
177 lines
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# Default values for csi-wekafsplugin.
# -- Directory in root of file system where dynamic volumes are provisioned
dynamicProvisionPath: "csi-volumes"
# -- Name of the driver (and provisioner)
csiDriverName: "csi.weka.io"
# -- CSI driver version
csiDriverVersion: &csiDriverVersion 2.5.1
# -- CSI liveness probe sidecar image URL
livenessprobesidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/livenessprobe:v2.14.0
# -- CSI attacher sidecar image URL
attachersidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v4.7.0
# -- CSI provisioner sidecar image URL
provisionersidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v5.1.0
# -- CSI registrar sidercar
registrarsidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.12.0
# -- CSI resizer sidecar image URL
resizersidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-resizer:v1.12.0
# -- CSI snapshotter sidecar image URL
snapshottersidecar: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-snapshotter:v8.1.0
# -- CSI nodeinfo sidecar image URL, used for reading node metadata
nodeinfo: quay.io/weka.io/csi-wekafs
# -- CSI driver main image URL
csidriver: quay.io/weka.io/csi-wekafs
# -- CSI driver tag
csidriverTag: *csiDriverVersion
# -- image pull secret required for image download. Must have permissions to access all images above.
# Should be used in case of private registry that requires authentication
imagePullSecret: ""
# -- Tolerations for all CSI driver components
globalPluginTolerations: &globalPluginTolerations
- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
# -- Tolerations for CSI controller component only (by default same as global)
controllerPluginTolerations: *globalPluginTolerations
# -- Tolerations for CSI node component only (by default same as global)
nodePluginTolerations: *globalPluginTolerations
# -- Optional nodeSelector for CSI plugin deployment on certain Kubernetes nodes only
# This nodeselector will be applied to all CSI plugin components
nodeSelector: {}
# -- Optional affinity for CSI plugin deployment
# This affinity will be applied to all CSI plugin components
affinity: {}
# -- Optional setting for OCP platform only, which machineconfig pools to apply the Weka SELinux policy on
# NOTE: by default, the policy will be installed both on workers and control plane nodes
- "worker"
- "master"
# Controller-specific parameters, please do not change unless explicitly guided
# -- Controller number of replicas
replicas: 2
# -- Maximum concurrent requests from sidecars (global)
maxConcurrentRequests: 5
# -- maximum concurrent operations per operation type
createVolume: 5
deleteVolume: 5
expandVolume: 5
createSnapshot: 5
deleteSnapshot: 5
# -- Return GRPC Unavailable if request waits in queue for that long time (seconds)
grpcRequestTimeoutSeconds: 30
# -- Configure provisioner sidecar for leader election
configureProvisionerLeaderElection: true
# -- Configure resizer sidecar for leader election
configureResizerLeaderElection: true
# -- Configure snapshotter sidecar for leader election
configureSnapshotterLeaderElection: true
# -- Configure attacher sidecar for leader election
configureAttacherLeaderElection: true
# -- optional nodeSelector for controller components only
nodeSelector: {}
# -- optional affinity for controller components only
affinity: {}
# Node-specific parameters, please do not change unless explicitly guided
# -- Maximum concurrent requests from sidecars (global)
maxConcurrentRequests: 5
# -- maximum concurrent operations per operation type (to avoid API starvation)
nodePublishVolume: 5
nodeUnpublishVolume: 5
# -- Return GRPC Unavailable if request waits in queue for that long time (seconds)
grpcRequestTimeoutSeconds: 30
# -- optional nodeSelector for node components only
nodeSelector: {}
# -- optional affinity for node components only
affinity: {}
# -- Log level of CSI plugin
logLevel: 5
# -- Use JSON structured logging instead of human-readable logging format (for exporting logs to structured log parser)
useJsonLogging: false
# -- for migration of pre-CSI 0.7.0 volumes only, default API secret. Must reside in same namespace as the plugin
legacyVolumeSecretName: ""
# -- Optional CSI Plugin priorityClassName
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Support SELinux labeling for Persistent Volumes, may be either `off`, `mixed`, `enforced` (default off)
# In `enforced` mode, CSI node components will only start on nodes having a label `selinuxNodeLabel` below
# In `mixed` mode, separate CSI node components will be installed on SELinux-enabled and regular hosts
# In `off` mode, only non-SELinux-enabled node components will be run on hosts without label.
# WARNING: if SELinux is not enabled, volume provisioning and publishing might fail!
# NOTE: SELinux support is enabled automatically on clusters recognized as RedHat OpenShift Container Platform
selinuxSupport: "off"
# -- This label must be set to `"true"` on SELinux-enabled Kubernetes nodes,
# e.g., to run the node server in secure mode on SELinux-enabled node, the node must have label
# `csi.weka.io/selinux_enabled="true"`
selinuxNodeLabel: "csi.weka.io/selinux_enabled"
# -- kubelet path, in cases Kubernetes is installed not in default folder
kubeletPath: "/var/lib/kubelet"
# -- Enable Prometheus Metrics
enabled: true
# -- Metrics port for Controller Server
controllerPort: 9090
# -- Provisioner metrics port
provisionerPort: 9091
# -- Resizer metrics port
resizerPort: 9092
# -- Snapshotter metrics port
snapshotterPort: 9093
# -- Metrics port for Node Serer
nodePort: 9094
# -- Attacher metrics port
attacherPort: 9095
# -- Tracing URL (For Jaeger tracing engine / OpenTelemetry), optional
# @ignore
tracingUrl: ""
# -- Set to true to use host networking. Will be always set to true when using NFS mount protocol
hostNetwork: false
# -- CSI Driver support for fsGroupPolicy, may be either "File" or "None". Default is "File"
# -- WARNING: Changing this value might require uninstall and re-install of the plugin
fsGroupPolicy: "File"
# -- Allow insecure HTTPS (skip TLS certificate verification)
allowInsecureHttps: false
# -- Prefix that will be added to names of Weka cluster filesystems / snapshots assocciated with CSI volume,
# must not exceed 7 symbols.
volumePrefix: "csivol-"
# -- Prefix that will be added to names of Weka cluster snapshots assocciated with CSI snapshot,
# must not exceed 7 symbols.
snapshotPrefix: "csisnp-"
# -- Prefix that will be added to automatically created "seed" snapshot of empty filesytem,
# must not exceed 12 symbols.
seedSnapshotPrefix: "csisnp-seed-"
# -- Allow automatic provisioning of CSI volumes based on distinct Weka filesystem
autoCreateFilesystems: true
# -- Allow automatic expansion of filesystem on which Weka snapshot-backed CSI volumes,
# e.g. in case a required volume capacity exceeds the size of filesystem.
# Note: the filesystem is not expanded automatically when a new directory-backed volume is provisioned
autoExpandFilesystems: true
# -- Create snapshots of legacy (dir/v1) volumes. By default disabled.
# Note: when enabled, for every legacy volume snapshot, a full filesystem snapshot will be created (wasteful)
snapshotDirectoryVolumes: false
# -- Allow creation of snapshot-backed volumes even on unsupported Weka cluster versions, off by default
# Note: On versions of Weka < v4.2 snapshot-backed volume capacity cannot be enforced
snapshotVolumesWithoutQuotaEnforcement: false
- "readcache,writecache,coherent,forcedirect"
- "sync,async"
- "ro,rw"
# -- Use NFS transport for mounting Weka filesystems, off by default
useNfs: false
# -- Allow Failback to NFS transport if Weka client fails to mount filesystem using native protocol
allowNfsFailback: false
# -- Specify name of NFS interface group to use for mounting Weka filesystems. If not set, first NFS interface group will be used
interfaceGroupName: ""
# -- Specify existing client group name for NFS configuration. If not set, "WekaCSIPluginClients" group will be created
clientGroupName: ""
# -- Specify NFS protocol version to use for mounting Weka filesystems. Default is "4.1", consult Weka documentation for supported versions
nfsProtocolVersion: "4.1"