Andrew Hromis 5d5f09b978 Added Codefresh Runner Helm Chart 2021-12-20 11:48:52 -05:00
Chart.yaml.patch Added Codefresh Runner Helm Chart 2021-12-20 11:48:52 -05:00
README.md.patch Added Codefresh Runner Helm Chart 2021-12-20 11:48:52 -05:00


--- charts-original/README.md
+++ charts/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 To install the [Codefresh Runner](https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/administration/codefresh-runner/) using helm you need to follow these steps:
 1. Download the Codefresh CLI and authenticate it with your Codefresh account. Click [here](https://codefresh-io.github.io/cli/getting-started/) for more detailed instructions.
-2. Run the following command to create all of the necessary enitites in Codefresh:
+2. Install [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq)
+3. Run the following command on your local machine to create all of the necessary enitites in Codefresh:
     codefresh runner init --generate-helm-values-file
@@ -10,14 +11,18 @@
    * This will not install anything on your cluster, except for running cluster acceptance tests, which may be skipped using the `--skip-cluster-test` option).
    * This command will also generate a `generated_values.yaml` file in your current directory, which you will need to provide to the `helm install` command later.
-3. Now run the following to complete the installation: 
-    ```
-    helm repo add cf-runtime https://h.cfcr.io/codefresh-inc/runtime
-    helm install cf-runtime cf-runtime/cf-runtime -f ./generated_values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace codefresh
-    ```
-4. At this point you should have a working Codefresh Runner. You can verify the installation by running: 
-    ```
-    codefresh runner execute-test-pipeline --runtime-name <runtime-name>
-    ```
+4. Download the default `values.yaml` file in the same path as the `generated_values.yaml` file. 
+   ```
+   curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codefresh-io/venona/release-1.0/charts/cf-runtime/values.yaml > values.yaml
+   ```
+5. Convert `generated_values.yaml` to yaml.
+   ```
+   yq eval -P generated_values.yaml > generated_values_converted.yaml
+   ```
+6. [Merge](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/operators/reduce#merge-all-yaml-files-together) the two files together using `yq`
+   > **Note:** The order of the files being merged together is important. Please make sure the generated values file is in second place.
+   ```
+   yq eval-all '. as $item ireduce ({}; . * $item)' values.yaml generated_values_converted.yaml > merged-values.yaml
+   ```
+7. Select a namespace to install to. If it's a new namespace it will need to be created before using the wizard (e.g. a `codefresh` namespace). Click next.
+8. On the following screen: Select all text and replace with the newly created `merged-values.yaml` file and click on **Install**.