Adam Pickering d5c00e2870
Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048)
2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
templates Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
.helmignore Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
Chart.yaml Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
README.md Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
Readme.md.gotpl Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00
values.yaml Migrate charts directory (vendors starting with Q-Z) (#1048) 2024-07-08 17:15:28 -06:00



Version: 0.0.11 AppVersion: 0.0.1

Helm chart for deploying the http-header-injector sidecar, which automatically injects x-request-id into http traffic going through the cluster for pods which have the annotation http-header-injector.stackstate.io/inject: enabled is set.

Homepage: https://github.com/StackVista/http-header-injector


Name Email Url
Stackstate Lupulus Team ops@stackstate.com


Key Type Default Description
certificatePrehook object {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":null,"repository":"stackstate/container-tools","tag":"1.4.0"},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"200Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"200Mi"}}} Helm prehook to setup/remove a certificate for the sidecarInjector mutationwebhook
certificatePrehook.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Policy when pulling an image
certificatePrehook.image.registry string nil Registry for the docker image.
certificatePrehook.image.tag string "1.4.0" The tag for the docker image
debug bool false Enable debugging. This will leave leave artifacts around like the prehook jobs for further inspection
enabled bool true Enable/disable the mutationwebhook
global.extraAnnotations object {} Extra annotations added ta all resources created by the helm chart
global.extraLabels object {} Extra labels added ta all resources created by the helm chart
global.imagePullCredentials object {} Globally define credentials for pulling images.
global.imagePullSecrets list [] Globally add image pull secrets that are used.
global.imageRegistry string nil Globally override the image registry that is used. Can be overridden by specific containers. Defaults to quay.io
images.pullSecretName string nil
proxy object {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":null,"repository":"stackstate/http-header-injector-proxy","tag":"sha-5ff79451"},"resources":{"limits":{"memory":"40Mi"},"requests":{"memory":"25Mi"}}} Proxy being injected into pods for rewriting http headers
proxy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Policy when pulling an image
proxy.image.registry string nil Registry for the docker image.
proxy.image.tag string "sha-5ff79451" The tag for the docker image
proxy.resources.limits.memory string "40Mi" Memory resource limits.
proxy.resources.requests.memory string "25Mi" Memory resource requests.
proxyInit object {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":null,"repository":"stackstate/http-header-injector-proxy-init","tag":"sha-5ff79451"}} InitContainer within pod which redirects traffic to the proxy container.
proxyInit.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Policy when pulling an image
proxyInit.image.registry string nil Registry for the docker image
proxyInit.image.tag string "sha-5ff79451" The tag for the docker image
sidecarInjector object {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":null,"repository":"stackstate/generic-sidecar-injector","tag":"sha-9c852245"}} Service for injecting the proxy sidecar into pods
sidecarInjector.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Policy when pulling an image
sidecarInjector.image.registry string nil Registry for the docker image.
sidecarInjector.image.tag string "sha-9c852245" The tag for the docker image
webhook object {"failurePolicy":"Ignore","tls":{"certManager":{"issuer":"","issuerKind":"ClusterIssuer","issuerNamespace":""},"mode":"generated","provided":{"caBundle":"","crt":"","key":""},"secret":{"name":""}}} MutationWebhook that will be installed to inject a sidecar into pods
webhook.failurePolicy string "Ignore" How should the webhook fail? Best is to use Ignore, because there is a brief moment at initialization when the hook s there but the service not. Also, putting this to fail can cause the control plane be unresponsive.
webhook.tls.certManager.issuer string "" The issuer that is used for the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "cert-manager".
webhook.tls.certManager.issuerKind string "ClusterIssuer" The issuer kind that is used for the webhook, valid values are "Issuer" or "ClusterIssuer". Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "cert-manager".
webhook.tls.certManager.issuerNamespace string "" The namespace the cert-manager issuer is located in. If left empty defaults to the release's namespace that is used for the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "cert-manager".
webhook.tls.mode string "generated" The mode for the webhook. Can be "provided", "generated", "secret" or "cert-manager". If you want to use cert-manager, you need to install it first. NOTE: If you choose "generated", additional privileges are required to create the certificate and webhook at runtime.
webhook.tls.provided.caBundle string "" The caBundle that is used for the webhook. This is the certificate that is used to sign the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "provided".
webhook.tls.provided.crt string "" The certificate that is used for the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "provided".
webhook.tls.provided.key string "" The key that is used for the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "provided".
webhook.tls.secret.name string "" The name of the secret containing the pre-provisioned certificate data that is used for the webhook. Only used if you set webhook.tls.mode to "secret".