
1.6 KiB

Pull Requests Rules

  • Never remove an already released chart!

    • This does not apply to RC's because they are not released.
  • Each Pull Request should only modify one chart with its dependencies.

  • Pull request title:

    [dev-v2.X] <chart> <version> <action>
    • <action>: 1 of (bump; remove; UnRC)

Checkpoints for Chart Bumps


  • Each chart version in release.yaml DOES NOT modify an already released chart. If so, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.
  • Each chart version in release.yaml IS exactly 1 more patch or minor version than the last released chart version. If not, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.

Chart.yaml and index.yaml:

  • The index.yaml file has an entry for your new chart version.
  • The index.yaml entries for each chart matches the Chart.yaml for each chart.
  • Each chart has ALL required annotations
    • kube-version annotation
    • rancher-version annotation
    • permits-os annotation (indicates Windows and/or Linux)

Fill the following only if required by your manager.

QA Testing Considerations