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# CSI driver log level
# Allowed values: "error", "warn"/"warning", "info", "debug"
# Default value: "debug"
logLevel: "debug"
# CSI driver log format
# Allowed values: "TEXT" or "JSON"
# Default value: "TEXT"
logFormat: "TEXT"
# The CSI PowerMax ReverseProxy section to fill out the required configuration
# Please refer to the doc website about a
# detailed explanation of each configuration parameter
# and the various ReverseProxy modes
defaultCredentialsSecret: powermax-creds
- storageArrayId: "000000000001"
endpoint: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443
backupEndpoint: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443
# - storageArrayId: "000000000002"
# endpoint: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
# backupEndpoint: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
- endpoint: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443
credentialsSecret: primary-1-secret
skipCertificateValidation: false
certSecret: primary-cert
maxActiveRead: 5
maxActiveWrite: 4
maxOutStandingRead: 50
maxOutStandingWrite: 50
- endpoint: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443
credentialsSecret: backup-1-secret
skipCertificateValidation: false
# - endpoint: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
# credentialsSecret: primary-2-secret
# skipCertificateValidation: true
# certSecret: no-secret
# - endpoint: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
# credentialsSecret: backup-2-secret
# skipCertificateValidation: true
# Current version of the driver
# Don't modify this value as this value will be used by the install script
version: "v2.6.0"
# "driver" defines the container image, used for the driver container.
driverRepository: dellemc
# customDriverName: If enabled, sets the driver name to the
# value provided to its value field with namespace prefixed to it.
# e.g, namespace.csi-powermax
# Default value: None
# Examples: "namespace.dellemc-array", "namespace.powermaxarray"
value: csi-powermax
# Allowed values:
# "true" - Custom driver name is enabled
# "false" - Custom driver name is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# defaultFsType: Sets the default FS type which will be used
# for mount volumes if FsType is not specified in the storage class
# Allowed values:
# "ext4" - EXT4 File system
# "xfs" - XFS File system
# Default value: "ext4"
defaultFsType: ext4
# imagePullPolicy: Policy to determine if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container.
# Allowed values:
# Always: Always pull the image.
# IfNotPresent: Only pull the image if it does not already exist on the node.
# Never: Never pull the image.
# Default value: None
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Specify kubelet config dir path.
# Ensure that the config.yaml file is present at this path.
# Default value: None
kubeletConfigDir: /var/lib/kubelet
# fsGroupPolicy: Defines if the underlying volume supports changing ownership and permission of the volume before being mounted.
# Allowed values:
# ReadWriteOnceWithFSType: supports volume ownership and permissions change only if the fsType is defined
# and the volume's accessModes contains ReadWriteOnce.
# File: kubernetes may use fsGroup to change permissions and ownership of the volume
# to match user requested fsGroup in the pod's security policy regardless of fstype or access mode.
# None: volumes will be mounted with no modifications.
# Default value: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
fsGroupPolicy: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
# controller: configure controller specific parameters
# controllerCount: Define the number of PowerMax controller nodes
# to deploy to the Kubernetes release
# Allowed values: n, where n > 0
# Default value: None
controllerCount: 2
# volumeNamePrefix: Define a prefix that is prepended to volumes.
# Default value: None
# Examples: "volumes", "vol"
volumeNamePrefix: pmax
# enabled: Enable/Disable volume snapshot feature
# Allowed values:
# true: enable volume snapshot feature(install snapshotter sidecar)
# false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install snapshotter sidecar)
# Default value: None
enabled: true
# snapNamePrefix: Define a prefix that is prepended to snapshots.
# Default value: None
# Examples: "snap", "snapshot"
snapNamePrefix: pmsn
# enabled: Enable/Disable volume expansion feature
# Allowed values:
# true: enable volume expansion feature(install resizer sidecar)
# false: disable volume snapshot feature(do not install resizer sidecar)
# Default value: None
enabled: true
# nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for controller pods.
# For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
# of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
# Leave as blank to consider all nodes
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
# Examples:
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/master
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""
# tolerations: Define tolerations that would be applied to controller deployment
# Leave as blank to install controller on worker nodes
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
# - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
# - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
# operator: "Exists"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# health monitor showcase the volume usage and volume condition
# enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes- volume status, volume condition
# Allowed values:
# true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# Default value: None
enabled: false
# interval: Interval of monitoring volume health condition
# Allowed values: Number followed by unit of time (s,m,h)
# Default value: 60s
interval: 60s
# node: configure node specific parameters
# nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for node pods.
# For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
# of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
# Leave as blank to consider all nodes
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
# Examples:
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/master
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
# Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
# node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""
# tolerations: Define tolerations that would be applied to node daemonset
# Add/Remove tolerations as per requirement
# Leave as blank if you wish to not apply any tolerations
# Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
# Default value: None
- key: "node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure"
operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoExecute"
- key: "node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure"
operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoExecute"
- key: "node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable"
operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoExecute"
# health monitor showcase the volume usage and volume condition
# enabled: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes- volume usage, volume condition
# Allowed values:
# true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
# Default value: false
enabled: false
# Topology control provides a way to filter topology keys
# Please refer to the doc website about a detailed explanation on its configuration and usage
# enabled: Enable/Disable Topology Control
# Allowed values:
# true: enable the filtration based on config map
# false: disable the filtration based on config map
# Default value: false
enabled: false
# enableCHAP: Determine if the driver is going to configure
# ISCSI node databases on the nodes with the CHAP credentials
# If enabled, the CHAP secret must be provided in the credentials secret
# and set to the key "chapsecret"
# Allowed values:
# "true" - CHAP is enabled
# "false" - CHAP is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enableCHAP: false
# Use of this param is depreciated;
# setting this to any value will have no effect.
# "unisphere" defines the Unisphere endpoint,
# with full URL, typically leveraging HTTPS.
# This should include the port number as well (the default is 8443)
# You must set this for your Unisphere instance.
# unisphere:
# csireverseproxy: Refers to the subchart csireverseproxy
# image: Define the container images used for the reverse proxy
# Default value: None
# Example: "csipowermax-reverseproxy:v2.5.0"
image: dellemc/csipowermax-reverseproxy:v2.5.0
# "tlsSecret" defines the TLS secret that is created with certificate
# and its associated key
# Default value: None
# Example: "tls-secret"
tlsSecret: csirevproxy-tls-secret
# Set enabled to true if you want to deploy csireverseproxy as sidecar
# Allowed values:
# "true" - CSI reverse proxy will be deployed as a sidecar
# "false" - CSI reverse proxy will be deployed along with driver
# Default value: "true"
deployAsSidecar: true
# Port number for csireverseproxy to listen
# Default value: None
# Examples: "1111", "8080"
port: 2222
# Mode of CSI reverse proxy - this is a standalone API
# it doesn't belong to kubernetes cluster API
# Default value: None
# Example: "StandAlone"
mode: StandAlone
# Optionally, uncomment and specify the name of the pre-created namespace to install the sidecar in it
# namespace:
# clusterPrefix: Define a prefix that is appended onto
# all resources created in the Array
# This should be unique per K8s/CSI deployment
# maximum length of this value is 3 characters
# Default value: None
# Examples: "XYZ"
clusterPrefix: ABC
# portGroups: Define the set of existing port groups that the driver will use.
# It is a comma separated list of portgroup names.
# Required only in case of iSCSI port groups
# Allowed values: iSCSI Port Group names
# Default value: None
# Examples: "pg1, pg2, pg3", "pg1"
portGroups: PortGroup1, PortGroup2, PortGroup3
# "skipCertificateValidation" determines if driver is going to skip verification
# of TLS certificates while connecting to Unisphere RESTAPI interface
# If it is set to false,
# then a secret powermax-certs has to be created with a X.509 certificate of CA
# which signed the Unisphere certificate
# Allowed values:
# "true" - TLS certificates verification will be skipped
# "false" - TLS certificates will be verified
# Default value: "true"
skipCertificateValidation: "true"
# "transportProtocol" can be "FC" or "FIBRE" for fibrechannel,
# "ISCSI" for iSCSI, or "" for autoselection.
# Allowed values:
# "FC" - Fiber Channel protocol
# "FIBER" - Fiber Channel protocol
# "ISCSI" - iSCSI protocol
# "" - Automatic selection of transport protocol
# Default value: "" <empty>
transportProtocol: ""
# "powerMaxDebug" enables low level and http traffic logging
# between the CSI driver and Unisphere.
# Do not enable this unless asked to do so by the support team.
# Allowed values:
# "true" - Traffic between the CSI driver and Unisphere is logged
# "false" - Traffic between the CSI driver and Unisphere will not be logged
# Default value: "false"
powerMaxDebug: "false"
# nodeNameTemplate: Provide a template for the CSI driver to use
# while creating the Host/IG on the array for the nodes in the cluster.
# It is of the format a-b-c-%foo%-xyz
# where foo will be replaced by host name of each node in the cluster.
# For e.g. - If a node in the cluster has a hostname - worker1
# then the host name with the above template would be a-b-c-worker1-xyz
# Default value: "" <empty>
# Examples: "a-b-c-worker1-xyz" , "a-b-c-workernode-xyz"
nodeNameTemplate: ""
# modifyHostName: Change any existing host names.
# When nodenametemplate is set,
# it changes the name to the specified format
# else it uses driver default host name format.
# Allowed values:
# "true" - Host name will be modified
# "false" - Driver default host name format will be used
# Default value: "false"
modifyHostName: "false"
# openshift: Define that the installation
# is being done on a Red Hat OpenShift cluster in the Helm Chart
# Don't modify this value as this value is overridden by the install script
openshift: false
# CSM module attributes
# Set this to true to enable replication
# Replication CRDs must be installed before installing driver
# Allowed values:
# "true" - replication is enabled
# "false" - replication is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# Change this to use any specific version of the dell-csi-replicator sidecar
# Default value: None
image: dellemc/dell-csi-replicator:v1.4.0
# replicationContextPrefix enables side cars to read
# required information from the volume context
# Default value: "powermax"
# Examples: "powermax-replication", "replication"
replicationContextPrefix: "powermax"
# replicationPrefix: Determine if replication is enabled
# Default value: "replication.storage.dell.com"
# Examples: "replication.storage.dell.com", "rdf.storage.dell.com"
replicationPrefix: "replication.storage.dell.com"
# CSM module attributes
# Set this to true to enable migration
# Allowed values:
# "true" - migration is enabled
# "false" - migration is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# Change this to use any specific version of the dell-csi-migrator sidecar
# Default value: None
image: dellemc/dell-csi-migrator:v1.1.0
# Node rescan sidecar does a rescan on nodes for identifying new paths
# Default value: dellemc/dell-csi-node-rescanner:v1.0.0
nodeRescanSidecarImage: dellemc/dell-csi-node-rescanner:v1.0.0
# migrationPrefix: Determine if migration is enabled
# Default value: "migration.storage.dell.com"
# Examples: "migration.storage.dell.com"
migrationPrefix: "migration.storage.dell.com"
# CSM module attributes
# authorization: enable csm-authorization for RBAC
# Deploy and configure authorization before installing driver
# Allowed values:
# "true" - authorization is enabled
# "false" - authorization is disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# sidecarProxyImage: the container image used for the csm-authorization-sidecar.
# Default value: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.6.0
sidecarProxyImage: dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.6.0
# proxyHost: hostname of the csm-authorization server
# Default value: None
# skipCertificateValidation: certificate validation of the csm-authorization server
# Allowed Values:
# "true" - TLS certificate verification will be skipped
# "false" - TLS certificate will be verified
# Default value: "true"
skipCertificateValidation: true
# VMware/vSphere virtualization support
# set enable to true, if you to enable VMware virtualized environment support via RDM
# Allowed Values:
# "true" - vSphere volumes are enabled
# "false" - vSphere volumes are disabled
# Default value: "false"
enabled: false
# fcPortGroup: an existing portGroup that driver will use for vSphere
# recommended format: csi-x-VC-PG, x can be anything of user choice
fcPortGroup: "csi-vsphere-VC-PG"
# fcHostName: an existing host(initiator group) that driver will use for vSphere
# this host should contain initiators from all the ESXs/ESXi host
# where the cluster is deployed
# recommended format: csi-x-VC-HN, x can be anything of user choice
fcHostName: "csi-vsphere-VC-HN"
# vCenterHost: URL/endpoint of the vCenter where all the ESX are present
vCenterHost: ""
# vCenterCredSecret: secret name for the vCenter credentials
vCenterCredSecret: vcenter-creds
# Optionally, uncomment and specify the name of the pre-created namespace to install the driver in it
# namespace: