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Deploy Citrix ADC as an Ingress Gateway in Istio environment using Helm charts

Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) can be deployed as an Istio Ingress Gateway to control the ingress traffic to Istio service mesh.

Table of Contents

  1. TL; DR;
  2. Introduction
  3. Deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress Gateway
  4. Deploy Citrix ADC CPX as an Ingress Gateway
  5. Using Existing Certificates to deploy Citrix ADC as an Ingress Gateway
  6. Segregating traffic with multiple Ingress Gateways
  7. Visualizing statistics of Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway with Metrics Exporter
  8. Exposing services running on non-HTTP ports
  9. Citrix ADC as Ingress Gateway: a sample deployment
  10. Uninstalling the Helm chart
  11. Configuration Parameters


To deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress Gateway:

   kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system

   helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

   helm install citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES --set istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port] --set istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address> 

To deploy Citrix ADC CPX as an Ingress Gateway:

   helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

   helm install citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES --set citrixCPX=true


This chart deploys Citrix ADC VPX, MPX, or CPX as an Ingress Gateway in the Istio service mesh using the Helm package manager. For detailed information on different deployment options, see Deployment Architecture.


The following prerequisites are required for deploying Citrix ADC as an Ingress Gateway in Istio service mesh:

  • Ensure that Istio version 1.3.0 is installed

  • Ensure that Helm with version 3.x is installed. Follow this step to install the same.

  • Ensure that your cluster has Kubernetes version 1.14.0 or later and the admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 API is enabled

  • For deploying Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress gateway:

    Create a Kubernetes secret for the Citrix ADC user name and password using the following command:

      kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system

You can verify the API by using the following command:

    kubectl api-versions | grep admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1

The following output indicates that the API is enabled:

  • Important Note: For deploying Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as ingress gateway, you should establish the connectivity between Citrix ADC VPX or MPX and cluster nodes. This connectivity can be established by configuring routes on Citrix ADC as mentioned here or by deploying Citrix Node Controller.

Deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress Gateway

To deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress Gateway in the Istio service mesh, do the following step. In this example, release name is specified as citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway and namespace as citrix-system.

    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system
    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port],istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address> 

Deploy Citrix ADC CPX as an Ingress Gateway

To deploy Citrix ADC CPX as an Ingress Gateway, do the following step. In this example, release name is specified as my-release and namespace is used as citrix-system.

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,citrixCPX=true

Using Existing Certificates to deploy Citrix ADC as an Ingress Gateway

You may want to use the existing certificate and key for authenticating access to an application using Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway. In that case, you can create a Kubernetes secret from the existing certificate and key. You can mount the Kubernetes secret as data volumes in Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway.

To create a Kubernetes secret using an existing key named test_key.pem and a certificate named test.pem, use the following command:

    kubectl create -n citrix-system secret tls citrix-ingressgateway-certs --key test_key.pem --cert test.pem 

Note: Ensure that Kubernetes secret is created in the same namespace where Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway is deployed.

To deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX with secret volume, do the following step:

    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port],istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address>,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].name=test-ingressgateway-certs,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].secretName=test-ingressgateway-certs,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].mountPath=/etc/istio/test-ingressgateway-certs

To deploy Citrix ADC CPX with secret volume, do the following step:

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,citrixCPX=true,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].name=test-ingressgateway-certs,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].secretName=test-ingressgateway-certs,ingressGateway.secretVolumes[0].mountPath=/etc/istio/test-ingressgateway-certs

Segregating traffic with multiple Ingress Gateways

You can deploy multiple Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway devices and segregate traffic to various deployments in the Istio service mesh. This can be achieved with custom labels. By default, Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway service comes up with the app: citrix-ingressgateway label. This label is used as a selector while deploying the Ingress Gateway or virtual service resources. If you want to deploy Ingress Gateway with the custom label, you can do it using the ingressGateway.label option in the Helm chart.

To deploy Citrix ADC CPX Ingress Gateway with the label my_custom_ingressgateway, do the following step:

    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system
    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,citrixCPX=true,ingressGateway.lightWeightCPX=NO,ingressGateway.label=my_custom_ingressgateway

To deploy Citrix ADC VPX or MPX as an Ingress Gateway with the label my_custom_ingressgateway, do the following step:

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port],istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address>,ingressGateway.label=my_custom_ingressgateway

Visualizing statistics of Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway with Metrics Exporter

By default, Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter is also deployed along with Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway. Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter fetches statistical data from Citrix ADC and exports it to Prometheus running in Istio service mesh. When you add Prometheus as a data source in Grafana, you can visualize this statistical data in the Grafana dashboard.

Metrics Exporter requires the IP address of Citrix ADC CPX or VPX Ingress Gateway. It is retrieved from the value specified for istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl.

When Citrix ADC CPX is deployed as Ingress Gateway, Metrics Exporter runs along with Citrix CPX Ingress Gateway in the same pod and specifying IP address is optional.

To deploy Citrix ADC as Ingress Gateway without Metrics Exporter, set the value of metricExporter.required as false.

    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port],istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address>,metricExporter.required=false

"Note:" To remotely access telemetry addons such as Prometheus and Grafana, see Remotely Accessing Telemetry Addons.

Exposing services running on non-HTTP ports

By default, services running on HTTP ports (80 & 443) are exposed through Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway. Similarly, you can expose services that are deployed on non-HTTP ports through the Citrix ADC Ingress Gateway device.

To deploy Citrix ADC MPX or VPX, and expose a service running on a TCP port, do the following step.

In this example, a service running on TCP port 5000 is exposed using port 10000 on Citrix ADC.

    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal=username=<citrix-adc-user> --from-literal=password=<citrix-adc-password> -n citrix-system

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl=https://<nsip>[:port],istioAdaptor.vserverIP=<IPv4 Address>,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].name=tcp1,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].port=10000,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].targetPort=5000

To deploy Citrix ADC CPX and expose a service running on a TCP port, do the following step. In this example, port 10000 on the Citrix ADC CPX instance is exposed using TCP port 30000 (node port configuration) on the host machine.

    helm repo add citrix https://citrix.github.io/citrix-helm-charts/

    helm install my-release citrix/citrix-adc-istio-ingress-gateway --namespace citrix-system --set ingressGateway.EULA=YES,citrixCPX=true,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].name=tcp1,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].nodePort=30000,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].port=10000,ingressGateway.tcpPort[0].targetPort=5000

Citrix ADC as Ingress Gateway: a sample deployment

A sample deployment of Citrix ADC as an Ingress gateway for the Bookinfo application is provided here.

Uninstalling the Helm chart

To uninstall or delete a chart with release name as my-release, do the following step.

    helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Configuration parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters in the Helm chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Optional/Mandatory
citrixCPX Citrix ADC CPX FALSE Mandatory for Citrix ADC CPX
istioAdaptor.image Image of the Citrix Istio-adaptor container quay.io/citrix/citrix-istio-adaptor Mandatory
istioAdaptor.tag Tag of the Istio adaptor image 1.2.0 Mandatory
istioAdaptor.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for Istio-adaptor IfNotPresent Optional
istioAdaptor.vserverIP Virtual server IP address on Citrix ADC (Mandatory if citrixCPX=false) null Mandatory for Citrix ADC MPX or VPX
istioAdaptor.netscalerUrl URL or IP address of the Citrix ADC which Istio-adaptor configures (Mandatory if citrixCPX=false) null Mandatory for Citrix ADC MPX or VPX
istioAdaptor.secureConnect If this value is set to true, Istio-adaptor establishes secure gRPC channel with Istio Pilot TRUE Optional
istioAdaptor.netProfile Network profile name used by CNC to configure Citrix ADC VPX or MPX which is deployed as Ingress Gateway null Optional
istioAdaptor.coeURL Name of Citrix Observability Exporter Service in the form of "." null Optional
istioAdaptor.ADMIP Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) IP address NIL Mandatory for Citrix ADC CPX
istioAdaptor.ADMFingerPrint Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) Finger Print. For more information, see this NIL Optional
ingressGateway.image Image of Citrix ADC CPX designated to run as Ingress Gateway quay.io/citrix/citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress Mandatory for Citrix ADC CPX
ingressGateway.tag Version of Citrix ADC CPX 13.0-47.22 Mandatory for Citrix ADC CPX
ingressGateway.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent Optional
ingressGateway.EULA End User License Agreement(EULA) terms and conditions. If yes, then user agrees to EULA terms and conditions. NO Mandatory for Citrix ADC CPX
ingressGateway.mgmtHttpPort Management port of the Citrix ADC CPX 9080 Optional
ingressGateway.mgmtHttpsPort Secure management port of Citrix ADC CPX 9443 Optional
ingressGateway.httpNodePort Port on host machine which is used to expose HTTP port (80) of Citrix ADC CPX 30180 Optional
ingressGateway.httpsNodePort Port on host machine which is used to expose HTTPS port (443) of Citrix ADC CPX 31443 Optional
ingressGateway.secretVolume A map of user defined volumes to be mounted using Kubernetes secrets null Optional
ingressGateway.licenseServerPort Citrix ADM port if a non-default port is used 27000 Optional
ingressGateway.label Custom label for the Ingress Gateway service citrix-ingressgateway Optional
ingressGateway.tcpPort For exposing multiple TCP ingress NIL Optional
istioPilot.name Name of the Istio Pilot service istio-pilot Optional
istioPilot.namespace Namespace where Istio Pilot is running istio-system Optional
istioPilot.secureGrpcPort Secure GRPC port where Istio Pilot is listening (default setting) 15011 Optional
istioPilot.insecureGrpcPort Insecure GRPC port where Istio Pilot is listening 15010 Optional
istioPilot.SAN Subject alternative name for Istio Pilot which is the secure production identity framework for everyone (SPIFFE) ID of Istio Pilot spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-pilot-service-account Optional
metricExporter.required Metrics exporter for Citrix ADC TRUE Optional
metricExporter.image Image of the Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter quay.io/citrix/citrix-adc-metrics-exporter Optional
metricExporter.version Version of the Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter image 1.4.0 Optional
metricExporter.port Port over which Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter collects metrics of Citrix ADC. 8888 Optional
metricExporter.secure Enables collecting metrics over TLS YES Optional
metricExporter.logLevel Level of logging in Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter. Possible values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL ERROR Optional
metricExporter.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for Citrix ADC Metrics Exporter IfNotPresent Optional