAM role
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: ebs-csi

    availabilityZone: "us-east-1a"

  # -- Set node selector
  nodeSelector: {}
  # -- Set tolerations
  tolerations: []
  1. Pass static credentials in .Values.storage.ebs.accessKeyId/accessKeyIdSecretKeyRef and .Values.storage.ebs.secretAccessKey/secretAccessKeySecretKeyRef
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: ebs-csi

    availabilityZone: "us-east-1a"

    # -- Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for volume-provisioner (optional)
    accessKeyId: ""
    # -- Existing secret containing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
    accessKeyIdSecretKeyRef: {}
    # E.g.
    # accessKeyIdSecretKeyRef:
    #   name:
    #   key:

    # -- Set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for volume-provisioner (optional)
    secretAccessKey: ""
    # -- Existing secret containing AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    secretAccessKeySecretKeyRef: {}
    # E.g.
    # secretAccessKeySecretKeyRef:
    #   name:
    #   key:
  1. Assign IAM role to dind-volume-provisioner service account
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: ebs-csi

    availabilityZone: "us-east-1a"

  # -- Service Account parameters
    # -- Create service account
    create: true
    # -- Additional service account annotations
      eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>"

Custom volume mounts

You can add your own volumes and volume mounts in the runtime environment, so that all pipeline steps will have access to the same set of external files.

        name: regctl-docker-registry
            - key: .dockerconfigjson
              path: config.json
          secretName: regctl-docker-registry
          optional: true
        name: regctl-docker-registry
        mountPath: /home/appuser/.docker/
        readOnly: true

Azure Disks backend volume configuration

dind-volume-provisioner should have permissions to create/delete/get Azure Disks

Role definition for dind-volume-provisioner


  "Name": "CodefreshDindVolumeProvisioner",
  "Description": "Perform create/delete/get disks",
  "IsCustom": true,
  "Actions": [

  "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/<YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"]

When creating an AKS cluster in Azure there is the option to use a managed identity that is assigned to the kubelet. This identity is assigned to the underlying node pool in the AKS cluster and can then be used by the dind-volume-provisioner.

export ROLE_DEFINITIN_FILE=dind-volume-provisioner-role.json
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query "id" | xargs echo )
export LOCATION=$(az aks show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AKS_NAME --query location | xargs echo)
export NODE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL=$(az aks show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AKS_NAME --query identityProfile.kubeletidentity.objectId | xargs echo)

az role definition create --role-definition @${ROLE_DEFINITIN_FILE}
az role assignment create --assignee $NODE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL --scope /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$NODES_RESOURCE_GROUP --role CodefreshDindVolumeProvisioner

Deploy Helm chart with the following values:


    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 0
    runAsGroup: 0
    fsGroup: 0

  backend: azuredisk
    availabilityZone: northeurope-1 # replace with your zone
    resourceGroup: my-resource-group-name

  mountAzureJson: true

      topology.kubernetes.io/zone: northeurope-1

GCE Disks backend volume configuration in GKE

dind-volume-provisioner should have ComputeEngine.StorageAdmin permissions

There are three options:

  1. Run dind-volume-provisioner pod on the node/node-group with IAM Service Account
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: gcedisk

    # -- Set GCP volume backend type (`pd-ssd`/`pd-standard`)
    volumeType: "pd-standard"
    # -- Set GCP volume availability zone
    availabilityZone: "us-central1-c"

  # -- Set node selector
  nodeSelector: {}
  # -- Set tolerations
  tolerations: []

# -- Set runtime parameters
  # -- Parameters for DinD (docker-in-docker) pod
    # -- Set node selector.
      topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-central1-c
  1. Pass static credentials in .Values.storage.gcedisk.serviceAccountJson (inline) or .Values.storage.gcedisk.serviceAccountJsonSecretKeyRef (from your own secret)
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: gcedisk

    # -- Set GCP volume backend type (`pd-ssd`/`pd-standard`)
    volumeType: "`pd-standard"
    # -- Set GCP volume availability zone
    availabilityZone: "us-central1-c"
    # -- Set Google SA JSON key for volume-provisioner (optional)
    serviceAccountJson: |
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "...",
        "private_key_id": "...",
        "private_key": "...",
        "client_email": "...",
        "client_id": "...",
        "auth_uri": "...",
        "token_uri": "...",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...",
        "client_x509_cert_url": "..."
    # -- Existing secret containing containing Google SA JSON key for volume-provisioner (optional)
    serviceAccountJsonSecretKeyRef: {}
    # E.g.:
    # serviceAccountJsonSecretKeyRef:
    #   name: gce-service-account
    #   key: service-account.json

# -- Set runtime parameters
  # -- Parameters for DinD (docker-in-docker) pod
    # -- Set node selector.
      topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-central1-c
  1. Assign IAM role to dind-volume-provisioner service account
  # -- Set backend volume type (`local`/`ebs`/`ebs-csi`/`gcedisk`/`azuredisk`)
  backend: gcedisk

    # -- Set GCP volume backend type (`pd-ssd`/`pd-standard`)
    volumeType: "`pd-standard"
    # -- Set GCP volume availability zone
    availabilityZone: "us-central1-c"

  # -- Service Account parameters
    # -- Create service account
    create: true
    # -- Additional service account annotations
      iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account: <GSA_NAME>@<PROJECT_ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com

# -- Set runtime parameters
  # -- Parameters for DinD (docker-in-docker) pod
    # -- Set node selector.
      topology.kubernetes.io/zone: us-central1-c

Custom global environment variables

You can add your own environment variables to the runtime environment. All pipeline steps have access to the global variables.

    - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
          name: github-token
          key: token

Volume reuse policy

Volume reuse behavior depends on the configuration for reuseVolumeSelector in the runtime environment spec.

      - name: dind
        reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName'
        reuseVolumeSortOrder: pipeline_id

The following options are available:

  • reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName' - PV can be used by ANY pipeline in the specified account (default). Benefit: Fewer PVs, resulting in lower costs. Since any PV can be used by any pipeline, the cluster needs to maintain/reserve fewer PVs in its PV pool for Codefresh. Downside: Since the PV can be used by any pipeline, the PVs could have assets and info from different pipelines, reducing the probability of cache.

  • reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName,project_id' - PV can be used by ALL pipelines in your account, assigned to the same project.

  • reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName,pipeline_id' - PV can be used only by a single pipeline. Benefit: More probability of cache without “spam” from other pipelines. Downside: More PVs to maintain and therefore higher costs.

  • reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName,pipeline_id,io.codefresh.branch_name' - PV can be used only by single pipeline AND single branch.

  • reuseVolumeSelector: 'codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName,pipeline_id,trigger' - PV can be used only by single pipeline AND single trigger.

Volume cleaners

Codefresh pipelines require disk space for:

Codefresh offers two options to manage disk space and prevent out-of-space errors:

To improve performance by using Docker cache, Codefresh volume-provisioner can provision previously used disks with Docker images and pipeline volumes from previously run builds.

Types of runtime volume cleaners

Docker images and volumes must be cleaned on a regular basis.

IN-DIND cleaner

Purpose: Removes unneeded docker containers, images, volumes inside Kubernetes volume mounted on the DIND pod

How it runs: Inside each DIND pod as script

Triggered by: SIGTERM and also during the run when disk usage > 90% (configurable)

Configured by: Environment Variables which can be set in Runtime Environment spec

Configuration/Logic: README.md

Override .Values.runtime.dind.env if necessary (the following are defaults):

      CLEAN_PERIOD_SECONDS: '21600' # launch clean if last clean was more than CLEAN_PERIOD_SECONDS seconds ago
      CLEAN_PERIOD_BUILDS: '5' # launch clean if last clean was more CLEAN_PERIOD_BUILDS builds since last build
      IMAGE_RETAIN_PERIOD: '14400' # do not delete docker images if they have events since current_timestamp - IMAGE_RETAIN_PERIOD
      VOLUMES_RETAIN_PERIOD: '14400' # do not delete docker volumes if they have events since current_timestamp - VOLUMES_RETAIN_PERIOD
      DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD: '0.8' # launch clean based on current disk usage DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD
      INODES_USAGE_THRESHOLD: '0.8' # launch clean based on current inodes usage INODES_USAGE_THRESHOLD

External volumes cleaner

Purpose: Removes unused kubernetes volumes and related backend volumes

How it runs: Runs as dind-volume-cleanup CronJob. Installed in case the Runner uses non-local volumes .Values.storage.backend != local

Triggered by: CronJob every 10min (configurable)


Set codefresh.io/volume-retention for dinds' PVCs:

          codefresh.io/volume-retention: 7d

Or override environment variables for dind-volume-cleanup cronjob:

      RETENTION_DAYS: 7   # clean volumes that were last used more than `RETENTION_DAYS` (default is 4) ago

Local volumes cleaner

Purpose: Deletes local volumes when node disk space is close to the threshold

How it runs: Runs as dind-lv-monitor DaemonSet. Installed in case the Runner uses local volumes .Values.storage.backend == local

Triggered by: Disk space usage or inode usage that exceeds thresholds (configurable)


Override environment variables for dind-lv-monitor daemonset:

      KB_USAGE_THRESHOLD: 60  # default 80 (percentage)
      INODE_USAGE_THRESHOLD: 60  # default 80

Rootless DinD

DinD pod runs a priviliged container with rootfull docker.

To run the docker daemon as non-root user (rootless mode), refer to values-rootless.yaml:

    IS_ROOTLESS: true
  # -- Only if local volumes are used as backend storage (ignored for ebs/ebs-csi disks)
      tag: 1.30.0-rootless
      digest: sha256:712e549e6e843b04684647f17e0973f8047e0d60e6e8b38a693ea64dc75b0479
      runAsUser: 1000
      fsGroup: 1000
      # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#configure-volume-permission-and-ownership-change-policy-for-pods
      fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch"
    # -- Enable initContainer to run chmod for /var/lib/codefresh/dind-volumes on host nodes
      enabled: false

      tag: 26.1.4-1.28.10-rootless
      digest: sha256:59dfc004eb22a8f09c8a3d585271a055af9df4591ab815bca418c24a2077f5c8
        name: dind
        mountPath: /home/rootless/.local/share/docker
      privileged: true
      runAsUser: 1000
      fsGroup: 1000
      # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#configure-volume-permission-and-ownership-change-policy-for-pods
      fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch"
    # -- Enable initContainer to run chmod for /home/rootless in DinD pod
    # !!! Will slow down dind pod startup
      enabled: true


With the Codefresh Runner, you can run native ARM64v8 builds.

Note! You cannot run both amd64 and arm64 images within the same pipeline. As one pipeline can map only to one runtime, you can run either amd64 or arm64 within the same pipeline.

Provide nodeSelector and(or) tolerations for dind pods:


      arch: arm64
    - key: arch
      operator: Equal
      value: arm64
      effect: NoSchedule


To install Codefresh Runner on OpenShift use the following values.yaml example

    enabled: false

    enabled: false
      enabled: true
      privileged: true
      enabled: true
        privileged: true
        runAsUser: auto

Grant privileged SCC to cf-runtime-runner and cf-runtime-volume-provisioner service accounts.

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:codefresh:cf-runtime-runner

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:codefresh:cf-runtime-volume-provisioner


If you have Codefresh On-Premises deployed, you can install Codefresh Runner in agentless mode.

What is agentless mode?

Agent (aka venona) is Runner component which responsible for calling Codefresh API to run builds and create dind/engine pods and pvc objects. Agent can only be assigned to a single account, thus you can't share one runtime across multiple accounts. However, with agentless mode it's possible to register the runtime as system-type runtime so it's registered on the platform level and can be assigned/shared across multiple accounts.

What are the prerequisites?

  • You have a running Codefresh On-Premises control-plane environment
  • You have a Codefresh API token with platform Admin permissions scope

How to deploy agentless runtime when it's on the SAME k8s cluster as On-Premises control-plane environment?

  • Enable cluster-level permissions for cf-api (On-Premises control-plane component)

values.yaml for Codefresh On-Premises Helm chart

  # -- Enable ClusterRole/ClusterRoleBinding
    namespaced: false
  • Set the following values for Runner Helm chart


values.yaml for Codefresh Runner helm chart

  # -- URL of Codefresh On-Premises Platform
  codefreshHost: "https://myonprem.somedomain.com"
  # -- User token in plain text with Admin permission scope
  codefreshToken: ""
  # -- User token that references an existing secret containing API key.
  codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef: {}
  # E.g.
  # codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef:
  #   name: my-codefresh-api-token
  #   key: codefresh-api-token

  # -- Distinguished runtime name
  # (for On-Premise only; mandatory!) Must be prefixed with "system/..."
  runtimeName: "system/prod-ue1-some-cluster-name"

# -- Set runtime parameters
  # -- (for On-Premise only; mandatory!) Disable agent
  agent: false
  # -- (for On-Premise only; optional) Set inCluster runtime (default: `true`)
  # `inCluster=true` flag is set when Runtime and On-Premises control-plane are run on the same cluster
  # `inCluster=false` flag is set when Runtime and On-Premises control-plane are on different clusters
  inCluster: true
  # -- (for On-Premise only; optional) Assign accounts to runtime (list of account ids; default is empty)
  # Accounts can be assigned to the runtime in Codefresh UI later so you can kepp it empty.
  accounts: []
  # -- Set parent runtime to inherit.
  runtimeExtends: []
  • Install the chart
helm upgrade --install cf-runtime oci://quay.io/codefresh/cf-runtime -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace cf-runtime
  • Verify the runtime and run test pipeline

Go to https://<YOUR_ONPREM_DOMAIN_HERE>/admin/runtime-environments/system to check the runtime. Assign it to the required account(s). Run test pipeline on it.

How to deploy agentless runtime when it's on the DIFFERENT k8s cluster than On-Premises control-plane environment?

In this case, it's required to mount runtime cluster's KUBECONFIG into On-Premises cf-api deployment

  • Create the neccessary RBAC resources

values.yaml for Codefresh Runner helm chart

- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  kind: Role
    name: codefresh-role
    namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pods", "persistentvolumeclaims", "persistentvolumes"]
      verbs: ["list", "watch", "get", "create", "patch", "delete"]
    - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"]
      resources: ["volumesnapshots"]
      verbs: ["list", "watch", "get", "create", "patch", "delete"]
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: ServiceAccount
    name: codefresh-runtime-user
    namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  kind: RoleBinding
    name: codefresh-runtime-user
    namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
    apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: Role
    name: codefresh-role
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: codefresh-runtime-user
    namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Secret
    name: codefresh-runtime-user-token
    namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
      kubernetes.io/service-account.name: codefresh-runtime-user
  type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
  • Set up the following environment variables to create a KUBECONFIG file
CURRENT_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context)

USER_TOKEN_VALUE=$(kubectl -n cf-runtime get secret/codefresh-runtime-user-token -o=go-template='{{.data.token}}' | base64 --decode)
CURRENT_CLUSTER=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .contexts}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CONTEXT}'''"}}{{ index .context "cluster" }}{{end}}{{end}}')
CLUSTER_CA=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .clusters}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CLUSTER}'''"}}"{{with index .cluster "certificate-authority-data" }}{{.}}{{end}}"{{ end }}{{ end }}')
CLUSTER_SERVER=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .clusters}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CLUSTER}'''"}}{{ .cluster.server }}{{end}}{{ end }}')

  • Create a kubeconfig file
cat << EOF > $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
current-context: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
- name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    cluster: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    user: codefresh-runtime-user
    namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
- name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    certificate-authority-data: ${CLUSTER_CA}
    server: ${CLUSTER_SERVER}
- name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    token: ${USER_TOKEN_VALUE}
  • Switch context to On-Premises control-plane cluster. Create k8s secret (via any tool like ESO, kubectl, etc ) containing runtime cluster's KUBECONFG created in previous step.
kubectl create secret generic dind-runtime-clusters --from-file=$CLUSTER_NAME=$CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig -n $NAMESPACE
  • Mount secret containing runtime cluster's KUBECONFG into cf-api in On-Premises control-plane cluster

values.yaml for Codefresh On-Premises helm chart

      enabled: true
      type: secret
      nameOverride: dind-runtime-clusters
      optional: true

volumeMount /etc/kubeconfig is already configured in cf-api Helm chart template. No need to specify it.

  • Set the following values for Runner helm chart

values.yaml for Codefresh Runner helm chart


Important! .Values.global.name ("system/" prefix is ignored!) should match the cluster name (key in dind-runtime-clusters secret created previously)

  # -- URL of Codefresh On-Premises Platform
  codefreshHost: "https://myonprem.somedomain.com"
  # -- User token in plain text with Admin permission scope
  codefreshToken: ""
  # -- User token that references an existing secret containing API key.
  codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef: {}
  # E.g.
  # codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef:
  #   name: my-codefresh-api-token
  #   key: codefresh-api-token

  # -- Distinguished runtime name
  # (for On-Premise only; mandatory!) Must be prefixed with "system/..."
  name: "system/prod-ue1-some-cluster-name"

# -- Set runtime parameters
  # -- (for On-Premise only; mandatory!) Disable agent
  agent: false
  # -- (for On-Premise only; optional) Set inCluster runtime (default: `true`)
  # `inCluster=true` flag is set when Runtime and On-Premises control-plane are run on the same cluster
  # `inCluster=false` flag is set when Runtime and On-Premises control-plane are on different clusters
  inCluster: false
  # -- (for On-Premise only; optional) Assign accounts to runtime (list of account ids; default is empty)
  # Accounts can be assigned to the runtime in Codefresh UI later so you can kepp it empty.
  accounts: []
  # -- (optional) Set parent runtime to inherit.
  runtimeExtends: []
  • Install the chart
helm upgrade --install cf-runtime oci://quay.io/codefresh/cf-runtime -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace cf-runtime
  • Verify the runtime and run test pipeline

Go to https://<YOUR_ONPREM_DOMAIN_HERE>/admin/runtime-environments/system to see the runtime. Assign it to the required account(s).


Repository Name Version
oci://quay.io/codefresh/charts cf-common 0.21.0


Key Type Default Description
appProxy.affinity object {} Set affinity
appProxy.enabled bool false Enable app-proxy
appProxy.env object {} Add additional env vars
appProxy.image object {"digest":"sha256:324a9b89924152cce195c7239ddd8501c8aa5f901d19bc4d9f3936cbe5dac14f","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/cf-app-proxy","tag":"0.0.47"} Set image
appProxy.ingress.annotations object {} Set extra annotations for ingress object
appProxy.ingress.class string "" Set ingress class
appProxy.ingress.host string "" Set DNS hostname the ingress will use
appProxy.ingress.pathPrefix string "" Set path prefix for ingress (keep empty for default / path)
appProxy.ingress.tlsSecret string "" Set k8s tls secret for the ingress object
appProxy.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector
appProxy.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations
appProxy.podSecurityContext object {} Set security context for the pod
appProxy.rbac object {"create":true,"namespaced":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
appProxy.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
appProxy.rbac.namespaced bool true Use Role(true)/ClusterRole(true)
appProxy.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the role
appProxy.readinessProbe object See below Readiness probe configuration
appProxy.replicasCount int 1 Set number of pods
appProxy.resources object {} Set requests and limits
appProxy.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":"","namespaced":true} Service Account parameters
appProxy.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
appProxy.serviceAccount.create bool true Create service account
appProxy.serviceAccount.name string "" Override service account name
appProxy.serviceAccount.namespaced bool true Use Role(true)/ClusterRole(true)
appProxy.tolerations list [] Set tolerations
appProxy.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Upgrade strategy
dockerRegistry string ""
event-exporter object See below Event exporter parameters
event-exporter.affinity object {} Set affinity
event-exporter.enabled bool false Enable event-exporter
event-exporter.env object {} Add additional env vars
event-exporter.image object {"digest":"sha256:cf52048f1378fb6659dffd1394d68fdf23a7ea709585dc14b5007f3e5a1b7584","registry":"docker.io","repository":"codefresh/k8s-event-exporter","tag":"latest"} Set image
event-exporter.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector
event-exporter.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations
event-exporter.podSecurityContext object See below Set security context for the pod
event-exporter.rbac object {"create":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
event-exporter.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
event-exporter.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the role
event-exporter.replicasCount int 1 Set number of pods
event-exporter.resources object {} Set resources
event-exporter.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} Service Account parameters
event-exporter.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
event-exporter.serviceAccount.create bool true Create service account
event-exporter.serviceAccount.name string "" Override service account name
event-exporter.tolerations list [] Set tolerations
event-exporter.updateStrategy object {"type":"Recreate"} Upgrade strategy
extraResources list [] Array of extra objects to deploy with the release
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override cf-runtime.fullname template
global object See below Global parameters
global.accountId string "" Account ID (required!) Can be obtained here https://g.codefresh.io/2.0/account-settings/account-information
global.agentName string "" Agent Name (optional!) If omitted, the following format will be used {{ .Values.global.context }}_{{ .Release.Namespace }}
global.agentToken string "" DEPRECATED Agent token in plain text. !!! MUST BE provided if migrating from < 6.x chart version
global.agentTokenSecretKeyRef object {} DEPRECATED Agent token that references an existing secret containing API key. !!! MUST BE provided if migrating from < 6.x chart version
global.codefreshHost string "https://g.codefresh.io" URL of Codefresh Platform (required!)
global.codefreshToken string "" User token in plain text (required if global.codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef is omitted!) Ref: https://g.codefresh.io/user/settings (see API Keys) Minimal API key scopes: Runner-Installation(read+write), Agent(read+write), Agents(read+write)
global.codefreshTokenSecretKeyRef object {} User token that references an existing secret containing API key (required if global.codefreshToken is omitted!)
global.context string "" K8s context name (required!)
global.imagePullSecrets list [] Global Docker registry secret names as array
global.imageRegistry string "" Global Docker image registry
global.runtimeName string "" Runtime name (optional!) If omitted, the following format will be used {{ .Values.global.context }}/{{ .Release.Namespace }}
monitor.affinity object {} Set affinity
monitor.enabled bool false Enable monitor Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#install-monitoring-component
monitor.env object {} Add additional env vars
monitor.image object {"digest":"sha256:5be2b798d583abdae68271f57724dd7f2b0251a238845c466fa7b67f078f59ad","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/cf-k8s-agent","tag":"1.3.19"} Set image
monitor.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector
monitor.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations
monitor.podSecurityContext object {}
monitor.rbac object {"create":true,"namespaced":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
monitor.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
monitor.rbac.namespaced bool true Use Role(true)/ClusterRole(true)
monitor.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the role
monitor.readinessProbe object See below Readiness probe configuration
monitor.replicasCount int 1 Set number of pods
monitor.resources object {} Set resources
monitor.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} Service Account parameters
monitor.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
monitor.serviceAccount.create bool true Create service account
monitor.serviceAccount.name string "" Override service account name
monitor.tolerations list [] Set tolerations
monitor.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Upgrade strategy
nameOverride string "" String to partially override cf-runtime.fullname template (will maintain the release name)
podMonitor object See below Add podMonitor (for engine pods)
podMonitor.main.enabled bool false Enable pod monitor for engine pods
podMonitor.runner.enabled bool false Enable pod monitor for runner pod
podMonitor.volume-provisioner.enabled bool false Enable pod monitor for volumeProvisioner pod
re object {}
runner object See below Runner parameters
runner.affinity object {} Set affinity
runner.enabled bool true Enable the runner
runner.env object {} Add additional env vars
runner.image object {"digest":"sha256:2327a1af2b8ad13e9685e7e577c2aa0d23580657c8da001f436f803280879eab","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/venona","tag":"1.10.8"} Set image
runner.init object {"image":{"digest":"sha256:27281df44814d837fbcc41ba53ee8010ce5496eb758c29f775958d713c79c41a","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/cli","tag":"0.85.0-rootless"},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"512Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"0.2","memory":"256Mi"}}} Init container
runner.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector
runner.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations
runner.podSecurityContext object See below Set security context for the pod
runner.rbac object {"create":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
runner.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
runner.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the role
runner.readinessProbe object See below Readiness probe configuration
runner.replicasCount int 1 Set number of pods
runner.resources object {} Set requests and limits
runner.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} Service Account parameters
runner.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
runner.serviceAccount.create bool true Create service account
runner.serviceAccount.name string "" Override service account name
runner.sidecar object {"enabled":false,"env":{"RECONCILE_INTERVAL":300},"image":{"digest":"sha256:a30a8810dde249d0198f67792ed9696363f15c8cecbac955ee9bd267b5454ee7","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/kubectl","tag":"1.31.2"},"resources":{}} Sidecar container Reconciles runtime spec from Codefresh API for drift detection
runner.tolerations list [] Set tolerations
runner.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Upgrade strategy
runtime object See below Set runtime parameters
runtime.accounts list [] (for On-Premise only) Assign accounts to runtime (list of account ids)
runtime.agent bool true (for On-Premise only) Enable agent
runtime.description string "" Runtime description
runtime.dind object {"affinity":{},"containerSecurityContext":{},"env":{"DOCKER_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_PULL_SCHEMA_1_IMAGE":true},"image":{"digest":"sha256:33c343dd01e8a24f0b4a872bbe62884320719f9d9dc27b7a8fed9f7e9fc7e80e","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/dind","tag":"26.1.4-1.28.8"},"nodeSelector":{},"podAnnotations":{},"podLabels":{},"podSecurityContext":{},"pvcs":{"dind":{"annotations":{},"name":"dind","reuseVolumeSelector":"codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName","reuseVolumeSortOrder":"pipeline_id","storageClassName":"{{ include \"dind-volume-provisioner.storageClassName\" . }}","volumeSize":"16Gi"}},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"400m","memory":"800Mi"},"requests":null},"schedulerName":"","serviceAccount":"codefresh-engine","terminationGracePeriodSeconds":30,"tolerations":[],"userAccess":true,"userVolumeMounts":{},"userVolumes":{},"volumePermissions":{"enabled":false,"image":{"digest":"sha256:2995c82e8e723d9a5c8585cb8e901d1c50e3c2759031027d3bff577449435157","registry":"docker.io","repository":"alpine","tag":3.18},"resources":{},"securityContext":{"runAsUser":0}}} Parameters for DinD (docker-in-docker) pod (aka "runtime" pod).
runtime.dind.affinity object {} Set affinity
runtime.dind.containerSecurityContext object {} Set container security context.
runtime.dind.env object {"DOCKER_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_PULL_SCHEMA_1_IMAGE":true} Set additional env vars.
runtime.dind.image object {"digest":"sha256:33c343dd01e8a24f0b4a872bbe62884320719f9d9dc27b7a8fed9f7e9fc7e80e","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/dind","tag":"26.1.4-1.28.8"} Set dind image.
runtime.dind.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector.
runtime.dind.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations.
runtime.dind.podLabels object {} Set pod labels.
runtime.dind.podSecurityContext object {} Set security context for the pod.
runtime.dind.pvcs object {"dind":{"annotations":{},"name":"dind","reuseVolumeSelector":"codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName","reuseVolumeSortOrder":"pipeline_id","storageClassName":"{{ include \"dind-volume-provisioner.storageClassName\" . }}","volumeSize":"16Gi"}} PV claim spec parametes.
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind object {"annotations":{},"name":"dind","reuseVolumeSelector":"codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName","reuseVolumeSortOrder":"pipeline_id","storageClassName":"{{ include \"dind-volume-provisioner.storageClassName\" . }}","volumeSize":"16Gi"} Default dind PVC parameters
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind.annotations object {} PV annotations.
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind.name string "dind" PVC name prefix. Keep dind as default! Don't change!
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind.reuseVolumeSelector string "codefresh-app,io.codefresh.accountName" PV reuse selector. Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#volume-reuse-policy
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind.storageClassName string "{{ include \"dind-volume-provisioner.storageClassName\" . }}" PVC storage class name. Change ONLY if you need to use storage class NOT from Codefresh volume-provisioner
runtime.dind.pvcs.dind.volumeSize string "16Gi" PVC size.
runtime.dind.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"400m","memory":"800Mi"},"requests":null} Set dind resources.
runtime.dind.schedulerName string "" Set scheduler name.
runtime.dind.serviceAccount string "codefresh-engine" Set service account for pod.
runtime.dind.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Set termination grace period.
runtime.dind.tolerations list [] Set tolerations.
runtime.dind.userAccess bool true Keep true as default!
runtime.dind.userVolumeMounts object {} Add extra volume mounts
runtime.dind.userVolumes object {} Add extra volumes
runtime.dindDaemon object See below DinD pod daemon config
runtime.engine object {"affinity":{},"command":["npm","run","start"],"env":{"CONTAINER_LOGGER_EXEC_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS":1000,"DOCKER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS":30000,"FORCE_COMPOSE_SERIAL_PULL":false,"LOGGER_LEVEL":"debug","LOG_OUTGOING_HTTP_REQUESTS":false,"METRICS_PROMETHEUS_COLLECT_PROCESS_METRICS":false,"METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED":true,"METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE_LEGACY_METRICS":false,"METRICS_PROMETHEUS_HOST":"","METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PORT":9100,"TRUSTED_QEMU_IMAGES":""},"image":{"digest":"sha256:6d995ddf26edb4ad4240060f3fa68831bbf9b86a4b342928b116f15921aa9182","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/engine","tag":"1.174.18"},"nodeSelector":{},"podAnnotations":{},"podLabels":{},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"2048Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}},"runtimeImages":{"COMPOSE_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/compose:v2.28.1-1.5.0@sha256:362977564c096b7c2c007b8478ec87cac13d781839adc271d858290213bd89f2","CONTAINER_LOGGER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-container-logger:1.11.7@sha256:1e7bcee65203f9fdfc7ee5231cb4d29b179479d70dd42ec9855d20c57ab43c48","COSIGN_IMAGE_SIGNER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-cosign-image-signer:2.4.0-cf.2@sha256:5e0993207aa809c25ed70cf89af444d9720892fb4a29deb82db45618b0cae4a9","CR_6177_FIXER":"alpine:edge@sha256:8431297eedca8df8f1e6144803c6d7e057ecff2408aa6861213cb9e507acadf8","DOCKER_BUILDER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-docker-builder:1.3.16@sha256:142288b34c4af9abad44f304f00b109825df0894853a66a77a09f3ebf507d176","DOCKER_PULLER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-docker-puller:8.0.18@sha256:1a15c3ae0952d3986de7866a3def8ac7e3e39f668fe87fd46c63d886ca06c6d7","DOCKER_PUSHER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-docker-pusher:6.0.16@sha256:05efc1af8b1196f1b9b3f0781b4dcc1aa2cdd0ffc1347ee5fa81b16d029ec5c2","DOCKER_TAG_PUSHER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-docker-tag-pusher:1.3.14@sha256:801caf9100218c9ed638fb5ca205fcc133f54d00468ed81093b22a4f0a0ffae9","FS_OPS_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/fs-ops:1.2.3@sha256:57374ccd5275325fc36b237fb38c77dd1f65c84d5aebfe88c9ea0e434ea20fc9","GC_BUILDER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-gc-builder:0.5.3@sha256:33ac914e6b844909f188a208cf90e569358cafa5aaa60f49848f49d99bcaf875","GIT_CLONE_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-git-cloner:10.2.0@sha256:a3ec854823f17d0fd817d978219122e644b1abd6db778fd835688fcb6d88c515","KUBE_DEPLOY":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-deploy-kubernetes:16.1.11@sha256:b6b3fc6cc5fad3ba9e36055278ce99a74a86876be116574503c6fbb4c1b4aa76","PIPELINE_DEBUGGER_IMAGE":"quay.io/codefresh/cf-debugger:1.3.6@sha256:4892d72afc0e27718134eff2cb3c1276f731f3d2a41fd76cd73b500310326e47","TEMPLATE_ENGINE":"quay.io/codefresh/pikolo:0.14.1@sha256:fb7173cfed7536f7de68e75996106e2ce3a0a204e6c5609cba0d7eb62c9db9e1"},"schedulerName":"","serviceAccount":"codefresh-engine","terminationGracePeriodSeconds":180,"tolerations":[],"userEnvVars":[],"workflowLimits":{"MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_TIME_BEFORE_PRE_STEPS_SUCCESS":600,"MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_WORKFLOW_AGE_BEFORE_TERMINATION":86400,"MAXIMUM_ELECTED_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED":900,"MAXIMUM_RETRY_ATTEMPTS_ALLOWED":20,"MAXIMUM_TERMINATING_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED":900,"MAXIMUM_TERMINATING_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_UPDATE":300,"TIME_ENGINE_INACTIVE_UNTIL_TERMINATION":300,"TIME_ENGINE_INACTIVE_UNTIL_UNHEALTHY":60,"TIME_INACTIVE_UNTIL_TERMINATION":2700}} Parameters for Engine pod (aka "pipeline" orchestrator).
runtime.engine.affinity object {} Set affinity
runtime.engine.command list ["npm","run","start"] Set container command.
runtime.engine.env.CONTAINER_LOGGER_EXEC_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS int 1000 Interval to check the exec status in the container-logger
runtime.engine.env.DOCKER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS int 30000 Timeout while doing requests to the Docker daemon
runtime.engine.env.FORCE_COMPOSE_SERIAL_PULL bool false If "true", composition images will be pulled sequentially
runtime.engine.env.LOGGER_LEVEL string "debug" Level of logging for engine
runtime.engine.env.LOG_OUTGOING_HTTP_REQUESTS bool false Enable debug-level logging of outgoing HTTP/HTTPS requests
runtime.engine.env.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_COLLECT_PROCESS_METRICS bool false Enable collecting process metrics
runtime.engine.env.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED bool true Enable emitting metrics from engine
runtime.engine.env.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE_LEGACY_METRICS bool false Enable legacy metrics
runtime.engine.env.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_HOST string "" Host for Prometheus metrics server
runtime.engine.env.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PORT int 9100 Port for Prometheus metrics server
runtime.engine.env.TRUSTED_QEMU_IMAGES string "" Trusted QEMU images used for docker builds - when left blank only 'tonistiigi/binfmt' is trusted.
runtime.engine.image object {"digest":"sha256:6d995ddf26edb4ad4240060f3fa68831bbf9b86a4b342928b116f15921aa9182","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/engine","tag":"1.174.18"} Set image.
runtime.engine.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector.
runtime.engine.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations.
runtime.engine.podLabels object {} Set pod labels.
runtime.engine.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"2048Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}} Set resources.
runtime.engine.runtimeImages object See below. Set system(base) runtime images.
runtime.engine.schedulerName string "" Set scheduler name.
runtime.engine.serviceAccount string "codefresh-engine" Set service account for pod.
runtime.engine.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 180 Set termination grace period.
runtime.engine.tolerations list [] Set tolerations.
runtime.engine.userEnvVars list [] Set extra env vars
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_TIME_BEFORE_PRE_STEPS_SUCCESS int 600 Maximum time allowed to the engine to wait for the pre-steps (aka "Initializing Process") to succeed; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_WORKFLOW_AGE_BEFORE_TERMINATION int 86400 Maximum time for workflow execution; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_ELECTED_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED int 900 Maximum time allowed to workflow to spend in "elected" state; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_RETRY_ATTEMPTS_ALLOWED int 20 Maximum retry attempts allowed for workflow.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_TERMINATING_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED int 900 Maximum time allowed to workflow to spend in "terminating" state until force terminated; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.MAXIMUM_TERMINATING_STATE_AGE_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_UPDATE int 300 Maximum time allowed to workflow to spend in "terminating" state without logs activity until force terminated; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.TIME_ENGINE_INACTIVE_UNTIL_TERMINATION int 300 Time since the last health check report after which workflow is terminated; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.TIME_ENGINE_INACTIVE_UNTIL_UNHEALTHY int 60 Time since the last health check report after which the engine is considered unhealthy; seconds.
runtime.engine.workflowLimits.TIME_INACTIVE_UNTIL_TERMINATION int 2700 Time since the last workflow logs activity after which workflow is terminated; seconds.
runtime.gencerts object See below Parameters for gencerts-dind post-upgrade/install hook
runtime.inCluster bool true (for On-Premise only) Set inCluster runtime
runtime.patch object See below Parameters for runtime-patch post-upgrade/install hook
runtime.rbac object {"create":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
runtime.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
runtime.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the engine role
runtime.runtimeExtends list ["system/default/hybrid/k8s_low_limits"] Set parent runtime to inherit. Should not be changes. Parent runtime is controlled from Codefresh side.
runtime.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true} Set annotation on engine Service Account Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/#injecting-aws-arn-roles-into-the-cluster
serviceMonitor object See below Add serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.main.enabled bool false Enable service monitor for dind pods
storage.azuredisk.cachingMode string "None"
storage.azuredisk.skuName string "Premium_LRS" Set storage type (Premium_LRS)
storage.backend string "local" Set backend volume type (local/ebs/ebs-csi/gcedisk/azuredisk)
storage.ebs.accessKeyId string "" Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for volume-provisioner (optional) Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#dind-volume-provisioner-permissions
storage.ebs.accessKeyIdSecretKeyRef object {} Existing secret containing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
storage.ebs.availabilityZone string "us-east-1a" Set EBS volumes availability zone (required)
storage.ebs.encrypted string "false" Enable encryption (optional)
storage.ebs.kmsKeyId string "" Set KMS encryption key ID (optional)
storage.ebs.secretAccessKey string "" Set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for volume-provisioner (optional) Ref: https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/installation/codefresh-runner/#dind-volume-provisioner-permissions
storage.ebs.secretAccessKeySecretKeyRef object {} Existing secret containing AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
storage.ebs.volumeType string "gp2" Set EBS volume type (gp2/gp3/io1) (required)
storage.fsType string "ext4" Set filesystem type (ext4/xfs)
storage.gcedisk.availabilityZone string "us-west1-a" Set GCP volume availability zone
storage.gcedisk.serviceAccountJson string "" Set Google SA JSON key for volume-provisioner (optional)
storage.gcedisk.serviceAccountJsonSecretKeyRef object {} Existing secret containing containing Google SA JSON key for volume-provisioner (optional)
storage.gcedisk.volumeType string "pd-ssd" Set GCP volume backend type (pd-ssd/pd-standard)
storage.local.volumeParentDir string "/var/lib/codefresh/dind-volumes" Set volume path on the host filesystem
storage.mountAzureJson bool false
volumeProvisioner object See below Volume Provisioner parameters
volumeProvisioner.affinity object {} Set affinity
volumeProvisioner.dind-lv-monitor object See below dind-lv-monitor DaemonSet parameters (local volumes cleaner)
volumeProvisioner.enabled bool true Enable volume-provisioner
volumeProvisioner.env object {} Add additional env vars
volumeProvisioner.image object {"digest":"sha256:ede6f663c912a08b7d335b5ec5518ccc266b27c431d0854d22971005992adc5d","registry":"quay.io","repository":"codefresh/dind-volume-provisioner","tag":"1.35.2"} Set image
volumeProvisioner.nodeSelector object {} Set node selector
volumeProvisioner.podAnnotations object {} Set pod annotations
volumeProvisioner.podSecurityContext object See below Set security context for the pod
volumeProvisioner.rbac object {"create":true,"rules":[]} RBAC parameters
volumeProvisioner.rbac.create bool true Create RBAC resources
volumeProvisioner.rbac.rules list [] Add custom rule to the role
volumeProvisioner.replicasCount int 1 Set number of pods
volumeProvisioner.resources object {} Set resources
volumeProvisioner.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} Service Account parameters
volumeProvisioner.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
volumeProvisioner.serviceAccount.create bool true Create service account
volumeProvisioner.serviceAccount.name string "" Override service account name
volumeProvisioner.tolerations list [] Set tolerations
volumeProvisioner.updateStrategy object {"type":"Recreate"} Upgrade strategy