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- variable: controller.kind
type: enum
- deployment
- daemonset
default: deployment
description: "The kind of the Ingress controller installation - deployment or daemonset."
label: Installation Kind
group: "Settings"
- variable: imageDefault
default: true
description: "Use default Docker image"
label: Use Default Image
type: boolean
group: "Settings"
show_subquestion_if: false
- variable: controller.nginxplus
default: false
description: "Deploys the Ingress controller for NGINX Plus."
label: Deploy NGINX Plus
type: boolean
group: "NGINX Plus"
- variable: controller.appprotect.enable
default: false
description: "Enable the App Protect module in the Ingress Controller."
label: Enable the App Protect.
type: boolean
- variable: controller.image.repository
default: nginx/nginx-ingress
description: "The image repository of the Ingress controller."
type: string
label: NGINX Ingress Controller Image Repository
required: true
- variable: controller.image.tag
default: 2.0.0
description: "The tag of the Ingress controller image."
type: string
label: NGINX Ingress Controller Image Tag
required: true
- variable: controller.image.pullPolicy
type: enum
- IfNotPresent
- Always
- Never
default: IfNotPresent
description: "The pull policy for the Ingress controller image."
label: NGINX Ingress Controller Image Pull Policy
- variable: controller.serviceAccount.imagePullSecretName
default: ""
description: "The name of the secret containing docker registry credentials. Secret must exist in the same namespace as the helm release."
type: string
label: Image Pull Secret Name
- variable: controller.defaultTLS.secret
default: ""
description: "The secret with a TLS certificate and key for the default HTTPS server. The value must follow the following format: `<namespace>/<name>`."
label: TLS Secret
type: string
group: "Settings"
- variable: controller.ingressClass
default: nginx
description: "A class of the Ingress controller. The Ingress controller only processes Ingress resources that belong to its class - i.e. have the annotation `[kubernetes.io/ingress.class]` equal to the class. Additionally, the Ingress controller processes Ingress resources that do not have that annotation which can be disabled by setting the [-use-ingress-class-only] flag."
label: Ingress Class
type: string
group: "Settings"
required: true
- variable: controller.useIngressClassOnly
default: false
description: "Ignore Ingress resources without the `[kubernetes.io/ingress.class]` annotation."
label: Use Ingress Class Only
type: boolean
group: "Settings"
- variable: controller.enableCustomResources
default: true
label: Enable Custom Resources
type: boolean
group: "Settings"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: controller.globalConfiguration.create
default: true
description: "Creates the GlobalConfiguration custom resource."
label: Create GlobalConfiguration Custom Resource
type: boolean
group: "Settings"
- variable: controller.watchNamespace
default: ""
description: "Namespace to watch for Ingress resources. By default the Ingress controller watches all namespaces."
label: Watch Namespace
type: string
group: "Settings"
- variable: controller.service.create
default: true
description: "Creates a service to expose the Ingress controller pods."
label: Create a Service
type: boolean
group: "Service"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: controller.service.type
type: enum
- LoadBalancer
- NodePort
default: LoadBalancer
description: "The type of service to create for the Ingress controller."
label: Type of Service
- variable: controller.service.httpPort.enable
default: true
description: "Enables the HTTP port for the Ingress controller service."
label: Enable HTTP Port
type: boolean
group: "Service"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: controller.service.httpPort.port
default: 80
description: "The HTTP port of the Ingress controller service."
label: HTTP Port
type: int
required: true
- variable: controller.service.httpsPort.enable
default: true
description: "Enables the HTTPS port for the Ingress controller service."
label: Enable HTTPS Port
type: boolean
group: "Service"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: controller.service.httpsPort.port
default: 443
description: "The HTTPS port of the Ingress controller service."
label: HTTPS Port
type: int
required: true
- variable: prometheus.create
default: false
description: "Expose NGINX or NGINX Plus metrics in the Prometheus format."
label: Enable Exposing Prometheus Metrics
type: boolean
group: "Prometheus"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: prometheus.port
default: 9113
description: "Configures the port to scrape the metrics."
label: Prometheus Port
type: int
required: true
- variable: prometheus.scheme
default: http
description: "Configures the HTTP scheme to use for connections to the Prometheus endpoint."
label: Prometheus Scheme
type: string
required: true
- variable: prometheus.secret
default: ""
description: "The namespace / name of a Kubernetes TLS Secret. If specified, this secret is used to secure the Prometheus endpoint with TLS connections."
label: Prometheus Secret
type: string