#### 1. Fork the [Rancher Partner Charts](https://github.com/rancher/partner-charts/) repository, clone your fork, checkout the **main-source** branch and pull the latest changes.
The tool reads a configuration yaml, `upstream.yaml`, to know where to fetch the upstream chart. This file is also able to define any alterations for valid variables in the Chart.yaml as described by [Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/#the-chartyaml-file).
**Important:** In GKE clusters, a Helm Chart will NOT display in Rancher Apps unless `kubeVersion` includes `-0` suffix in `Chart.yaml` For example:
If you would like to test your configuration using the CI tool, simply run the provided script in `scripts/pull-scripts` to download the binary. The 'auto' function is what will be run to download and store your chart.
4. In Rancher UI create a test repository that points to your local `partner-charts` repo by selecting an appropriate cluster and going to Apps > Repositories and clicking "Create". Enter a Name, copy ngrok forwarding url and paste it into Target http(s) "Index URL" and click "Create" again.
5. Once the new repository is "Active" go to Apps > Charts , find your new chart, review Readme is correct, etc. and install it. It should be successfully deployed.
Any files placed in the `packages/<vendor>/<chart>/overlay` directory will be overlayed onto the chart. This allows for adding or overwriting files within the chart as needed. The primary intended purpose is for adding the optional app-readme.md and questions.yml files but it may be used for adding or replacing any chart files.
| DisplayName | | Sets the name the chart will be listed under in the Rancher UI
| Experimental | | Adds the 'experimental' annotation which adds a flag on the UI entry
| Fetch | HelmChart, HelmRepo | Selects set of charts to pull from upstream.<br/>- **latest** will pull only the latest chart version *default*<br/>- **newer** will pull all newer versions than currently stored<br/>- **all** will pull all versions
| GitBranch | GitRepo | Defines which branch to pull from the upstream GitRepo
| GitHubRelease | GitRepo | If true, will pull latest GitHub release from repo. Requires GitHub URL
| GitRepo | | Defines the git repo to pull from
| GitSubdirectory | GitRepo | Allows selection of a subdirectory of the upstream git repo to pull the chart from
| HelmChart | HelmRepo | Defines which chart to pull from the upstream Helm repo
| HelmRepo | HelmChart | Defines the upstream Helm repo to pull from
| Hidden | | Adds the 'hidden' annotation which hides the chart from the Rancher UI
| Namespace | | Addes the 'namespace' annotation which hard-codes a deployment namespace for the chart
| PackageVersion | | Used to generate new patch version of chart
| ReleaseName | | Sets the value of the release-name Rancher annotation. Defaults to the chart name
| TrackVersions | HelmChart, HelmRepo | Allows selection of multiple *Major.Minor* versions to track from upstream independently.
| Vendor | | Sets the vendor name providing the chart
These steps are for charts still using `package.yaml` to track upstream chart. These charts should be migrated to receive automatic updates via an `upstream.yaml` by following the steps below. After chart is migrated, it should get updated from your helm/github repo automatically.
#### 1. Fork partner-charts repository, clone your fork, checkout the main-source branch and pull the latest changes. Then create a new branch off of main-source
If your existing chart is using a high patch version like 5.5.100 due to old method of taking version 5.5.1 and modifying it with the PackageVersion, add `PackageVersion` to the `upstream.yaml` (set it to 01 , 00 is not valid). Ideally, when the the next minor version is released e.g. 5.6.X you can then remove `PackageVersion` from the `upstream.yaml` since 5.6.X > 5.5.XXX. E.g.
#### 4. If there is an `overlay` dir in `partner-charts/packages/<chart>/generated-changes/` move it to `packages/<vendor>/<chart>/` and ensure only necessary files are present in overlay dir e.g.
Check the old generated-changes/patch directory for any requisite other changes. If there is an edit in `Chart.yaml.patch` that needs to be replicated, it can be handled in the `upstream.yaml``ChartMetadata` (see https://github.com/rancher/partner-charts#configuration-file). If it is a change for any other file in the chart it can be done via an overlay file. See https://github.com/rancher/partner-charts#overlay
After doing this, run this loop to validate that every assets file referenced in the index actually exists, it makes sure your paths aren't edited incorrectly.
for charts in $(yq '.entries[][] | .urls[0]' index.yaml); do stat ${charts} > /dev/null; if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo ${charts}; fi; done
The command should return quickly with no output. If it outputs anything it means some referenced assets files don't exist which is a problem.