Samuel Attwood 6227c93962 Adding charts 2022-02-04 16:18:33 -05:00
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.helmignore Adding charts 2022-02-04 16:18:33 -05:00
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README.md Adding charts 2022-02-04 16:18:33 -05:00
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values.yaml Adding charts 2022-02-04 16:18:33 -05:00


A Helm chart for the Kuma Control Plane

Type: application Version: 0.8.1 AppVersion: 1.4.1

Homepage: https://github.com/kumahq/kuma


Key Type Default Description
global.image.registry string "docker.io/kumahq" Default registry for all Kuma Images
global.image.tag string nil The default tag for all Kuma images, which itself defaults to .Chart.AppVersion
patchSystemNamespace bool true Whether or not to patch the target namespace with the system label
installCrdsOnUpgrade object {"enabled":true,"imagePullSecrets":[]} Whether ot not install new CRDs before upgrade (if any were introduced with the new version of Kuma)
controlPlane.logLevel string "info" Kuma CP log level: one of off,info,debug
controlPlane.mode string "standalone" Kuma CP modes: one of standalone,zone,global
controlPlane.zone string nil Kuma CP zone, if running multizone
controlPlane.kdsGlobalAddress string "" Only used in zone mode
controlPlane.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the Kuma CP. Ignored when autoscaling is enabled
controlPlane.autoscaling.enabled bool false Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, which requires the Metrics Server in the cluster
controlPlane.autoscaling.minReplicas int 2 The minimum CP pods to allow
controlPlane.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 5 The max CP pods to scale to
controlPlane.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 For clusters that don't support autoscaling/v2beta, autoscaling/v1 is used
controlPlane.autoscaling.metrics list [{"resource":{"name":"cpu","target":{"averageUtilization":80,"type":"Utilization"}},"type":"Resource"}] For clusters that do support autoscaling/v2beta, use metrics
controlPlane.nodeSelector object {"kubernetes.io/arch":"amd64","kubernetes.io/os":"linux"} Node selector for the Kuma Control Plane pods
controlPlane.affinity object {} Affinity placement rule for the Kuma Control Plane pods
controlPlane.injectorFailurePolicy string "Fail" Failure policy of the mutating webhook implemented by the Kuma Injector component
controlPlane.service.name string nil Optionally override of the Kuma Control Plane Service's name
controlPlane.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type of the Kuma Control Plane
controlPlane.service.annotations object {} Additional annotations to put on the Kuma Control Plane
controlPlane.globalZoneSyncService object {"annotations":{},"loadBalancerIP":null,"port":5685,"type":"LoadBalancer"} URL of Global Kuma CP
controlPlane.globalZoneSyncService.type string "LoadBalancer" Service type of the Global-zone sync
controlPlane.globalZoneSyncService.loadBalancerIP string nil Optionally specify IP to be used by cloud provider when configuring load balancer
controlPlane.globalZoneSyncService.annotations object {} Additional annotations to put on the Global Zone Sync Service
controlPlane.globalZoneSyncService.port int 5685 Port on which Global Zone Sync Service is exposed
controlPlane.defaults.skipMeshCreation bool false Whether or not to skip creating the default Mesh
controlPlane.resources string nil Optionally override the resource spec
controlPlane.tls.general.secretName string "" Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt and ca.crt for protecting Kuma in-cluster communication
controlPlane.tls.general.caBundle string "" Base64 encoded CA certificate (the same as in controlPlane.tls.general.secret#ca.crt)
controlPlane.tls.apiServer.secretName string "" Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt for protecting Kuma API on HTTPS
controlPlane.tls.apiServer.clientCertsSecretName string "" Secret that contains list of .pem certificates that can access admin endpoints of Kuma API on HTTPS
controlPlane.tls.kdsGlobalServer.secretName string "" Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt for protecting cross cluster communication
controlPlane.tls.kdsZoneClient.secretName string "" Secret that contains ca.crt which was used to sign KDS Global server. Used for CP verification
controlPlane.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Kuma CP ImagePullPolicy
controlPlane.image.repository string "kuma-cp" Kuma CP image repository
controlPlane.secrets list of { Env: string, Secret: string, Key: string } nil Secrets to add as environment variables, where Env is the name of the env variable, Secret is the name of the Secret, and Key is the key of the Secret value to use
controlPlane.envVars object {} Additional environment variables that will be passed to the control plane
controlPlane.webhooks.validator.additionalRules string "" Additional rules to apply on Kuma validator webhook. Useful when building custom policy on top of Kuma.
controlPlane.webhooks.ownerReference.additionalRules string "" Additional rules to apply on Kuma owner reference webhook. Useful when building custom policy on top of Kuma.
cni.enabled bool false Install Kuma with CNI instead of proxy init container
cni.chained bool false Install CNI in chained mode
cni.netDir string "/etc/cni/multus/net.d" Set the CNI install directory
cni.binDir string "/var/lib/cni/bin" Set the CNI bin directory
cni.confName string "kuma-cni.conf" Set the CNI configuration name
cni.logLevel string "info" CNI log level: one of off,info,debug
cni.nodeSelector object {"kubernetes.io/arch":"amd64","kubernetes.io/os":"linux"} Node Selector for the CNI pods
cni.image.registry string "docker.io" CNI image registry
cni.image.repository string "lobkovilya/install-cni" CNI image repository
cni.image.tag string "0.0.9" CNI image tag
dataPlane.image.repository string "kuma-dp" The Kuma DP image repository
dataPlane.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Kuma DP ImagePullPolicy
dataPlane.initImage.repository string "kuma-init" The Kuma DP init image repository
ingress.enabled bool false If true, it deploys Ingress for cross cluster communication
ingress.drainTime string "30s" Time for which old listener will still be active as draining
ingress.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the Ingress
ingress.service.type string "LoadBalancer" Service type of the Ingress
ingress.service.loadBalancerIP string nil Optionally specify IP to be used by cloud provider when configuring load balancer
ingress.service.annotations object {} Additional annotations to put on the Ingress service
ingress.service.port int 10001 Port on which Ingress is exposed
ingress.annotations object {} Additional deployment annotation
ingress.nodeSelector object {"kubernetes.io/arch":"amd64","kubernetes.io/os":"linux"} Node Selector for the Ingress pods
ingress.affinity object {} Affinity placement rule for the Kuma Ingress pods
kumactl.image.repository string "kumactl" The kumactl image repository
kubectl.image.registry string "bitnami" The kubectl image registry
kubectl.image.repository string "kubectl" The kubectl image repository
kubectl.image.tag string "1.20" The kubectl image tag
hooks.nodeSelector object {"kubernetes.io/arch":"amd64","kubernetes.io/os":"linux"} Node selector for the HELM hooks

Custom Resource Definitions

All Kuma CRDs are loaded via the crds directory. For more detailed information on CRDs and Helm, please refer to the Helm documentation.


As part of Helm's limitations, CRDs will not be deleted when the kuma chart is deleted and must be deleted manually. When a CRD is deleted Kubernetes deletes all resources of that kind as well, so this should be done carefully.

To do this with kubectl on *nix platforms, run:

kubectl get crds | grep kuma.io | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f1 | xargs kubectl delete crd

# or with jq
kubectl get crds -o json | jq '.items[].metadata.name | select(.|test(".*kuma\\.io"))' | xargs kubectl delete crd


In production, it is advisable to enable Control Plane autoscaling for High Availability. Autoscaling uses the HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource to add redundancy and scale the CP pods based on CPU utilization, which requires the k8s metrics-server to be running on the cluster.


The charts are used internally in kumactl install, therefore the following rules apply when developing new chat features:

  • all templates that start with pre- and post- are omitted when processing in kumactl install

Installing Metrics Server for Autoscaling

If running on kind, or on a cluster with a similarly self-signed cert, the metrics server must be configured to allow insecure kubelet TLS. The make task kind/deploy/metrics-server installs this patched version of the server.