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- variable: synchronousReplicas
label: "Synchronous Replicas"
type: int
description: "The quantity of synchronous replicas (pods) to create. Note that this value must be at least one if not joining an existing AG."
required: true
default: 3
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: asynchronousReplicas
label: "Asynchronous Replicas"
type: int
description: "The quantity of asynchronous replicas to create."
required: true
default: 0
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: configurationOnlyReplicas
label: "Configuration Only Replicas"
type: int
description: "The quantity of configuration only replicas to create."
required: true
default: 0
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: availabilityGroupName
label: "Availability Group Name"
type: string
description: "The name that will be given to the availability group, or the name of the availability group to join for in an existing cluster."
required: false
default: AG1
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: availabilityGroupListenerPort
label: "Availability Group Listener Port"
type: int
description: "The listener port for the SQL Server Availability Group."
required: false
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: availabilityGroupOptions
label: "Availability Group Options"
type: string
description: "Custom options passed to SQL Server when creating the availability group, for example \"CONTAINED\"."
required: false
group: "Availability Group"
- variable: availabilityGroupClusterType
label: "Availability Group Cluster Type"
type: enum
description: "The clustering type of the SQL Server Availability Group."
group: "Availability Group"
default: "EXTERNAL"
- "NONE"
- variable: createLoadBalancers
label: "Create Load Balancers"
type: boolean
description: "Whether to create load balancers for each of the pods in the cluster for external access."
group: "Availability Group"
required: false
# DxEnterprise section
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.acceptEula
label: "Accept EULA"
type: boolean
description: "Accept the terms of the DxEnterprise license agreement. For more information, visit http://support.dh2i.com/docs/other/eula."
default: false
required: true
group: "DxEnterprise"
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.repository
label: "Repository"
type: string
description: "The repository to pull the image from."
default: "docker.io/dh2i/dxe"
required: true
group: "DxEnterprise"
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.tag
label: "Tag"
type: string
description: "The tag to use for the image."
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.pullPolicy
label: "Pull Policy"
type: string
description: "The pull policy for the image."
default: IfNotPresent
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.clusterSecret
label: "Cluster Secret"
type: secret
description: "The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the DX_PASSKEY, DX_LICENSE, and (optionally) DX_OTPK environment variables."
required: true
group: DxEnterprise
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.vhostName
label: "Vhost Name"
type: string
description: "The name of the Vhost that will host the AG."
required: false
default: VHOST1
group: DxEnterprise
- variable: dxEnterpriseContainer.joinExistingCluster
label: "Join Existing cluster"
type: boolean
description: "Whether or not the DxEnterprise cluster should join an existing DxEnterprise cluster using a provided OTPK."
required: false
default: false
group: DxEnterprise
# SQL Server section
- variable: sqlServerContainer.acceptEula
label: "Accept EULA"
type: boolean
description: "Accept the terms of the SQL Server license agreement."
default: false
required: true
group: "SQL Server"
- variable: sqlServerContainer.repository
label: "Repository"
type: string
description: "The repository to pull the image from."
default: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server"
required: true
group: "SQL Server"
- variable: sqlServerContainer.tag
label: "Tag"
type: string
description: "The tag to use for the image."
default: latest
- variable: sqlServerContainer.pullPolicy
label: "Pull Policy"
type: string
description: "The pull policy for the image."
default: IfNotPresent
- variable: sqlServerContainer.mssqlSecret
label: "SQL Secret"
type: secret
description: "The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable."
required: true
group: "SQL Server"
- variable: sqlServerContainer.mssqlPID
label: "SQL Server PID"
type: string
description: "The PID to use for SQL Server."
default: Developer
required: true
group: "SQL Server"
- variable: mssqlConfigMap
label: "mssql.conf"
type: multiline
description: "The contents of the mssql.conf file."
required: false
group: "SQL Server"