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JFrog Artifactory Chart Upgrade Notes

This file describes special upgrade notes needed at specific versions

Upgrade from 1.X to 2.X (Chart Versions)

Upgrade from 0.X to 1.X (Chart Versions)


  • If this is a new deployment or you already use an external database (postgresql.enabled=false), these changes do not affect you!
  • PostgreSQL sub chart was upgraded to version 6.5.x. This version is not backward compatible with the old version (0.9.5)!
  • Note the following PostgreSQL Helm chart changes
    • The chart configuration has changed! See values.yaml for the new keys used
    • PostgreSQL is deployed as a StatefulSet
    • See PostgreSQL helm chart for all available configurations
  • Upgrade
    • Due to breaking changes in the PostgreSQL Helm chart, a migration of the database is needed from the old to the new database
    • The recommended migration process is the full system export and import
      • NOTE: To save time, export only metadata and configuration (check Exclude Content in the System Import & Export) since the Artifactory filestore is persisted
      • Upgrade steps:
        1. Block user access to Artifactory (do not shutdown) a. Scale down the cluster to primary node only (node.replicaCount=0) so the exported db and configuration will be kept on one known node (the primary) b. If your Artifactory HA K8s service is set to member nodes only (service.pool=members) you will need to access the primary node directly (use kubectl port-forward)
        2. Perform Export System from the Admin -> Import & Export -> System -> Export System a. Check Exclude Content to save export size (as Artifactory filestore will persist across upgrade) b. Choose to save the export on the persisted Artifactory volume (/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/) c. Click Export (this can take some time)
        3. Run the helm upgrade with the new version. Old PostgreSQL will be removed and new one deployed a. You must pass explicit "ready for upgrade flag" with --set databaseUpgradeReady=yes. Failing to provide this will block the upgrade!
        4. Once ready, open Artifactory UI (you might need to re-enter a valid license). Skip all onboarding wizard steps a. NOTE: Don't worry you can't see the old config and files. It will all restore with the system import in the next step
        5. Perform Import System from the Admin -> Import & Export -> System -> Import System a. Browse to where the export was saved Artifactory volume (/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/<directory-you-set>) b. Click Import (this can take some time)
        6. Restore access to Artifactory a. Scale the cluster member nodes back to the original size
      • Artifactory should now be ready to get back to normal operation