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Crate Operator Helm Chart

A Helm chart for installing and upgrading the Crate Operator. The CrateDB Kubernetes Operator provides convenient way to run CrateDB clusters inside Kubernetes.

Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.


The Crate Operator requires the CrateDB CRD. It can be installed separately by installing the Helm Chart or as a dependency of this Chart.

If the CRD is already installed (via the crate-operator-crds Helm chart or manually), you need to pass --set crate-operator-crds.enabled=false when installing the Operator.

If the RBAC resources are already installed, you need to pass --set rbac.create=false when installing the Operator.


Once Helm is properly set up, install the chart.

Install from local folder

helm install crate-operator crate-operator

Install from repo

helm repo add crate-operator https://crate.github.io/crate-operator
helm search repo crate-operator
helm install crate-operator crate-operator/crate-operator


The operator is installed in the namespace crate-operator. The namespace needs either to be created first:

kubectl create namespace crate-operator

or it will be created automatically by adding --namespace=crate-operator --create-namespace to the Helm command:

helm upgrade --install --atomic crate-operator crate-operator \
    --namespace=crate-operator \


Please refer to the configuration documentation for further details.

Upgrading the Operator

helm upgrade --atomic crate-operator crate-operator