arvindiyengar: ~/Rancher/rke2-charts/src/github.com/rancher/rke2-charts
$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aiyengar2/charts-build-scripts/add_init_steps/init.sh > /dev/null | sh
Pulling in charts-build-scripts version v0.0.4
charts-build-scripts version v0.0.4 (567c991)
INFO[0000] Pulling rancher/charts-build-scripts[path=templates] from upstream into templates299650162
INFO[0002] Successfully pulled new updated docs into working directory.
Pulled in basic template for source into configuration.yaml and constructed charts directory
Next Steps:
1. Modify the configuration.yaml with your expected setup and re-run make docs to automatically update the repository.
2. Modify .github/workflows/pull-request.md and .github/workflows/push.md to set up automatic pushes to another branch.
Signed-off-by: Arvind Iyengar <arvind.iyengar@rancher.com>