Samuel Attwood ca9cc0decd Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
templates Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
.helmignore Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
Chart.yaml Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
README.md Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
app-readme.md Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
questions.yml Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00
values.yaml Migrating Instana Agent 2022-10-26 11:48:27 -04:00



Instana is an APM solution built for microservices that enables IT Ops to build applications faster and deliver higher quality services by automating monitoring, tracing and root cause analysis. This solution is optimized for Kubernetes.


This chart adds the Instana Agent to all schedulable nodes in your cluster via a DaemonSet.


Kubernetes 1.9.x - 1.18.x

Helm 3 prerequisites

Working helm with the stable repo added to your helm client.

Helm 2 prerequisites

Working helm and tiller.

Note: Tiller may need a service account and role binding if RBAC is enabled in your cluster.

Installing the Chart

To configure the installation you can either specify the options on the command line using the --set switch, or you can edit values.yaml. Either way you should ensure that you set values for:

  • agent.key
  • zone.name or cluster.name

For most users, setting the zone.name is sufficient. However, if you would like to be able group your hosts based on the availability zone rather than cluster name, then you can specify the cluster name using the cluster.name instead of the zone.name setting. If you omit the zone.name the host zone will be automatically determined by the availability zone information on the host.

If you're in the EU, you'll probably also want to set the regional equivalent values for:

  • agent.endpointHost
  • agent.endpointPort

Note: You can find the options mentioned in the configuration section below

Optionally, if your infrastructure uses a proxy, you should ensure that you set values for:

  • agent.pod.proxyHost
  • agent.pod.proxyPort
  • agent.pod.proxyProtocol
  • agent.pod.proxyUser
  • agent.pod.proxyPassword
  • agent.pod.proxyUseDNS

Optionally, if your infrastructure has multiple networks defined, you might need to allow the agent to listen on all addresses (typically with value set to '*'):

  • agent.listenAddress

If your agent requires download key, you should ensure that you set values for it:

  • agent.downloadKey

Agent can have APM, INFRASTRUCTURE or AWS mode. Default is APM and if you want to override that, ensure you set value:

  • agent.mode

Installing with Helm 3

First, create a namespace for the instana-agent

$ kubectl create namespace instana-agent

To install the chart with the release name instana-agent and set the values on the command line run:

$ helm install instana-agent --namespace instana-agent \
--set agent.key=INSTANA_AGENT_KEY \
--set agent.endpointHost=HOST \
--set zone.name=ZONE_NAME \

Installing with Helm 2

To install the chart with the release name instana-agent and set the values on the command line run:

$ helm install --name instana-agent --namespace instana-agent \
--set agent.key=INSTANA_AGENT_KEY \
--set agent.endpointHost=HOST \
--set zone.name=ZONE_NAME \

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the instana-agent release:

Uninstalling with Helm 2

$ helm del --purge instana-agent

Uninstalling with Helm 3

$ helm del instana-agent -n instana-agent


Helm Chart

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Instana chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
agent.configuration_yaml Custom content for the agent configuration.yaml file nil See below for more details
agent.downloadKey Your Instana Download key nil Usually not required
agent.endpointHost Instana Agent backend endpoint host ingress-red-saas.instana.io (US and ROW). If in Europe, please override with ingress-blue-saas.instana.io
agent.endpointPort Instana Agent backend endpoint port 443
agent.image.name The image name to pull instana/agent
agent.image.tag The image tag to pull latest
agent.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
agent.key Your Instana Agent key nil You must provide your own key
agent.listenAddress List of addresses to listen on, or "*" for all interfaces nil
agent.mode Agent mode (Supported values are APM, INFRASTRUCTURE, AWS) APM
agent.pod.annotations Additional annotations to apply to the pod {}
agent.pod.limits.cpu Container cpu limits in cpu cores 1.5
agent.pod.limits.memory Container memory limits in MiB 512
agent.pod.proxyHost Hostname/address of a proxy nil
agent.pod.proxyPort Port of a proxy nil
agent.pod.proxyProtocol Proxy protocol (Supported proxy types are "http", "socks4", "socks5") nil
agent.pod.proxyUser Username of the proxy auth nil
agent.pod.proxyPassword Password of the proxy auth nil
agent.pod.proxyUseDNS Boolean if proxy also does DNS nil
agent.pod.requests.memory Container memory requests in MiB 512
agent.pod.requests.cpu Container cpu requests in cpu cores 0.5
agent.pod.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
agent.env Additional environment variables for the agent {}
agent.redactKubernetesSecrets Enable additional secrets redaction for selected Kubernetes resources nil See Kubernetes secrets for more details.
cluster.name Display name of the monitored cluster Value of zone.name
leaderElector.port Instana leader elector sidecar port 42655
leaderElector.image.name The elector image name to pull instana/leader-elector
leaderElector.image.tag The elector image tag to pull 0.5.4
podSecurityPolicy.enable Whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be authorized for the Instana Agent pods. Requires rbac.create to be true as well. false See PodSecurityPolicy for more details.
podSecurityPolicy.name Name of an existing PodSecurityPolicy to authorize for the Instana Agent pods. If not provided and podSecurityPolicy.enable is true, a PodSecurityPolicy will be created for you. nil
rbac.create Whether RBAC resources should be created true
serviceAccount.create Whether a ServiceAccount should be created true
serviceAccount.name Name of the ServiceAccount to use instana-agent
zone.name Zone that detected technologies will be assigned to nil You must provide either zone.name or cluster.name, see above for details

Development and debugging options

These options will be rarely used outside of development or debugging of the agent.

Parameter Description Default
agent.host.repository Host path to mount as the agent maven repository nil


To configure the agent, you can either:

  • edit the config map, or
  • provide the configuration via the agent.configuration_yaml parameter in values.yaml

This configuration will be used for all Instana Agents on all nodes. Visit the agent configuration documentation for more details on configuration options.