Samuel Attwood 5335667721 Removing unpacked chart versions. Changing configuration to just store latest release to reduce quantity of tracked files over time 2022-12-01 23:19:00 -05:00
templates Removing unpacked chart versions. Changing configuration to just store latest release to reduce quantity of tracked files over time 2022-12-01 23:19:00 -05:00
Chart.yaml Removing unpacked chart versions. Changing configuration to just store latest release to reduce quantity of tracked files over time 2022-12-01 23:19:00 -05:00
README.md Removing unpacked chart versions. Changing configuration to just store latest release to reduce quantity of tracked files over time 2022-12-01 23:19:00 -05:00
values.yaml Removing unpacked chart versions. Changing configuration to just store latest release to reduce quantity of tracked files over time 2022-12-01 23:19:00 -05:00


cf-runtime helm chart

To install the Codefresh Runner using helm you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the Codefresh CLI and authenticate it with your Codefresh account. Click here for more detailed instructions.

  2. Run the following command to create all of the necessary enitites in Codefresh:

    codefresh runner init --generate-helm-values-file
    • This will not install anything on your cluster, except for running cluster acceptance tests, which may be skipped using the --skip-cluster-test option).
    • This command will also generate a generated_values.yaml file in your current directory, which you will need to provide to the helm install command later.
  3. Now run the following to complete the installation:

    helm repo add cf-runtime https://chartmuseum.codefresh.io/cf-runtime
    helm install cf-runtime cf-runtime/cf-runtime -f ./generated_values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace codefresh
  4. At this point you should have a working Codefresh Runner. You can verify the installation by running:

    codefresh runner execute-test-pipeline --runtime-name <runtime-name>