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To install s3gw using Helm add the chart to your Helm repos and then run helm install:

helm add repo s3gw https://aquarist-labs.github.io/s3gw-charts/
helm --namespace s3gw-system install s3gw s3gw/s3gw --create-namespace

In order to install s3gw using Helm, from this repository directly, first you must clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/aquarist-labs/s3gw-charts.git

Before installing, familiarize yourself with the options, if necessary provide your own values.yaml file. Then change into the repository and install using Helm:

cd s3gw-charts
helm install $RELEASE_NAME charts/s3gw \
  --namespace $S3GW_NAMESPACE \
  --create-namespace \
  -f /path/to/your/custom/values.yaml


Installing s3gw via the Rancher App Catalog is made easy, the steps are as follows:

  • Cluster -> Projects/Namespaces - create the s3gw namespace.
  • Apps -> Repositories -> Create s3gw using the s3gw-charts Git URL https://aquarist-labs.github.io/s3gw-charts/ and the main branch.
  • Apps -> Charts -> Install Traefik.
  • Apps -> Charts -> Install s3gw. Select the s3gw namespace previously created. A pvc for s3gw will be created automatically during installation.


You can access our documentation here.