
295 lines
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- variable: node.enabled
description: "Deploy the Falcon Sensor to the Kubernetes nodes"
required: true
type: boolean
default: true
label: Deploy daemonset to nodes
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.daemonset.updateStrategy
description: "Update strategy to role out new daemonset configuration to the nodes."
required: false
type: enum
- RollingUpdate
- OnDelete
label: Container Image Repository
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.daemonset.maxUnavailable
description: "Sets the max unavailable nodes. Default is 1 when no value exists."
required: false
type: int
default: 1
label: Max number of unavailable nodes
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.image.repository
description: "URL of container image repository holding containerized Falcon sensor. Defaults to 'falcon-node-sensor'."
required: true
type: string
default: falcon-node-sensor
label: Image Repository
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.image.tag
description: "Container registry image tag. Defaults to 'latest'."
required: true
type: string
default: "latest"
label: Image Tag
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.image.pullPolicy
description: "The default image pullPolicy. Defaults to 'Always'."
required: false
type: enum
- IfNotPresent
- Always
- Never
default: Always
label: Image pullPolicy
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.image.pullSecrets
description: "Name of the pull secret to pull the container image. Conflicts with node.image.registryConfigJSON"
required: false
type: string
label: Pull Secret Name
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: node.image.registryConfigJSON
description: "Value must be base64. This setting conflicts with node.image.pullSecrets. The base64 encoded string of the docker config json for the pull secret can be gotten through `$ cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64 -`"
required: false
type: string
label: Pull Secret as a base64 string
group: "Falcon Node settings"
- variable: container.enabled
description: "Deploy the Falcon Sensor to the Kubernetes pods as a sidecar"
required: true
type: boolean
default: false
label: Deploy sidecar sensor to pods
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.repository
description: "URL of container image repository holding containerized Falcon sensor. Defaults to 'falcon-sensor'."
required: true
type: string
default: falcon-sensor
label: Image Repository
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.tag
description: "Container registry image tag. Defaults to 'latest'."
required: true
type: string
default: "latest"
label: Image Tag
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.pullPolicy
description: "The default image pullPolicy. Defaults to 'Always'."
required: false
type: enum
- IfNotPresent
- Always
- Never
default: Always
label: Image pullPolicy
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.pullSecrets.enable
description: "Enable pullSecrets to get container from registry that requires authentication."
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: Enable pullSecrets
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.pullSecrets.namespaces
description: "Configure the list of namespaces that should have access to pull the Falcon sensor from a registry that requires authentication. This is a comma separated."
required: false
type: string
show_if: "container.image.pullSecrets.enable=true"
label: List of Namespaces for pullSecret
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.pullSecrets.allNamespaces
description: "Attempt to create the Falcon sensor pull secret in all Namespaces instead of using 'container.image.pullSecrets.namespaces'"
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
show_if: "container.image.pullSecrets.enable=true"
label: Create pullSecret in all Namespaces
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.image.pullSecrets.registryConfigJSON
description: "Value must be base64. The base64 encoded string of the docker config json for the pull secret can be gotten through `$ cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64 -`"
required: false
type: string
show_if: "container.image.pullSecrets.enable=true"
label: Pull Secret as a base64 string
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.autoCertificateUpdate
description: "Auto-update the certificates every time there is an update"
required: false
type: boolean
default: true
label: Auto-update certificates
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.autoDeploymentUpdate
description: "Update Webhook and roll out new Deployment on upgrade"
required: false
type: boolean
default: true
label: Update the webhook on upgrade
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.azure.enabled
description: "Enable for AKS without the pulltoken option"
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: Configure AKS registry configuration
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.azure.AzureConfig
description: "Path to the Kubernetes Azure config file on worker nodes"
required: false
type: string
default: "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json"
show_if: "container.azure.enabled=true"
label: Deploy sidecar sensor to pods
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.disableNSInjection
description: "Disable injection for all Namespaces"
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: Disable Namespace injection
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.disablePodInjection
description: "Disable injection for all Pods"
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: Disable Pod injection
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.certExpiration
description: "Certificate validity duration in number of days"
required: false
type: int
default: 3650
label: Certificate validity
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.injectorPort
description: "Configure the Injector Port"
required: false
type: int
default: 4433
label: Injector Port
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: container.domainName
description: "For custom DNS configurations when .svc requires a domain for services"
required: false
type: string
label: Custom DNS domain name for webhook
group: "Falcon Container settings"
- variable: falcon.cid
description: "Configure your CrowdStrike Customer ID (CID)"
required: true
type: string
label: CrowdStrike Customer ID (CID)
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.apd
description: "App Proxy Disable (APD). Disables the Falcon sensor from using a proxy."
required: false
type: boolean
default: true
label: Enable using a proxy
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.aph
description: "App Proxy Hostname (APH). Uncommon in container-based deployments."
required: false
type: string
show_if: "falcon.apd=false"
label: Configure Proxy Host
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.app
description: "App Proxy Port (APP). Uncommon in container-based deployments."
required: false
type: string
show_if: "falcon.apd=false"
label: Configure Proxy Port
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.trace
description: "Options are [none|err|warn|info|debug]."
required: false
type: enum
- none
- err
- warn
- info
- debug
label: Set logging trace level
default: none
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.feature
description: "Options to pass to the \"--feature\" flag. Options are [none,[enableLog[,disableLogBuffer[,disableOsfm[,emulateUpdate]]]]]"
required: false
type: string
label: Enable or disable certain sensor features
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.message_log
description: "Enable message log (true/false)"
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: Enable logging
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.billing
description: "Utilize default or metered billing. Should only be configured when needing to switch between the two."
required: false
type: enum
- default
- metered
default: default
label: Configure Billing
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.tags
description: "Comma separated list of tags for sensor grouping. Allowed characters: all alphanumerics, '/', '-', '_', and ','."
required: false
type: string
label: Configure tags for sensor grouping
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"
- variable: falcon.provisioning_token
description: "Used to protect the CID. Provisioning token value."
required: false
type: string
label: Set a provisioning installation token
group: "Falcon Sensor Settings"