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Kubeslice Enterprise Controller Helm Charts

The KubeSlice Controller is installed in one of the clusters and provides a central configuration management system, for slices across multiple clusters. Please refer to the documentation for more details.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add kubeslice https://kubeslice.aveshalabs.io/repository/kubeslice-helm-ent-prod/ 

You can then run helm search repo kubeslice to see the charts.

Setting Up Kubeslice Controller

Install Chart

See Kubeslice Controller Installation for instructions on istalling worker operator on kind for non-production use.

For setting up Kubeslice Controller on other cloud platforms, refer to the Kubeslice Controller Installation on Cloud.

Uninstall Chart

Please refer the following Kubeslice Controller uninstallation steps

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] kubeslice/kubeslice-controller [flags]

Kubeslice Manager Helm Charts

KubeSlice Manager is a UI application to register clusters and manage application slices. It connects to the KubeSlice Controller API gateway to access data. Users can log in using a service account to manage the slices. Please refer to the documentation for more details.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add kubeslice https://kubeslice.aveshalabs.io/repository/kubeslice-helm-ent-prod/ 

You can then run helm search repo kubeslice to see the charts.

Setting Up Kubeslice Manager

Install Chart

See Kubeslice Manager Installation for instructions on istalling Kubeslice Manager on kind for non-production use.

For setting up Kubeslice Manager on other cloud platforms, refer to the Kubeslice Manager Installation on Cloud.

Uninstall Chart

Please refer the following Kubeslice Manager uninstallation steps

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] kubeslice/kubeslice-ui [flags]


A full and comprehensive documentation is available on our enterprise documentation website.