
425 lines
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# Advance Settings
- variable: artifactory.masterKey
description: "Artifactory master key. For security reasons, we strongly recommend you generate your own master key using this command: 'openssl rand -hex 32'"
type: string
label: Artifactory master key
group: "Security Settings"
# Container Images
- variable: defaultImage
default: true
description: "Use default Docker image"
label: Use Default Image
type: boolean
show_subquestion_if: false
group: "Container Images"
- variable: initContainerImage
default: "docker.bintray.io/alpine:3.12"
description: "Init image name"
type: string
label: Init image name
- variable: artifactory.image.repository
default: "docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-pro"
description: "Artifactory image name"
type: string
label: Artifactory Image Name
- variable: artifactory.image.version
default: "7.6.3"
description: "Artifactory image tag"
type: string
label: Artifactory Image Tag
- variable: nginx.image.repository
default: "docker.bintray.io/jfrog/nginx-artifactory-pro"
description: "Nginx image name"
type: string
label: Nginx Image Name
- variable: nginx.image.version
default: "7.6.3"
description: "Nginx image tag"
type: string
label: Nginx Image Tag
- variable: imagePullSecrets
description: "Image Pull Secret"
type: string
label: Image Pull Secret
# Services and LoadBalancing Settings
- variable: artifactory.node.replicaCount
default: "2"
description: "Number of Secondary Nodes"
type: string
label: Number of Secondary Nodes
show_subquestion_if: true
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
- variable: ingress.enabled
default: false
description: "Expose app using Layer 7 Load Balancer - ingress"
type: boolean
label: Expose app using Layer 7 Load Balancer
show_subquestion_if: true
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
required: true
- variable: ingress.hosts[0]
default: "xip.io"
description: "Hostname to your artifactory installation"
type: hostname
required: true
label: Hostname
# Nginx Settings
- variable: nginx.enabled
default: true
description: "Enable nginx server"
type: boolean
label: Enable Nginx Server
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
required: true
show_if: "ingress.enabled=false"
- variable: nginx.service.type
default: "LoadBalancer"
description: "Nginx service type"
type: enum
required: true
label: Nginx Service Type
show_if: "nginx.enabled=true&&ingress.enabled=false"
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
- "ClusterIP"
- "NodePort"
- "LoadBalancer"
- variable: nginx.service.loadBalancerIP
default: ""
description: "Provide Static IP to configure with Nginx"
type: string
label: Config Nginx LoadBalancer IP
show_if: "nginx.enabled=true&&nginx.service.type=LoadBalancer&&ingress.enabled=false"
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
- variable: nginx.tlsSecretName
default: ""
description: "Provide SSL Secret name to configure with Nginx"
type: string
label: Config Nginx SSL Secret
show_if: "nginx.enabled=true&&ingress.enabled=false"
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
- variable: nginx.customArtifactoryConfigMap
default: ""
description: "Provide configMap name to configure Nginx with custom `artifactory.conf`"
type: string
label: ConfigMap for Nginx Artifactory Config
show_if: "nginx.enabled=true&&ingress.enabled=false"
group: "Services and Load Balancing"
# Artifactory Storage Settings
- variable: artifactory.persistence.size
default: "50Gi"
description: "Artifactory persistent volume size"
type: string
label: Artifactory Persistent Volume Size
required: true
group: "Artifactory Storage"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.type
default: "file-system"
description: "Artifactory persistent volume size"
type: enum
label: Artifactory Persistent Storage Type
required: true
- "file-system"
- "nfs"
- "google-storage"
- "aws-s3"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
#Storage Type Settings
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.ip
default: ""
type: string
group: "Artifactory Storage"
label: NFS Server IP
description: "NFS server IP"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.haDataMount
default: "/data"
type: string
label: NFS Data Directory
description: "NFS data directory"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.haBackupMount
default: "/backup"
type: string
label: NFS Backup Directory
description: "NFS backup directory"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.dataDir
default: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory-ha"
type: string
label: HA Data Directory
description: "HA data directory"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.backupDir
default: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory-backup"
type: string
label: HA Backup Directory
description: "HA backup directory "
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.nfs.capacity
default: "200Gi"
type: string
label: NFS PVC Size
description: "NFS PVC size "
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=nfs"
#Google storage settings
- variable: artifactory.persistence.googleStorage.bucketName
default: "artifactory-ha-gcp"
type: string
label: Google Storage Bucket Name
description: "Google storage bucket name"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=google-storage"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.googleStorage.identity
default: ""
type: string
label: Google Storage Service Account ID
description: "Google Storage service account id"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=google-storage"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.googleStorage.credential
default: ""
type: string
label: Google Storage Service Account Key
description: "Google Storage service account key"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=google-storage"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.googleStorage.path
default: "artifactory-ha/filestore"
type: string
label: Google Storage Path In Bucket
description: "Google Storage path in bucket"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=google-storage"
# awsS3 storage settings
- variable: artifactory.persistence.awsS3.bucketName
default: "artifactory-ha-aws"
type: string
label: AWS S3 Bucket Name
description: "AWS S3 bucket name"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.awsS3.region
default: ""
type: string
label: AWS S3 Bucket Region
description: "AWS S3 bucket region"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.awsS3.identity
default: ""
type: string
description: "AWS S3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.awsS3.credential
default: ""
type: string
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3"
- variable: artifactory.persistence.awsS3.path
default: "artifactory-ha/filestore"
type: string
label: AWS S3 Path In Bucket
description: "AWS S3 path in bucket"
group: "Artifactory Storage"
show_if: "artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3"
# Database Settings
- variable: postgresql.enabled
default: true
description: "Enable PostgreSQL"
type: boolean
required: true
label: Enable PostgreSQL
group: "Database Settings"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: postgresql.postgresqlPassword
default: ""
description: "PostgreSQL password"
type: password
required: true
label: PostgreSQL Password
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.persistence.size
default: 20Gi
description: "PostgreSQL persistent volume size"
type: string
label: PostgreSQL Persistent Volume Size
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.persistence.storageClass
default: ""
description: "If undefined or null, uses the default StorageClass. Default to null"
type: storageclass
label: Default StorageClass for PostgreSQL
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.resources.requests.cpu
default: "200m"
description: "PostgreSQL initial cpu request"
type: string
label: PostgreSQL Initial CPU Request
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.resources.requests.memory
default: "500Mi"
description: "PostgreSQL initial memory request"
type: string
label: PostgreSQL Initial Memory Request
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.resources.limits.cpu
default: "1"
description: "PostgreSQL cpu limit"
type: string
label: PostgreSQL CPU Limit
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: postgresql.resources.limits.memory
default: "1Gi"
description: "PostgreSQL memory limit"
type: string
label: PostgreSQL Memory Limit
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=true"
- variable: database.type
default: "postgresql"
description: "xternal database type (postgresql, mysql, oracle or mssql)"
type: enum
required: true
label: External Database Type
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
- "postgresql"
- "mysql"
- "oracle"
- "mssql"
- variable: database.url
default: ""
description: "External database URL. If you set the url, leave host and port empty"
type: string
label: External Database URL
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
- variable: database.host
default: ""
description: "External database hostname"
type: string
label: External Database Hostname
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
- variable: database.port
default: ""
description: "External database port"
type: string
label: External Database Port
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
- variable: database.user
default: ""
description: "External database username"
type: string
label: External Database Username
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
- variable: database.password
default: ""
description: "External database password"
type: password
label: External Database Password
group: "Database Settings"
show_if: "postgresql.enabled=false"
# Advance Settings
- variable: advancedOptions
default: false
description: "Show advanced configurations"
label: Show Advanced Configurations
type: boolean
show_subquestion_if: true
group: "Advanced Options"
- variable: artifactory.primary.resources.requests.cpu
default: "500m"
description: "Artifactory primary node initial cpu request"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node Initial CPU Request
- variable: artifactory.primary.resources.requests.memory
default: "1Gi"
description: "Artifactory primary node initial memory request"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node Initial Memory Request
- variable: artifactory.primary.javaOpts.xms
default: "1g"
description: "Artifactory primary node java Xms size"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node Java Xms Size
- variable: artifactory.primary.resources.limits.cpu
default: "2"
description: "Artifactory primary node cpu limit"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node CPU Limit
- variable: artifactory.primary.resources.limits.memory
default: "4Gi"
description: "Artifactory primary node memory limit"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node Memory Limit
- variable: artifactory.primary.javaOpts.xmx
default: "4g"
description: "Artifactory primary node java Xmx size"
type: string
label: Artifactory Primary Node Java Xmx Size
- variable: artifactory.node.resources.requests.cpu
default: "500m"
description: "Artifactory member node initial cpu request"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node Initial CPU Request
- variable: artifactory.node.resources.requests.memory
default: "2Gi"
description: "Artifactory member node initial memory request"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node Initial Memory Request
- variable: artifactory.node.javaOpts.xms
default: "1g"
description: "Artifactory member node java Xms size"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node Java Xms Size
- variable: artifactory.node.resources.limits.cpu
default: "2"
description: "Artifactory member node cpu limit"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node CPU Limit
- variable: artifactory.node.resources.limits.memory
default: "4Gi"
description: "Artifactory member node memory limit"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node Memory Limit
- variable: artifactory.node.javaOpts.xmx
default: "4g"
description: "Artifactory member node java Xmx size"
type: string
label: Artifactory Member Node Java Xmx Size
# Internal Settings
- variable: installerInfo
default: '\{\"productId\": \"RancherHelm_artifactory-ha/7.17.5\", \"features\": \[\{\"featureId\": \"Partner/ACC-007246\"\}\]\}'
type: string
group: "Internal Settings (Do not modify)"