
8.5 KiB

Gatekeeper Helm Chart


Parameter Description Default
auditInterval The frequency with which audit is run 300
constraintViolationsLimit The maximum # of audit violations reported on a constraint 20
auditFromCache Take the roster of resources to audit from the OPA cache false
auditChunkSize Chunk size for listing cluster resources for audit (alpha feature) 0
disableValidatingWebhook Disable the validating webhook false
validatingWebhookTimeoutSeconds The timeout for the validating webhook in seconds 3
enableDeleteOperations Enable validating webhook for delete operations false
emitAdmissionEvents Emit K8s events in gatekeeper namespace for admission violations (alpha feature) false
emitAuditEvents Emit K8s events in gatekeeper namespace for audit violations (alpha feature) false
logLevel Minimum log level INFO
image.pullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Image repository openpolicyagent/gatekeeper
image.release The image release tag to use Current release version: v3.3.0
image.pullSecrets Specify an array of imagePullSecrets []
resources The resource request/limits for the container image limits: 1 CPU, 512Mi, requests: 100mCPU, 256Mi
nodeSelector The node selector to use for pod scheduling kubernetes.io/os: linux
affinity The node affinity to use for pod scheduling {}
tolerations The tolerations to use for pod scheduling []
controllerManager.priorityClassName Priority class name for controller manager system-cluster-critical
audit.priorityClassName Priority class name for audit controller system-cluster-critical
replicas The number of Gatekeeper replicas to deploy for the webhook 1
podAnnotations The annotations to add to the Gatekeeper pods container.seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/manager: runtime/default
secretAnnotations The annotations to add to the Gatekeeper secrets {}
customResourceDefinitions.create Whether the release should install CRDs. Regardless of this value, Helm v3+ will install the CRDs if those are not present already. Use --skip-crds with helm install if you want to skip CRD creation true

Contributing Changes

This Helm chart is autogenerated from the Gatekeeper static manifest. The generator code lives under cmd/build/helmify. To make modifications to this template, please edit kustomization.yaml and replacements.go under that directory and then run make manifests. Your changes will show up in the manifest_staging directory and will be promoted to the root charts directory the next time a Gatekeeper release is cut.