406 lines
13 KiB
406 lines
13 KiB
io.rancher.certified: partner
- variable: citrixCPX
required: true
type: boolean
default: true
description: "Set true to use Citrix ADC CPX as ingress device. Set false to use VPX/MPX as ingress device"
label: citrixCPX
group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: secrets.name
required: true
type: string
default: "nslogin"
description: "Ensure to create nslogin secret in same namespace"
show_if: "citrixCPX=false"
group: "nslogin Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.image
required: true
type: string
default: "quay.io/citrix/citrix-xds-adaptor:0.9.9"
label: xDSAdaptor Image
description: "xDSAdaptor Image to be used with version"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.imagePullPolicy
required: true
type: enum
default: IfNotPresent
label: xDSAdaptor imagePullPolicy
description: "xDSAdaptor Image pull policy"
- "Always"
- "IfNotPresent"
- "Never"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.proxyType
required: false
type: string
default: "router"
label: xDSAdaptor proxyType
description: "xDSAdaptor proxyType type set to router by default"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.secureConnect
required: true
type: boolean
default: true
label: xDSAdaptor secureConnect
description: "If this value is set to true, xDSAdaptor establishes secure gRPC channel with Istio Pilot"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.logLevel
required: false
type: enum
default: DEBUG
label: xDSAdaptor logLevel
description: "xDSAdaptor logLevel"
- "INFO"
- "WARN"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: xDSAdaptor.jsonLog
required: false
type: string
default: "true"
label: xDSAdaptor jsonLog
description: "Set this argument to true if log messages are required in JSON format"
group: "xDSAdaptor Settings"
- variable: coe.coeURL
required: false
type: string
label: coe coeURL
description: "Name of Citrix Observability Exporter Service"
group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coe.coeTracing
required: false
type: boolean
label: coe coeTracing
description: "Used to send appflow transactions to Zipkin endpoint,if true ADM servicegraph (if configured) can be impacted"
group: "COE Settings"
- variable: istioPilot.name
required: true
type: string
default: istiod
label: istio-pilot name
group: "istio-pilot Settings"
description: "Name of the Istio Pilot service"
- variable: istioPilot.namespace
required: true
type: string
default: istio-system
label: istio-pilot namespace
description: "Namespace where Istio Pilot is running"
group: "istio-pilot Settings"
- variable: istioPilot.secureGrpcPort
required: true
type: int
default: 15012
label: istio-pilot secureGrpcPort
show_if: "xDSAdaptor.secureConnect=true"
description: "Secure GRPC port where Istio Pilot is listening"
group: "istio-pilot Settings"
- variable: istioPilot.insecureGrpcPort
required: true
type: int
default: 15010
show_if: "xDSAdaptor.secureConnect=false"
label: istio-pilot insecureGrpcPort
description: "Insecure GRPC port where Istio Pilot is listening"
group: "istio-pilot Settings"
- variable: istioPilot.SAN
required: false
type: string
label: istio-pilot SAN
description: "Subject alternative name for Istio Pilot which is (SPIFFE) ID of Istio Pilot"
show_if: "xDSAdaptor.secureConnect=true"
group: "istio-pilot Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.netscalerUrl
required: true
type: string
label: ingressGateway netscalerUrl
description: "URL or IP address of the Citrix ADC which Istio-adaptor configures (Mandatory if citrixCPX=false)"
show_if: "citrixCPX=false"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.image
required: true
type: string
default: "quay.io/citrix/citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress:13.0-79.64"
label: ingressGateway Image
description: "ingressGateway image to be used"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.imagePullPolicy
required: true
type: enum
default: IfNotPresent
label: ingressGateway imagePullPolicy
description: Ingress-gateway Image pull policy
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- "Always"
- "IfNotPresent"
- "Never"
- variable: ingressGateway.EULA
required: true
type: enum
description: "End user license agreement (read EULA before accepting it yes)"
label: ingressGateway EULA
- "YES"
- "NO"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.mgmtHttpPort
required: true
type: int
default: 10080
label: ingressGateway mgmtHttpPort
description: "Management port of the Citrix ADC CPX"
show_if: "citrixCPX=true"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.mgmtHttpsPort
required: true
type: int
default: 10443
show_if: "citrixCPX=true"
label: ingressGateway mgmtHttpsPort
description: "Secure management port of Citrix ADC CPX"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.httpNodePort
required: true
type: int
default: 30180
show_if: "citrixCPX=true"
label: ingressGateway httpNodePort
description: "Port on host machine which is used to expose HTTP port of Citrix ADC CPX"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.httpsNodePort
required: true
type: int
default: 31443
show_if: "citrixCPX=true"
label: ingressGateway httpsNodePort
description: "Port on host machine which is used to expose HTTPS port of Citrix ADC CPX"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.nodePortRequired
required: true
type: boolean
default: true
label: ingressGateway nodePortRequired
description: "Set this argument if servicetype to be NodePort of Citrix ADC CPX, else it will be loadbalancer type"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.lightWeightCPX
required: false
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "citrixCPX=true"
label: ingressGateway lightWeightCPX
description: "Set this argument if lighter version of Citrix ADC CPX used"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.label
required: true
type: string
default: "citrix-ingressgateway"
label: ingressGateway label
description: "Custom label for the Ingress Gateway service"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.vserverIP
required: true
type: string
default: "nsip"
show_if: "citrixCPX=false"
label: ingressGateway vserverIP
description: "Virtual server IP address on Citrix ADC"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.adcServerName
required: false
type: string
label: ingressGateway adcServerName
description: "Citrix ADC ServerName used in the Citrix ADC certificate"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.netProfile
required: false
type: string
label: ingressGateway netProfile
description: "Network profile name used to configure Citrix ADC VPX or MPX which is deployed as Ingress Gateway"
show_if: "citrixCPX=false"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.multiClusterIngress
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: ingressGateway multiClusterIngress
description: "Flag indicating if Citrix ADC is acting as Ingress gateway to multi cluster Istio mesh installation"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.multiClusterListenerPort
required: true
type: int
default: 15443
label: ingressGateway multiClusterListenerPort
description: "Port opened on Citrix ADC to enable inter-cluster service to service (E-W) communication"
show_if: "ingressGateway.multiClusterIngress=true"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.multiClusterListenerNodePort
required: true
type: int
default: 15443
label: ingressGateway multiClusterListenerNodePort
description: "Nodeport for multiClusterListenerPort in case of Citrix ADC CPX acting as Ingress gateway"
show_if: "ingressGateway.multiClusterIngress=true"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: ingressGateway.multiClusterSvcDomain
required: true
type: string
default: global
label: ingressGateway multiClusterSvcDomain
description: "Domain suffix of remote service (deployed in other cluster) used in E-W communication"
show_if: "ingressGateway.multiClusterIngress=true"
group: "ingressGateway Settings"
- variable: metricExporter.required
required: false
type: boolean
default: true
label: Exporter required
description: "Metrics exporter for Citrix ADC"
group: "metricExporter Settings"
- variable: metricExporter.image
required: true
type: string
default: "quay.io/citrix/citrix-adc-metrics-exporter:1.4.8"
label: Exporter Image
description: "Exporter Image to be used with version"
show_if: "metricExporter.required=true"
group: "metricExporter Settings"
- variable: metricExporter.port
required: true
type: int
default: 8888
label: metricExporter Port
show_if: "metricExporter.required=true"
group: "metricExporter Settings"
- variable: metricExporter.logLevel
required: true
type: enum
default: ERROR
label: metricExporter logLevel
show_if: "metricExporter.required=true"
group: "metricExporter Settings"
- "INFO"
- variable: metricExporter.imagePullPolicy
required: true
type: enum
default: IfNotPresent
label: metricExporter imagePullPolicy
description: "Exporter Image pull policy"
show_if: "metricExporter.required=true"
group: "metricExporter Settings"
- "Always"
- "IfNotPresent"
- "Never"
- variable: certProvider.caAddr
required: true
type: string
default: "istiod.istio-system.svc"
label: certProvider caAddr
description: "Certificate Authority (CA) address issuing certificate to application"
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: certProvider.caPort
required: true
type: int
default: 15012
label: certProvider caPort
description: "Certificate Authority (CA) port issuing certificate to application"
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: certProvider.trustDomain
required: true
type: string
default: "cluster.local"
label: certProvider trustDomain
description: "SPIFFE Trust Domain"
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: certProvider.certTTLinHours
required: true
type: int
default: 720
label: certProvider certTTLinHours
description: "Validity of certificate generated by xds-adaptor and signed by Istiod (Istio Citadel) in hours."
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: certProvider.clusterId
required: true
type: string
default: "Kubernetes"
label: certProvider clusterId
description: "clusterId is the ID of the cluster where Istiod CA instance resides (default Kubernetes). It can be different value on some cloud platforms or in m
ulticluster environments. For example, in Anthos servicemesh, it might be of the format of `cn<project-name>-<region>-<cluster_name>`. In multiCluster environments, it is the val
ue of global.multiCluster.clusterName provided during servicemesh control plane installation"
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: certProvider.jwtPolicy
required: true
type: enum
default: "first-party-jwt"
label: certProvider jwtPolicy
description: "Kubernetes platform supports First party tokens and Third party tokens"
- "first-party-jwt"
- "third-party-jwt"
group: "certProvider Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.ADMIP
required: false
type: string
label: ADMSettings ADMIP
description: "Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) IP address"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.licenseServerIP
required: false
type: string
label: ADMSettings licenseServerIP
description: "Citrix License Server IP address"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.licenseServerPort
required: false
type: int
default: 27000
label: ADMSettings licenseServerPort
description: "Citrix ADM port if a non-default port is used"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.bandWidthLicense
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
label: ADMSettings bandWidthLicense
description: "To specify bandwidth based licensing"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.bandWidth
required: false
type: string
label: ADMSettings bandWidth
description: "Desired bandwidth capacity to be set for Citrix ADC CPX in Mbps"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.vCPULicense
required: false
type: boolean
default: "false"
label: ADMSettings vCPULicense
description: "To specify vCPULicense based licensing"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"
- variable: ADMSettings.cpxCores
required: false
type: string
label: ADMSettings cpxCores
description: "To specify cpxCores in licensing"
group: "ADMSettings Settings"