.. | ||
templates | ||
Chart.yaml | ||
README.md | ||
app-readme.md | ||
questions.yaml | ||
values.yaml |
helm repo add komodorio https://helm-charts.komodor.io
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install k8s-watcher komodorio/k8s-watcher --set apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE --set watcher.clusterName=CLUSTER_NAME --set watcher.allowReadingPodLogs=true --set watcher.enableAgentTaskExecution=true --wait --timeout=90s
In case of error try contact us for assistance via intercom at: https://app.komodor.com Or run:
- Logs of k8s-watcher
kubectl logs --tail=10 deployment/k8s-watcher -n komodor
- Helm status
helm status k8s-watcher
- Reinstall
helm uninstall helm-k8s-watcher
This chart bootstraps a Kubernetes Resources/Event Watcher deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
Supported architectures
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
- Kubernetes 1.16+ (older versions not tested)
- Helm 2/3
Installing the Chart
To install the chart with the release name k8s-watcher
helm upgrade --install k8s-watcher komodorio/k8s-watcher --create-namespace --set apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE --set watcher.clusterName=CLUSTER_NAME
The command deploys the Komodor K8S-Watcher on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
Api Key
The Komodor kubernetes api key can be provided in the helm upgrade command, in the values.yaml
file or can be taken from an existing kubernetes secret resource.
When using an existing kubernetes secret resource, specify the secret name in existingSecret
and store the api key under the name 'apiKey'.
Uninstalling the Chart
To uninstall/delete the k8s-watcher
Helm 3:
helm uninstall k8s-watcher
Helm 2:
helm delete --purge k8s-watcher
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
Alternative: Install without Helm
To install the chart directly with kubectl, use the manifests located in ./kube-install
- Make sure to set the apiKey (as base 64) secret value in
KOMOKW_APIKEY=YOUR_APIKEY sed -i "s/YOUR_APIKEY_AS_BASE_64/$(echo $KOMOKW_APIKEY | base64)/g" kube-install/k8s-watcher/templates/secret-credentials.yaml
- Then just apply everything in order:
kubectl apply -f ./kube-install/k8s-watcher/templates/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./kube-install/k8s-watcher/templates
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
apiKey |
Komodor kubernetes api key (required if existingSecret not specified) |
`` |
existingSecret |
Existing kubernetes secret resource containing Komodor kubernetes apiKey (required if apiKey not specified) |
`` |
watcher.redact |
List of regular expressions. Config values for keys that matches one of these expressions will show up at Komodor as "REDACTED:<SHA of config value>" | [] |
watcher.clusterName |
Override auto-discovery of Cluster Name with one of your choosing | `` |
watcher.watchNamespace |
Watch a specific namespace, or all namespaces ("", "all") | all |
watcher.namespacesDenylist |
Exclude specific namespaces (list) | [] |
watcher.nameDenylist |
Exclude specific resource names that contains any of these strings (list) - example: watcher.nameDenylist=["dont-watch"] --> `pod/backend-dont-watch` wont be collected |
[] |
watcher.collectHistory |
On startup collect existing cluster resources in addition to watching new resources (true / false) | true |
watcher.sinks.webhook.enabled |
Enables a Webhook output | true |
watcher.sinks.webhook.url |
URL to send webhooks to | https://app.komodor.io/k8s-events/event/ |
watcher.sinks.webhook.headers |
Headers to attach to the webhooks | {} |
watcher.resources.event |
Enables watching Event | true |
watcher.resources.deployment |
Enables watching Deployments | true |
watcher.resources.replicationController |
Enables watching ReplicationControllers | true |
watcher.resources.replicaSet |
Enables watching ReplicaSets | true |
watcher.resources.daemonSet |
Enables watching DaemonSets | true |
watcher.resources.statefulSet |
Enables watching StatefulSets | true |
watcher.resources.service |
Enables watching Services | true |
watcher.resources.pod |
Enables watching Pods | true |
watcher.resources.job |
Enables watching Jobs | true |
watcher.resources.node |
Enables watching Nodes | true |
watcher.resources.clusterRole |
Enables watching ClusterRoles | true |
watcher.resources.serviceAccount |
Enables watching ServiceAccounts | true |
watcher.resources.persistentVolume |
Enables watching PersistentVolumes | true |
watcher.resources.persistentVolumeClaim |
Enables watching PersistentVolumeClaims | true |
watcher.resources.namespace |
Enables watching Namespaces | true |
watcher.resources.secret |
Enables watching Secrets | false |
watcher.resources.configMap |
Enables watching ConfigMaps | true |
watcher.resources.ingress |
Enables watching Ingresses | true |
watcher.resources.storageClass |
Enables watching StorageClasses | true |
watcher.resources.rollout |
Enables watching Argo Rollouts | true |
watcher.resources.metrics |
Enables watching Metrics | true |
watcher.resources.limitRange |
Enables watching LimitRange | true |
watcher.resources.podTemplate |
Enables watching PodTemplate | true |
watcher.resources.resourceQuota |
Enables watching ResourceQuota | true |
watcher.resources.admissionRegistrationResources |
Enables watching MutatingWebhookConfigurations and ValidatingWebhookConfigurations | true |
watcher.resources.controllerRevision |
Enables watching ControllerRevision | true |
watcher.resources.authorizationResources |
Enables watching Authorization Resources | true |
watcher.resources.horizontalPodAutoscaler |
Enables watching HorizontalPodAutoscaler | true |
watcher.resources.certificateSigningRequest |
Enables watching CertificateSigningRequest | true |
watcher.resources.lease |
Enables watching Lease | true |
watcher.resources.endpointSlice |
Enables watching EndpointSlice | true |
watcher.resources.flowControlResources |
Enables watching FlowControl Resources | true |
watcher.resources.ingressClass |
Enables watching IngressClass | true |
watcher.resources.networkPolicy |
Enables watching NetworkPolicy | true |
watcher.resources.runtimeClass |
Enables watching RuntimeClass | true |
watcher.resources.policyResources |
Enables watching Policy Resources | true |
watcher.resources.clusterRoleBinding |
Enables watching ClusterRoleBinding | true |
watcher.resources.roleBinding |
Enables watching RoleBinding | true |
watcher.resources.role |
Enables watching Role | true |
watcher.resources.PriorityClass |
Enables watching PriorityClass | true |
watcher.resources.csiDriver |
Enables watching CSIDriver | true |
watcher.resources.csiNode |
Enables watching CSINode | true |
watcher.resources.csiStorageCapacity |
Enables watching CSIStorageCapacity | true |
watcher.resources.volumeAttachment |
Enables watching VolumeAttachment | true |
watcher.servers.healthCheck.port |
Port of the health check | |
server | 8090 |
resources.requests.cpu |
CPU resource requests | 0.25 |
resources.limits.cpu |
CPU resource limits | 1 |
resources.requests.memory |
Memory resource requests | 256Mi |
resources.limits.memory |
Memory resource limits | 4096Mi |
image.repository |
Image registry/name | docker.io/komodorio/k8s-watcher |
image.tag |
Image tag | 0.1.10 |
image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
serviceAccount.create |
Creates a service account | true |
serviceAccount.name |
Optional name for the service account | {RELEASE_FULLNAME} |
proxy.enabled |
Configure proxy for watcher | true |
proxy.http |
Configure Proxy setting (HTTP_PROXY) | `` |
proxy.https |
Configure Proxy setting (HTTPS_PROXY) | `` |
proxy.no_proxy |
Configure Proxy setting (NO_PROXY) | `` |
watcher.controller.resync.period |
Resync period (in minutes, minimum 5) to resync the state of selected controllers (deployment, daemonset, statefulset) | "0" |
watcher.enableAgentTaskExecution |
Enable to the agent to execute tasks in the cluster such as log streaming | true |
watcher.allowReadingPodLogs . |
Enable the agent to read pod logs from the cluster | true |
createNamespace |
Creates the namespace | true |
podAnnotations |
Adds custom annotations on the agent pod - Example: --set podAnnotations."app\.komodor\.com/app"="komodor-agent" |
{} |
deploymentAnnotations |
Adds custom annotations on the agent deployment - Example: --set deploymentAnnotations."app\.komodor\.com/app"="komodor-agent" |
{} |
The above parameters map to a yaml configuration file used by the watcher.
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example,
helm upgrade --install k8s-watcher komodorio/k8s-watcher --set apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" --set watcher.enableAgentTaskExecution=true --set watcher.allowReadingPodLogs=true
Alternativly, you can pass the configuration as environment variables using the KOMOKW_
prefix and by replacing all the .
to _
, for the root items the camelcase transforms into underscores as well. For example,
# apiKey
# watcher.resources.replicaSet
# watcher.watchNamespace
# watcher.collectHistory
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml