
583 lines
26 KiB

# General variables #
# global.extraEnv.open -- Extra open environment variables to inject into pods.
open: {}
# global.extraEnv.secret -- Extra secret environment variables to inject into pods via a `Secret` object.
secret: {}
# global.imagePullSecrets -- Secrets / credentials needed for container image registry.
imagePullSecrets: []
# global.imagePullCredentials -- Globally define credentials for pulling images.
imagePullCredentials: {}
# nameOverride -- Override the name of the chart.
nameOverride: ""
# fullnameOverride -- Override the fullname of the chart.
fullnameOverride: ""
# targetSystem -- Target OS for this deployment (possible values: linux)
targetSystem: "linux"
# all.image.registry -- The image registry to use.
registry: "quay.io"
# all.hardening.enabled -- An indication of whether the containers will be evaluated for hardening at runtime
enabled: false
# nodeAgent.autoScalingEnabled -- Enable / disable autoscaling for the node agent pods.
autoScalingEnabled: false
# nodeAgent.containerRuntime.customSocketPath -- If the container socket path does not match the default for CRI-O, Containerd or Docker, supply a custom socket path.
customSocketPath: ""
# nodeAgent.containerRuntime.customHostProc -- If the container is launched from a place where /proc is mounted differently, /proc can be changed
hostProc: /proc
# nodeAgent.scc.enabled -- Enable / disable the installation of the SecurityContextConfiguration needed for installation on OpenShift.
enabled: false
# nodeAgent.apm.enabled -- Enable / disable the nodeAgent APM module.
enabled: true
# nodeAgent.networkTracing.enabled -- Enable / disable the nodeAgent network tracing module.
enabled: true
# nodeAgent.protocolInspection.enabled -- Enable / disable the nodeAgent protocol inspection.
enabled: true
enabled: true
# nodeAgent.skipSslValidation -- Set to true if self signed certificates are used.
skipSslValidation: false
# nodeAgent.skipKubeletTLSVerify -- Set to true if you want to skip kubelet tls verification.
skipKubeletTLSVerify: false
# nodeAgent.checksTagCardinality -- low, orchestrator or high. Orchestrator level adds pod_name, high adds display_container_name
checksTagCardinality: orchestrator
# nodeAgent.config --
# nodeAgent.config.override -- A list of objects containing three keys `name`, `path` and `data`, specifying filenames at specific paths which need to be (potentially) overridden using a mounted configmap
override: []
# nodeAgent.priorityClassName -- Priority class for nodeAgent pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.agent.minimum.cpu -- Minimum CPU resource limits for main agent.
cpu: "20m"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.agent.minimum.memory -- Minimum memory resource limits for main agent.
memory: "180Mi"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.agent.maximum.cpu -- Maximum CPU resource limits for main agent.
cpu: "200m"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.agent.maximum.memory -- Maximum memory resource limits for main agent.
memory: "450Mi"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.processAgent.minimum.cpu -- Minimum CPU resource limits for process agent.
cpu: "25m"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.processAgent.minimum.memory -- Minimum memory resource limits for process agent.
memory: "100Mi"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.processAgent.maximum.cpu -- Maximum CPU resource limits for process agent.
cpu: "200m"
# nodeAgent.scaling.autoscalerLimits.processAgent.maximum.memory -- Maximum memory resource limits for process agent.
memory: "500Mi"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.image.repository -- Base container image repository.
repository: stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.image.tag -- Default container image tag.
tag: "6f4db72d"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.image.pullPolicy -- Default container image pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.processAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable the agent process agent module. - deprecated
enabled: false
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.env -- Additional environment variables for the agent container
env: {}
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
## If not set, fall back to the value of agent.logLevel.
logLevel: # INFO
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.resources.limits.cpu -- CPU resource limits.
cpu: "270m"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.resources.limits.cpu -- Memory resource limits.
memory: "420Mi"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.resources.requests.cpu -- CPU resource requests.
cpu: "20m"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.resources.requests.cpu -- Memory resource requests.
memory: "180Mi"
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of livenessProbe check.
enabled: true
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the liveness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the liveness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the liveness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the liveness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the liveness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of readinessProbe check.
enabled: true
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the readiness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the readiness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the readiness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the readiness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# nodeAgent.containers.agent.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the readiness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable the process agent container.
enabled: true
# Override to pull the image from an alternate registry
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.image.repository -- Process-agent container image repository.
repository: stackstate/stackstate-k8s-process-agent
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.image.tag -- Default process-agent container image tag.
tag: "432a2730"
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.image.pullPolicy -- Process-agent container image pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.env -- Additional environment variables for the process-agent container
env: {}
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
## If not set, fall back to the value of agent.logLevel.
logLevel: # INFO
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.procVolumeReadOnly -- Configure whether /host/proc is read only for the process agent container
procVolumeReadOnly: true
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- CPU resource limits.
cpu: "125m"
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- Memory resource limits.
memory: "400Mi"
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- CPU resource requests.
cpu: "25m"
# nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- Memory resource requests.
memory: "128Mi"
# nodeAgent.service -- The Kubernetes service for the agent
# nodeAgent.service.type -- Type of Kubernetes service: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, NodePort
type: ClusterIP
# nodeAgent.service.annotations -- Annotations for the service
annotations: {}
# nodeAgent.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges -- The IP4 CIDR allowed to reach LoadBalancer for the service. For LoadBalancer type of service only.
loadBalancerSourceRanges: [""]
# nodeAgent.logLevel -- Logging level for agent processes.
logLevel: INFO
# nodeAgent.updateStrategy -- The update strategy for the DaemonSet object.
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 100
# nodeAgent.nodeSelector -- Node labels for pod assignment.
nodeSelector: {}
# nodeAgent.tolerations -- Toleration labels for pod assignment.
tolerations: []
# nodeAgent.affinity -- Affinity settings for pod assignment.
affinity: {}
# nodeAgent.serviceaccount.annotations -- Annotations for the service account for the agent daemonset pods
annotations: {}
# processAgent.softMemoryLimit.goMemLimit -- Soft-limit for golang heap allocation, for sanity, must be around 85% of nodeAgent.containers.processAgent.resources.limits.cpu.
goMemLimit: 340MiB
# processAgent.softMemoryLimit.httpStatsBufferSize -- Sets a maximum for the number of http stats to keep in memory between check runs, to use 40k requires around ~400Mib of memory.
httpStatsBufferSize: 40000
# processAgent.softMemoryLimit.httpObservationsBufferSize -- Sets a maximum for the number of http observations to keep in memory between check runs, to use 40k requires around ~400Mib of memory.
httpObservationsBufferSize: 40000
# processAgent.checkIntervals.container -- Override the default value of the container check interval in seconds.
container: 28
# processAgent.checkIntervals.connections -- Override the default value of the connections check interval in seconds.
connections: 30
# processAgent.checkIntervals.process -- Override the default value of the process check interval in seconds.
process: 32
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesEvents -- Enable / disable the cluster agent events collection.
kubernetesEvents: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesMetrics -- Enable / disable the cluster agent metrics collection.
kubernetesMetrics: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesTimeout -- Default timeout (in seconds) when obtaining information from the Kubernetes API.
kubernetesTimeout: 10
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesTopology -- Enable / disable the cluster agent topology collection.
kubernetesTopology: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubeStateMetrics.enabled -- Enable / disable the cluster agent kube-state-metrics collection.
enabled: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubeStateMetrics.clusterCheck -- For large clusters where the Kubernetes State Metrics Check Core needs to be distributed on dedicated workers.
clusterCheck: false
# clusterAgent.collection.kubeStateMetrics.labelsAsTags -- Extra labels to collect from resources and to turn into StackState tag.
## It has the following structure:
## labelsAsTags:
## <resource1>: # can be pod, deployment, node, etc.
## <label1>: <tag1> # where <label1> is the kubernetes label and <tag1> is the StackState tag
## <label2>: <tag2>
## <resource2>:
## <label3>: <tag3>
## Warning: the label must match the transformation done by kube-state-metrics,
## for example tags.stackstate/version becomes tags_stackstate_version.
labelsAsTags: {}
# pod:
# app: app
# node:
# zone: zone
# team: team
# clusterAgent.collection.kubeStateMetrics.annotationsAsTags -- Extra annotations to collect from resources and to turn into StackState tag.
## It has the following structure:
## annotationsAsTags:
## <resource1>: # can be pod, deployment, node, etc.
## <annotation1>: <tag1> # where <annotation1> is the kubernetes annotation and <tag1> is the StackState tag
## <annotation2>: <tag2>
## <resource2>:
## <annotation3>: <tag3>
## Warning: the annotation must match the transformation done by kube-state-metrics,
## for example tags.stackstate/version becomes tags_stackstate_version.
annotationsAsTags: {}
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.volumeattachments -- Enable / disable collection of Volume Attachments. Used to bind Nodes to Persistent Volumes.
volumeattachments: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.namespaces -- Enable / disable collection of Namespaces.
namespaces: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.configmaps -- Enable / disable collection of ConfigMaps.
configmaps: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.endpoints -- Enable / disable collection of Endpoints. If endpoints are disabled then StackState won't be able to connect a Service to Pods that serving it
endpoints: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.persistentvolumes -- Enable / disable collection of PersistentVolumes.
persistentvolumes: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.persistentvolumeclaims -- Enable / disable collection of PersistentVolumeClaims. Disabling these will not let StackState connect PersistentVolumes to pods they are attached to
persistentvolumeclaims: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.secrets -- Enable / disable collection of Secrets.
secrets: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.daemonsets -- Enable / disable collection of DaemonSets.
daemonsets: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.deployments -- Enable / disable collection of Deployments.
deployments: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.replicasets -- Enable / disable collection of ReplicaSets.
replicasets: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.statefulsets -- Enable / disable collection of StatefulSets.
statefulsets: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.ingresses -- Enable / disable collection of Ingresses.
ingresses: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.cronjobs -- Enable / disable collection of CronJobs.
cronjobs: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.jobs -- Enable / disable collection of Jobs.
jobs: true
# clusterAgent.collection.kubernetesResources.resourcequotas -- Enable / disable collection of ResourceQuotas.
resourcequotas: true
# clusterAgent.config --
# clusterAgent.config.events.categories -- Custom mapping from Kubernetes event reason to StackState event category. Categories allowed: Alerts, Activities, Changes, Others
categories: {}
# clusterAgent.config.topology.collectionInterval -- Interval for running topology collection, in seconds
collectionInterval: 90
# clusterAgent.config.configMap.maxDataSize -- Maximum amount of characters for the data property of a ConfigMap collected by the kubernetes topology check
# clusterAgent.config.override -- A list of objects containing three keys `name`, `path` and `data`, specifying filenames at specific paths which need to be (potentially) overridden using a mounted configmap
override: []
# clusterAgent.service.port -- Change the Cluster Agent service port
port: 5005
# clusterAgent.service.targetPort -- Change the Cluster Agent service targetPort
targetPort: 5005
# clusterAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable the cluster agent.
enabled: true
# clusterAgent.image.repository -- Base container image repository.
repository: stackstate/stackstate-k8s-cluster-agent
# clusterAgent.image.tag -- Default container image tag.
tag: "6f4db72d"
# clusterAgent.image.pullPolicy -- Default container image pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of livenessProbe check.
enabled: true
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the liveness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the liveness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the liveness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the liveness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# clusterAgent.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the liveness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# clusterAgent.logLevel -- Logging level for stackstate-k8s-agent processes.
logLevel: INFO
# clusterAgent.priorityClassName -- Priority class for stackstate-k8s-agent pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of readinessProbe check.
enabled: true
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the readiness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the readiness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the readiness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the readiness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# clusterAgent.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the readiness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# clusterAgent.replicaCount -- Number of replicas of the cluster agent to deploy.
replicaCount: 1
# clusterAgent.serviceaccount.annotations -- Annotations for the service account for the cluster agent pods
annotations: {}
# clusterAgent.strategy -- The strategy for the Deployment object.
type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxUnavailable: 1
# clusterAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- CPU resource limits.
cpu: "400m"
# clusterAgent.resources.limits.memory -- Memory resource limits.
memory: "800Mi"
# clusterAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- CPU resource requests.
cpu: "70m"
# clusterAgent.resources.requests.memory -- Memory resource requests.
memory: "512Mi"
# clusterAgent.nodeSelector -- Node labels for pod assignment.
nodeSelector: {}
# clusterAgent.tolerations -- Toleration labels for pod assignment.
tolerations: []
# clusterAgent.affinity -- Affinity settings for pod assignment.
affinity: {}
# openShiftLogging.installSecret -- Install a secret for logging on openshift
installSecret: false
# logsAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable k8s pod log collection
enabled: true
# logsAgent.priorityClassName -- Priority class for logsAgent pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# logsAgent.image.repository -- Base container image repository.
repository: stackstate/promtail
# logsAgent.image.tag -- Default container image tag.
tag: 2.7.1-4b6ae2af
# logsAgent.image.pullPolicy -- Default container image pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# logsAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- CPU resource limits.
cpu: "1300m"
# logsAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- Memory resource limits.
memory: "192Mi"
# logsAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- CPU resource requests.
cpu: "20m"
# logsAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- Memory resource requests.
memory: "100Mi"
# logsAgent.updateStrategy -- The update strategy for the DaemonSet object.
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 100
# logsAgent.nodeSelector -- Node labels for pod assignment.
nodeSelector: {}
# logsAgent.tolerations -- Toleration labels for pod assignment.
tolerations: []
# logsAgent.affinity -- Affinity settings for pod assignment.
affinity: {}
# logsAgent.serviceaccount.annotations -- Annotations for the service account for the daemonset pods
annotations: {}
# checksAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable runnning cluster checks in a separately deployed pod
enabled: true
# checksAgent.scc.enabled -- Enable / disable the installation of the SecurityContextConfiguration needed for installation on OpenShift
enabled: false
# checksAgent.apm.enabled -- Enable / disable the agent APM module.
enabled: true
# checksAgent.networkTracing.enabled -- Enable / disable the agent network tracing module.
enabled: true
# checksAgent.processAgent.enabled -- Enable / disable the agent process agent module.
enabled: true
# checksAgent.skipSslValidation -- Set to true if self signed certificates are used.
skipSslValidation: false
# nodeAgent.checksTagCardinality -- low, orchestrator or high. Orchestrator level adds pod_name, high adds display_container_name
checksTagCardinality: orchestrator
# checksAgent.config --
# checksAgent.config.override -- A list of objects containing three keys `name`, `path` and `data`, specifying filenames at specific paths which need to be (potentially) overridden using a mounted configmap
override: []
# checksAgent.image.repository -- Base container image repository.
repository: stackstate/stackstate-k8s-agent
# checksAgent.image.tag -- Default container image tag.
tag: "6f4db72d"
# checksAgent.image.pullPolicy -- Default container image pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of livenessProbe check.
enabled: true
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the liveness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the liveness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the liveness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the liveness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# checksAgent.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the liveness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# checksAgent.logLevel -- Logging level for clusterchecks agent processes.
logLevel: INFO
# checksAgent.priorityClassName -- Priority class for clusterchecks agent pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.enabled -- Enable use of readinessProbe check.
enabled: true
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.failureThreshold -- `failureThreshold` for the readiness probe.
failureThreshold: 3
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds -- `initialDelaySeconds` for the readiness probe.
initialDelaySeconds: 15
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.periodSeconds -- `periodSeconds` for the readiness probe.
periodSeconds: 15
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.successThreshold -- `successThreshold` for the readiness probe.
successThreshold: 1
# checksAgent.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds -- `timeoutSeconds` for the readiness probe.
timeoutSeconds: 5
# checksAgent.replicas -- Number of clusterchecks agent pods to schedule
replicas: 1
# checksAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- CPU resource limits.
cpu: "400m"
# checksAgent.resources.limits.cpu -- Memory resource limits.
memory: "600Mi"
# checksAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- CPU resource requests.
cpu: "20m"
# checksAgent.resources.requests.cpu -- Memory resource requests.
memory: "512Mi"
# checksAgent.serviceaccount.annotations -- Annotations for the service account for the cluster checks pods
annotations: {}
# checksAgent.strategy -- The strategy for the Deployment object.
type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxUnavailable: 1
# checksAgent.nodeSelector -- Node labels for pod assignment.
nodeSelector: {}
# checksAgent.tolerations -- Toleration labels for pod assignment.
tolerations: []
# checksAgent.affinity -- Affinity settings for pod assignment.
affinity: {}
# http-header-injector variables #
# httpHeaderInjectorWebhook.enabled -- Enable the webhook for injection http header injection sidecar proxy
enabled: false
# StackState variables #
# stackstate.apiKey -- (string) **PROVIDE YOUR API KEY HERE** API key to be used by the StackState agent.
# stackstate.cluster.name -- (string) **PROVIDE KUBERNETES CLUSTER NAME HERE** Name of the Kubernetes cluster where the agent will be installed.
# stackstate.cluster.authToken -- Provide a token to enable secure communication between the agent and the cluster agent.
authToken: ""
# stackstate.url -- (string) **PROVIDE STACKSTATE URL HERE** URL of the StackState installation to receive data from the agent.