``` Updated: argo/argo-cd: - 5.46.0 bitnami/airflow: - 15.0.4 bitnami/kafka: - 25.1.10 bitnami/postgresql: - 12.11.1 cockroach-labs/cockroachdb: - 11.1.6 datadog/datadog: - 3.35.2 jenkins/jenkins: - 4.6.4 percona/psmdb-db: - 1.14.4 percona/psmdb-operator: - 1.14.3 percona/pxc-db: - 1.13.2 percona/pxc-operator: - 1.13.3 speedscale/speedscale-operator: - 1.3.31 ``` |
.. | ||
templates | ||
.helmignore | ||
Chart.yaml | ||
README.md | ||
values.yaml |
Percona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) is a database clustering solution for MySQL. This chart deploys Percona XtraDB Cluster on Kubernetes controlled by Percona Operator for MySQL.
Useful links
Percona Operator for MySQL running in your Kubernetes cluster. See installation details here or in the Operator Documentation.
Kubernetes 1.23+
Helm v3
Chart Details
This chart will deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster in Kubernetes. It will create a Custom Resource, and the Operator will trigger the creation of corresponding Kubernetes primitives: StatefulSets, Pods, Secrets, etc.
Installing the Chart
To install the chart with the pxc
release name using a dedicated namespace (recommended):
helm repo add percona https://percona.github.io/percona-helm-charts/
helm install my-db percona/pxc-db --version 1.13.0 --namespace my-namespace
The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
crVersion |
Version of the Operator the Custom Resource belongs to | 1.13.0 |
ignoreAnnotations |
Operator will not remove following annotations | [] |
ignoreLabels |
Operator will not remove following labels | [] |
pause |
Stop PXC Database safely | false |
allowUnsafeConfigurations |
Allows forbidden configurations like even number of PXC cluster pods | false |
enableCRValidationWebhook |
Enables or disables schema validation before applying custom resource | false |
initImage |
An alternative image for the initial Operator installation | "" |
updateStrategy |
Regulates the way how PXC Cluster Pods will be updated after setting a new image | SmartUpdate |
upgradeOptions.versionServiceEndpoint |
Endpoint for actual PXC Versions provider | https://check.percona.com/versions |
upgradeOptions.apply |
PXC image to apply from version service - recommended , latest , actual version like 8.0.19-10.1 |
disabled |
upgradeOptions.schedule |
Cron formatted time to execute the update | "0 4 * * *" |
finalizers:delete-pxc-pods-in-order |
Set this if you want to delete PXC pods in order on cluster deletion | [] |
finalizers:delete-proxysql-pvc |
Set this if you want to delete proxysql persistent volumes on cluster deletion | [] |
finalizers:delete-pxc-pvc |
Set this if you want to delete database persistent volumes on cluster deletion | [] |
finalizers:delete-ssl |
Deletes objects created for SSL (Secret, certificate, and issuer) after the cluster deletion | [] |
tls.SANs |
Additional domains (SAN) to be added to the TLS certificate within the extended cert-manager configuration | [] |
tls.issuerConf.name |
A cert-manager issuer name | "" |
tls.issuerConf.kind |
A cert-manager issuer type | "" |
tls.issuerConf.group |
A cert-manager issuer group | "" |
pxc.size |
PXC Cluster target member (pod) quantity. Can't even if allowUnsafeConfigurations is true |
3 |
pxc.clusterSecretName |
Specify if you want to use custom or Operator generated users secret (if the one specified doesn't exist) | `` |
pxc.image.repository |
PXC Container image repository | percona/percona-xtradb-cluster |
pxc.image.tag |
PXC Container image tag | 8.0.32-24.2 |
pxc.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
pxc.autoRecovery |
Enable full cluster crash auto recovery | true |
pxc.expose.enabled |
Enable or disable exposing Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes with dedicated IP addresses |
true |
pxc.expose.type |
The Kubernetes Service Type used for exposure | LoadBalancer |
pxc.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) | |
pxc.expose.annotations |
The Kubernetes annotations | true |
pxc.replicationChannels.name |
Name of the replication channel for cross-site replication | pxc1_to_pxc2 |
pxc.replicationChannels.isSource |
Should the cluster act as Source (true) or Replica (false) in cross-site replication | false |
pxc.replicationChannels.sourcesList.host |
For the cross-site replication Replica cluster, this key should contain the hostname or IP address of the Source cluster | |
pxc.replicationChannels.sourcesList.port |
For the cross-site replication Replica cluster, this key should contain the Source port number | 3306 |
pxc.replicationChannels.sourcesList.weight |
For the cross-site replication Replica cluster, this key should contain the Source cluster weight | 100 |
pxc.imagePullSecrets |
PXC Container pull secret | [] |
pxc.annotations |
PXC Pod user-defined annotations | {} |
pxc.priorityClassName |
PXC Pod priority Class defined by user | |
pxc.runtimeClassName |
Name of the Kubernetes Runtime Class for PXC Pods | |
pxc.labels |
PXC Pod user-defined labels | {} |
pxc.schedulerName |
The Kubernetes Scheduler | |
pxc.readinessDelaySec |
PXC Pod delay for readiness probe in seconds | 15 |
pxc.livenessDelaySec |
PXC Pod delay for liveness probe in seconds | 300 |
pxc.configuration |
User defined MySQL options according to MySQL configuration file syntax | `` |
pxc.envVarsSecret |
A secret with environment variables | `` |
pxc.resources.requests |
PXC Pods resource requests | {"memory": "1G", "cpu": "600m"} |
pxc.resources.limits |
PXC Pods resource limits | {} |
pxc.sidecars |
PXC Pods sidecars | [] |
pxc.sidecarVolumes |
PXC Pods sidecarVolumes | [] |
pxc.sidecarPVCs |
PXC Pods sidecar PVCs | [] |
pxc.sidecarResources.requests |
PXC sidecar resource requests | {} |
pxc.sidecarResources.limits |
PXC sidecar resource limits | {} |
pxc.nodeSelector |
PXC Pods key-value pairs setting for K8S node assingment | {} |
pxc.affinity.antiAffinityTopologyKey |
PXC Pods simple scheduling restriction on/off for host, zone, region | "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
pxc.affinity.advanced |
PXC Pods advanced scheduling restriction with match expression engine | {} |
pxc.tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate for PXC Pods | [] |
pxc.gracePeriod |
Allowed time for graceful shutdown | 600 |
pxc.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable |
Instruct Kubernetes about the failed pods allowed quantity | 1 |
pxc.persistence.enabled |
Requests a persistent storage (hostPath or storageClass ) from K8S for PXC Pods datadir |
true |
pxc.persistence.hostPath |
Sets datadir path on K8S node for all PXC Pods. Available only when pxc.persistence.enabled: true |
pxc.persistence.storageClass |
Sets K8S storageClass name for all PXC Pods PVC. Available only when pxc.persistence.enabled: true |
- |
pxc.persistence.accessMode |
Sets K8S persistent storage access policy for all PXC Pods | ReadWriteOnce |
pxc.persistence.size |
Sets K8S persistent storage size for all PXC Pods | 8Gi |
pxc.disableTLS |
Disable PXC Pod communication with TLS | false |
pxc.certManager |
Enable this option if you want the operator to request certificates from cert-manager |
false |
pxc.readinessProbes.failureThreshold |
When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up | 5 |
pxc.readinessProbes.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated | 15 |
pxc.readinessProbes.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 30 |
pxc.readinessProbes.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
pxc.readinessProbes.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 15 |
pxc.livenessProbes.failureThreshold |
When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up | 3 |
pxc.livenessProbes.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated | 300 |
pxc.livenessProbes.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 10 |
pxc.livenessProbes.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
pxc.livenessProbes.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 5 |
pxc.containerSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one | {} |
pxc.podSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one | {} |
haproxy.enabled |
Use HAProxy as TCP proxy for PXC cluster | true |
haproxy.size |
HAProxy target pod quantity. Can't even if allowUnsafeConfigurations is true |
3 |
haproxy.image |
HAProxy Container image repository | percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.13.0-haproxy |
haproxy.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
haproxy.imagePullSecrets |
HAProxy Container pull secret | [] |
haproxy.configuration |
User defined HAProxy options according to HAProxy configuration file syntax | `` |
haproxy.priorityClassName |
HAProxy Pod priority Class defined by user | |
haproxy.runtimeClassName |
Name of the Kubernetes Runtime Class for HAProxy Pods | |
haproxy.externalTrafficPolicy |
Desire service to route external traffic for HAProxy to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints | |
haproxy.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Limit which client IP's can access the Network Load Balancer | [] |
haproxy.loadBalancerIP |
The static IP-address for the load balancer | `` |
haproxy.serviceType |
Specify what kind of Service you want for HAProxy | ClusterIP |
haproxy.replicasServiceEnabled |
Allow disabling k8s service for haproxy-replicas | true |
haproxy.replicasLoadBalancerSourceRanges |
Limit which client IP's can access the Network Load Balancer for HAProxy Replicas | [] |
haproxy.replicasLoadBalancerIP |
The static IP-address for the load balancer for HAProxy Replicas | `` |
haproxy.replicasServiceType |
Specify what kind of Service you want for HAProxy Replicas | ClusterIP |
haproxy.replicasExternalTrafficPolicy |
Desire service to route external traffic for HAProxy replicas to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints | |
haproxy.replicasServiceAnnotations |
The Kubernetes annotations metadata for the haproxy-replicas Service | {} |
haproxy.replicasServiceLabels |
The Kubernetes labels for the haproxy-replicas Service | {} |
haproxy.serviceAnnotations |
Specify service annotations | {} |
haproxy.serviceLabels |
Specify service labels | {} |
haproxy.annotations |
HAProxy Pod user-defined annotations | {} |
haproxy.labels |
HAProxy Pod user-defined labels | {} |
haproxy.schedulerName |
The Kubernetes Scheduler | |
haproxy.readinessDelaySec |
HAProxy Pod delay for readiness probe in seconds | 15 |
haproxy.livenessDelaySec |
HAProxy Pod delay for liveness probe in seconds | 300 |
haproxy.envVarsSecret |
A secret with environment variables | `` |
haproxy.resources.requests |
HAProxy Pods resource requests | {"memory": "1G", "cpu": "600m"} |
haproxy.resources.limits |
HAProxy Pods resource limits | {} |
haproxy.sidecars |
HAProxy Pods sidecars | [] |
haproxy.sidecarVolumes |
HAProxy Pods sidecarVolumes | [] |
haproxy.sidecarPVCs |
HAProxy Pods sidecar PVCs | [] |
haproxy.sidecarResources.requests |
HAProxy sidecar resource requests | {} |
haproxy.sidecarResources.limits |
HAProxy sidecar resource limits | {} |
haproxy.nodeSelector |
HAProxy Pods key-value pairs setting for K8S node assingment | {} |
haproxy.affinity.antiAffinityTopologyKey |
HAProxy Pods simple scheduling restriction on/off for host, zone, region | "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
haproxy.affinity.advanced |
HAProxy Pods advanced scheduling restriction with match expression engine | {} |
haproxy.tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate for HAProxy Pods | [] |
haproxy.gracePeriod |
Allowed time for graceful shutdown | 600 |
haproxy.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable |
Instruct Kubernetes about the failed pods allowed quantity | 1 |
haproxy.readinessProbes.failureThreshold |
When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up | 5 |
haproxy.readinessProbes.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated | 15 |
haproxy.readinessProbes.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 30 |
haproxy.readinessProbes.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
haproxy.readinessProbes.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 15 |
haproxy.livenessProbes.failureThreshold |
When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up | 3 |
haproxy.livenessProbes.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated | 300 |
haproxy.livenessProbes.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 10 |
haproxy.livenessProbes.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
haproxy.livenessProbes.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 5 |
haproxy.containerSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one | {} |
haproxy.podSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one | {} |
proxysql.enabled |
Use ProxySQL as TCP proxy for PXC cluster | false |
proxysql.size |
ProxySQL target pod quantity. Can't even if allowUnsafeConfigurations is true |
3 |
proxysql.image |
ProxySQL Container image | percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.13.0-proxysql |
proxysql.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
proxysql.imagePullSecrets |
ProxySQL Container pull secret | [] |
proxysql.configuration |
User defined ProxySQL options according to ProxySQL configuration file syntax | `` |
proxysql.priorityClassName |
ProxySQL Pod priority Class defined by user | |
proxysql.runtimeClassName |
Name of the Kubernetes Runtime Class for ProxySQL Pods | |
proxysql.externalTrafficPolicy |
Desire service to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints | |
proxysql.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Limit which client IP's can access the Network Load Balancer | [] |
proxysql.loadBalancerIP |
The static IP-address for the load balancer | `` |
proxysql.serviceType |
Specify what kind of Service you want | ClusterIP |
proxysql.serviceAnnotations |
Specify service annotations | {} |
proxysql.serviceLabels |
Specify service labels | {} |
proxysql.annotations |
ProxySQL Pod user-defined annotations | {} |
proxysql.labels |
ProxySQL Pod user-defined labels | {} |
proxysql.schedulerName |
The Kubernetes Scheduler | |
proxysql.readinessDelaySec |
ProxySQL Pod delay for readiness probe in seconds | 15 |
proxysql.livenessDelaySec |
ProxySQL Pod delay for liveness probe in seconds | 300 |
proxysql.envVarsSecret |
A secret with environment variables | `` |
proxysql.resources.requests |
ProxySQL Pods resource requests | {"memory": "1G", "cpu": "600m"} |
proxysql.resources.limits |
ProxySQL Pods resource limits | {} |
proxysql.sidecars |
ProxySQL Pods sidecars | [] |
proxysql.sidecarVolumes |
ProxySQL Pods sidecarVolumes | [] |
proxysql.sidecarPVCs |
ProxySQL Pods sidecar PVCs | [] |
proxysql.sidecarResources.requests |
ProxySQL sidecar resource requests | {} |
proxysql.sidecarResources.limits |
ProxySQL sidecar resource limits | {} |
proxysql.nodeSelector |
ProxySQL Pods key-value pairs setting for K8S node assingment | {} |
proxysql.affinity.antiAffinityTopologyKey |
ProxySQL Pods simple scheduling restriction on/off for host, zone, region | "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
proxysql.affinity.advanced |
ProxySQL Pods advanced scheduling restriction with match expression engine | {} |
proxysql.tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate for ProxySQL Pods | [] |
proxysql.gracePeriod |
Allowed time for graceful shutdown | 600 |
proxysql.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable |
Instruct Kubernetes about the failed pods allowed quantity | 1 |
proxysql.persistence.enabled |
Requests a persistent storage (hostPath or storageClass ) from K8S for ProxySQL Pods |
true |
proxysql.persistence.hostPath |
Sets datadir path on K8S node for all ProxySQL Pods. Available only when proxysql.persistence.enabled: true |
proxysql.persistence.storageClass |
Sets K8S storageClass name for all ProxySQL Pods PVC. Available only when proxysql.persistence.enabled: true |
- |
proxysql.persistence.accessMode |
Sets K8S persistent storage access policy for all ProxySQL Pods | ReadWriteOnce |
proxysql.persistence.size |
Sets K8S persistent storage size for all ProxySQL Pods | 8Gi |
proxysql.containerSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Container to be used instead of the default one | {} |
proxysql.podSecurityContext |
A custom Kubernetes Security Context for a Pod to be used instead of the default one | {} |
logcollector.enabled |
Enable log collector container | true |
logcollector.image |
Log collector image repository | percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.13.0-logcollector |
logcollector.imagePullSecrets |
Log collector pull secret | [] |
logcollector.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
logcollector.configuration |
User defined configuration for logcollector | `` |
logcollector.resources.requests |
Log collector resource requests | {"memory": "100M", "cpu": "200m"} |
logcollector.resources.limits |
Log collector resource limits | {} |
pmm.enabled |
Enable integration with Percona Monitoring and Management software | false |
pmm.image.repository |
PMM Container image repository | percona/pmm-client |
pmm.image.tag |
PMM Container image tag | 2.38.0 |
pmm.imagePullSecrets |
PMM Container pull secret | [] |
pmm.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
pmm.serverHost |
PMM server related K8S service hostname | monitoring-service |
pmm.serverUser |
Username for accessing PXC database internals | admin |
pmm.resources.requests |
PMM Container resource requests | {"memory": "150M", "cpu": "300m"} |
pmm.resources.limits |
PMM Container resource limits | {} |
backup.enabled |
Enables backups for PXC cluster | true |
backup.allowParallel |
Allow taking multiple backups in parallel | true |
backup.image |
Backup Container image | percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.13.0-pxc8.0-backup-pxb8.0.32 |
backup.backoffLimit |
The number of retries to make a backup | 10 |
backup.imagePullSecrets |
Backup Container pull secret | [] |
backup.imagePullPolicy |
The policy used to update images | `` |
backup.pitr.enabled |
Enable point in time recovery | false |
backup.pitr.storageName |
Storage name for PITR | s3-us-west-binlogs |
backup.pitr.timeBetweenUploads |
Time between uploads for PITR | 60 |
backup.pitr.resources.requests |
PITR Container resource requests | {} |
backup.pitr.resources.limits |
PITR Container resource limits | {} |
backup.storages.fs-pvc |
Backups storage configuration, where storages: is a high-level key for the underlying structure. fs-pvc is a user-defined storage name. |
backup.storages.fs-pvc.type |
Backup storage type | filysystem |
backup.storages.fs-pvc.verifyTLS |
Enable or disable verification of the storage server TLS certificate | true |
backup.storages.fs-pvc.volume.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes |
Backup PVC access policy | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
backup.storages.fs-pvc.volume.persistentVolumeClaim.resources |
Backup Pod resources specification | {} |
backup.storages.fs-pvc.volume.persistentVolumeClaim.resources.requests.storage |
Backup Pod datadir backups size | 6Gi |
backup.schedule |
Backup execution timetable | [] |
backup.schedule.0.name |
Backup execution timetable name | daily-backup |
backup.schedule.0.schedule |
Backup execution timetable cron timing | 0 0 * * * |
backup.schedule.0.keep |
Backup items to keep | 5 |
backup.schedule.0.storageName |
Backup target storage | fs-pvc |
secrets.passwords.root |
Default user secret | insecure-root-password |
secrets.passwords.xtrabackup |
Default user secret | insecure-xtrabackup-password |
secrets.passwords.monitor |
Default user secret | insecure-monitor-password |
secrets.passwords.clustercheck |
Default user secret | insecure-clustercheck-password |
secrets.passwords.proxyadmin |
Default user secret | insecure-proxyadmin-password |
secrets.passwords.pmmserver |
Default user secret | insecure-pmmserver-password |
secrets.passwords.pmmserverkey |
PMM server API key | `` |
secrets.passwords.operator |
Default user secret | insecure-operator-password |
secrets.passwords.replication |
Default user secret | insecure-replication-password |
secrets.tls.cluster |
Specify secret name for TLS. Not needed in case if you're using cert-manager. Structure expects keys ca.crt , tls.crt , tls.key and files contents encoded in base64. |
`` |
secrets.tls.internal |
Specify internal secret name for TLS. | `` |
secrets.logCollector |
Specify secret name used for Fluent Bit Log Collector | `` |
secrets.vault |
Specify secret name used for HashiCorp Vault to carry on Data at Rest Encryption | `` |
Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
Deploy a Cluster without a MySQL Proxy, no backups, no persistent disks
This is great for a dev cluster as it doesn't require a persistent disk and doesn't bother with a proxy, backups, or TLS.
$ helm install dev --namespace pxc . \
--set proxysql.enabled=false --set pxc.disableTLS=true \
--set pxc.persistence.enabled=false --set backup-enabled=false
Deploy a cluster with certificates provided by Cert Manager
First you need a working cert-manager installed with appropriate Issuers set up. Check out the JetStack Helm Chart to do that.
By setting pxc.certManager=true
we're signaling the Helm chart to not create secrets,which will in turn let the operator know to request appropriate certificate
resources to be filled by cert-manager.
$ helm install dev --namespace pxc . --set pxc.certManager=true
Deploy a production grade cluster
The pxc-database chart contains an example production values file that should set you well on your path to running a production database. It is not fully production grade as there are some requirements for you to provide your own secrets for passwords and TLS to be truly production ready, but it does provide comments on how to do those parts.
$ helm install prod --file production-values.yaml --namespace pxc .