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Datadog Operator

Version: 0.9.1 AppVersion: 0.8.3


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Allows to specify affinity for Datadog Operator PODs
apiKey string nil Your Datadog API key
apiKeyExistingSecret string nil Use existing Secret which stores API key instead of creating a new one
appKey string nil Your Datadog APP key
appKeyExistingSecret string nil Use existing Secret which stores APP key instead of creating a new one
collectOperatorMetrics bool true Configures an openmetrics check to collect operator metrics
containerSecurityContext object {} A security context defines privileges and access control settings for a container.
datadog-crds.crds.datadogAgents bool true Set to true to deploy the DatadogAgents CRD
datadog-crds.crds.datadogMetrics bool true Set to true to deploy the DatadogMetrics CRD
datadog-crds.crds.datadogMonitors bool true Set to true to deploy the DatadogMonitors CRD
datadog-crds.migration.datadogAgents.version string "v1alpha1"
datadogMonitor.enabled bool false Enables the Datadog Monitor controller
dd_url string nil The host of the Datadog intake server to send Agent data to, only set this option if you need the Agent to send data to a custom URL
env list [] Define any environment variables to be passed to the operator.
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Define the pullPolicy for Datadog Operator image
image.repository string "gcr.io/datadoghq/operator" Repository to use for Datadog Operator image
image.tag string "0.8.1" Define the Datadog Operator version to use
imagePullSecrets list [] Datadog Operator repository pullSecret (ex: specify docker registry credentials)
installCRDs bool true Set to true to deploy the Datadog's CRDs
logLevel string "info" Set Datadog Operator log level (debug, info, error, panic, fatal)
metricsPort int 8383 Port used for OpenMetrics endpoint
nameOverride string "" Override name of app
nodeSelector object {} Allows to schedule Datadog Operator on specific nodes
podAnnotations object {} Allows setting additional annotations for Datadog Operator PODs
podLabels object {} Allows setting additional labels for for Datadog Operator PODs
rbac.create bool true Specifies whether the RBAC resources should be created
replicaCount int 1 Number of instances of Datadog Operator
resources object {} Set resources requests/limits for Datadog Operator PODs
secretBackend.arguments string "" Specifies the space-separated arguments passed to the command that implements the secret backend api
secretBackend.command string "" Specifies the path to the command that implements the secret backend api
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Allows setting additional annotations for service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.name string nil The name of the service account to use. If not set name is generated using the fullname template
site string nil The site of the Datadog intake to send data to (documentation: https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/site/)
supportExtendedDaemonset string "false" If true, supports using ExtendedDeamonSet CRD
tolerations list [] Allows to schedule Datadog Operator on tainted nodes
watchNamespaces list [] Restrics the Operator to watch its managed resources on specific namespaces
webhook object {"conversion":{"enabled":false}} configure webhook servers

How to configure which namespaces are watched by the Operator.

By default, the Operator only watches resources (DatadogAgent, DatadogMonitor) that are present in the same namespace.

It is possible to configure the Operator to watch resources that are present in one or several specific namespaces.

- "default"
- "datadog"

To watch all namespaces, the following configuration needs to be used:

- ""