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# Rancher Backup
This chart provides ability to back up and restore the Rancher application running on any Kubernetes cluster.
Refer [this](https://github.com/rancher/backup-restore-operator) repository for implementation details.
### Get Repo Info
helm repo add rancher-chart https://charts.rancher.io
helm repo update
### Install Chart
helm install rancher-backup-crd rancher-chart/rancher-backup-crd -n cattle-resources-system --create-namespace
helm install rancher-backup rancher-chart/rancher-backup -n cattle-resources-system
### Configuration
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the rancher-backup chart and their default values:
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| image.repository | Container image repository | rancher/backup-restore-operator |
| image.tag | Container image tag | v0.1.0-rc1 |
| s3.enabled | Configure S3 compatible default storage location. Current version supports S3 and MinIO | false |
| s3.credentialSecretName | Name of the Secret containing S3 credentials. This is an optional field. Skip this field in order to use IAM Role authentication. The Secret must contain following two keys, `accessKey` and `secretKey` | "" |
| s3.credentialSecretNamespace | Namespace of the Secret containing S3 credentials. This can be any namespace. | "" |
| s3.region | Region of the S3 Bucket (Required for S3, not valid for MinIO) | "" |
| s3.bucketName | Name of the Bucket | "" |
| s3.folder | Base folder within the Bucket (optional) | "" |
| s3.endpoint | Endpoint for the S3 storage provider | "" |
| s3.endpointCA | Base64 encoded CA cert for the S3 storage provider (optional) | "" |
| s3.insecureTLSSkipVerify | Skip SSL verification | false |
| persistence.enabled | Configure a Persistent Volume as the default storage location. It accepts either a StorageClass name to create a PVC, or directly accepts the PV to use. The Persistent Volume is mounted at `/var/lib/backups` in the operator pod | false |
| persistence.storageClass | StorageClass to use for dynamically provisioning the Persistent Volume, which will be used for storing backups | "" |
| persistence.volumeName | Persistent Volume to use for storing backups | "" |
| persistence.size | Requested size of the Persistent Volume (Applicable when using dynamic provisioning) | "" |
| debug | Set debug flag for backup-restore deployment | false |
| trace | Set trace flag for backup-restore deployment | false |
| nodeSelector | https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector | {} |
| tolerations | https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration | [] |
| affinity | https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity | {} |
| serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to apply to created service account | {} |
| global.cattle.psp.enabled | Enable or disable PSPs in the chart | false |
### PSPs
We have added a configuration to the chart `values.yaml` which allows you to enable or disable PSPs to align with the PSP deprecation in Kubernetes `v1.25` and above.
### CRDs
Refer [this](https://github.com/rancher/backup-restore-operator#crds) section for information on CRDs that this chart installs. Also refer [this](https://github.com/rancher/backup-restore-operator/tree/master/examples) folder containing sample manifests for the CRDs.
### Upgrading Chart
helm upgrade rancher-backup-crd -n cattle-resources-system
helm upgrade rancher-backup -n cattle-resources-system
### Uninstall Chart
helm uninstall rancher-backup -n cattle-resources-system
helm uninstall rancher-backup-crd -n cattle-resources-system