In addition, starting [Helm 3.5.2](, Helm is stricter about parsing semver strings. Therefore, to ensure that your chart is deployable via Helm 3.5.2, your chart must have a semver-compliant version.
#### 1. Fork the [Rancher Partner Charts]( repository, clone your fork, checkout the **main-source** branch and pull the latest changes. Then create a new branch off of main-source
The tool reads a configuration yaml, `upstream.yaml`, to know where to fetch the upstream chart. This file is also able to define any alterations for valid variables in the Chart.yaml as described by [Helm](
**Important:** In GKE clusters, a Helm Chart will NOT display in Rancher Apps unless `kubeVersion` includes `-0` suffix in `Chart.yaml` For example:
kubeVersion: '>= 1.19.0-0'
Some [example ustream.yaml](#examples) are provided below
If you would like to test your configuration using the CI tool, simply run the provided script in `scripts/pull-ci-scripts` to download the binary. The 'auto' function is what will be run to download and store your chart.
4. In Rancher UI create a test repository that points to your local `partner-charts` repo by selecting an appropriate cluster and going to Apps > Repositories and clicking "Create". Enter a Name, copy ngrok forwarding url and paste it into Target http(s) "Index URL" and click "Create" again.
5. Once the new repository is "Active" go to Apps > Charts , find your new chart, review Readme is correct, etc. and install it. It should be successfully deployed.
Any files placed in the `packages/<vendor>/<chart>/overlay` directory will be overlayed onto the chart. This allows for adding or overwriting files within the chart as needed. The primary intended purpose is for adding the optional and questions.yml files but it may be used for adding or replacing any chart files.
| ArtifactHubPackage | ArtifactHubRepo | Defines the package to pull from the defined ArtifactHubRepo
| ArtifactHubRepo | ArtifactHubPackage | Defines the repo to access on Artifact Hub
| AutoInstall | | Allows setting a required additional chart to deploy prior to current chart, such as a dedicated CRDs chart
| ChartMetadata | | Allows setting/overriding the value of any valid [Chart.yaml variable](
| DisplayName | | Sets the name the chart will be listed under in the Rancher UI
| Experimental | | Adds the 'experimental' annotation which adds a flag on the UI entry
| Fetch | HelmChart, HelmRepo | Selects set of charts to pull from upstream.<br/>- **latest** will pull only the latest chart version *default*<br/>- **newer** will pull all newer versions than currently stored<br/>- **all** will pull all versions
| GitBranch | GitRepo | Defines which branch to pull from the upstream GitRepo
| GitHubRelease | GitRepo | If true, will pull latest GitHub release from repo. Requires GitHub URL
| GitRepo | | Defines the git repo to pull from
| GitSubdirectory | GitRepo | Allows selection of a subdirectory of the upstream git repo to pull the chart from
| HelmChart | HelmRepo | Defines which chart to pull from the upstream Helm repo
| HelmRepo | HelmChart | Defines the upstream Helm repo to pull from
| Hidden | | Adds the 'hidden' annotation which hides the chart from the Rancher UI
| Namespace | | Addes the 'namespace' annotation which hard-codes a deployment namespace for the chart
| PackageVersion | | Used to generate new patch version of chart
| ReleaseName | | Sets the value of the release-name Rancher annotation. Defaults to the chart name
| TrackVersions | HelmChart, HelmRepo | Allows selection of multiple *Major.Minor* versions to track from upstream independently.
| Vendor | | Sets the vendor name providing the chart
These steps are for charts still using `package.yaml` to track upstream chart. These charts should be migrated to receive automatic updates via an `upstream.yaml` by following the steps below. After chart is migrated, it should get updated from your helm/github repo automatically.
#### 1. Fork partner-charts repository, clone your fork, checkout the main-source branch and pull the latest changes. Then create a new branch off of main-source
#### 3. Create an `upstream.yaml` in `packages/<company>/<chart>`
If your existing chart is using a high patch version like 5.5.100 due to old method of taking version 5.5.1 and modifying it with the PackageVersion, add `PackageVersion` to the `upstream.yaml` (set it to 01 , 00 is not valid). Ideally, when the the next minor version is released e.g. 5.6.X you can then remove `PackageVersion` from the `upstream.yaml` since 5.6.X > 5.5.XXX. E.g.
#### 4. If there is an `overlay` dir in `partner-charts/packages/<chart>/generated-changes/` move it to `packages/<company>/<chart>/` and ensure only necessary files are present in overlay dir e.g.
Check the old generated-changes/patch directory for any requisite other changes. If there is an edit in `Chart.yaml.patch` that needs to be replicated, it can be handled in the `upstream.yaml``ChartMetadata` (see If it is a change for any other file in the chart it can be done via an overlay file. See
sed -i 's%assets/<chart>%assets/<company>%' index.yaml
After doing this, run this loop to validate that every assets file referenced in the index actually exists, it makes sure your paths aren't edited incorrectly.
for charts in $(yq '.entries[][] | .urls[0]' index.yaml); do stat ${charts} > /dev/null; if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo ${charts}; fi; done
The command should return quickly with no output. If it outputs anything it means some referenced assets files don't exist which is a problem.