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catalog.cattle.io/certified: partner
catalog.cattle.io/display-name: Kamaji
catalog.cattle.io/kube-version: '>=1.21.0-0'
catalog.cattle.io/release-name: kamaji
apiVersion: v2
appVersion: v0.3.3
description: Kamaji deploys and operates Kubernetes at scale with a fraction of the
operational burden. Kamaji turns any Kubernetes cluster into an “admin cluster”
to orchestrate other Kubernetes clusters called “tenant clusters”. Kamaji is special
because the Control Plane components are running in a single pod instead of dedicated
machines. This solution makes running multiple Control Planes cheaper and easier
to deploy and operate.
home: https://github.com/clastix/kamaji
icon: https://github.com/clastix/kamaji/raw/master/assets/logo-colored.png
kubeVersion: '>=1.21.0-0'
- email: dario@tranchitella.eu
name: Dario Tranchitella
- email: me@maxgio.it
name: Massimiliano Giovagnoli
- email: me@bsctl.io
name: Adriano Pezzuto
name: kamaji
- https://github.com/clastix/kamaji
type: application
version: 0.12.4