Samuel Attwood 184fdbbe67 Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
charts/mongodb-replicaset Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
scripts Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
templates Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
Chart.lock Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
Chart.yaml Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
LICENSE Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
README.md Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
app-readme.md Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
limits.yaml Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
questions.yaml Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00
values.yaml Adding charts 2021-11-09 16:53:58 -05:00


Note: The master branch is the main development branch. Please use releases instead of the master branch in order to get stable versions.


Documentation for Shipa can be found at https://learn.shipa.io

Installation Requirements

  1. Kubernetes 1.14+
  2. Helm v3


We create LoadBalancer service to expose Shipa to the internet:

  1. 2379 -> etcd
  2. 8080 -> shipa api over http
  3. 8081 -> shipa api over https

By default we use dynamic public IP set by a cloud-provider but there is a parameter to use static ip (if you have it):

--set service.nginx.loadBalancerIP= 


Users can install Shipa on any existing Kubernetes cluster (version 1.10.x and newer), and Shipa leverages Helm charts for the install.

⚠️ NOTE: Installing or upgrading Shipa may require downtime in order to perform database migrations.

Below are the steps required to have Shipa installed in your existing Kubernetes cluster:

Create a namespace where the Shipa services should be installed

kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE

Create the values.override.yaml with the Admin user and password that will be used for Shipa

cat > values.override.yaml << EOF
  adminUser: <your email here>
  adminPassword: <your admin password> 

Add Shipa helm repo

helm repo add shipa-charts https://shipa-charts.storage.googleapis.com

Install Shipa

helm install shipa shipa-charts/shipa -n $NAMESPACE  --timeout=1000s -f values.override.yaml

Upgrading shipa helm chart

helm upgrade shipa . --timeout=1000 --namespace=$NAMESPACE -f values.override.yaml

Upgrading shipa helm chart if you have Pro license

We have two general ways how to execute helm upgrade if you have Pro license:

  • Pass a license file to helm upgrade
helm upgrade shipa . --timeout=1000 --namespace=$NAMESPACE -f values.override.yaml -f license.yaml
  • Merge license key from a license file to values.override.yaml and execute helm upgrade as usual
cat license.yaml | grep "license:" >> values.override.yaml


Packaging and signing helm charts is automated using Github Actions

Charts are uploaded to multiple buckets based on condition:

  1. shipa-charts-dev, push to master, push to PR opened against master
  2. shipa-charts-cloud, tag containing cloud
  3. shipa-charts, tag not containing cloud

Chart name is composed of: {last_tag}-{commit_hash}

For on-prem releases, if tag is not pre-release, meaning it has semantic versioning without RC suffix (ex. 1.3.0, not 1.3.0-rc1), chart name is only {last_tag}, as otherwise it is seen by helm chart as development version


# only first time
helm repo add shipa-dev https://shipa-charts-dev.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo add shipa-cloud https://shipa-charts-cloud.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo add shipa-onprem https://shipa-charts.storage.googleapis.com

# refresh available charts
helm repo update

# check available versions
helm search repo shipa --versions

# check available versions with development versions
helm search repo shipa --versions --devel

# check per repo
helm search repo shipa-dev --versions --devel
helm search repo shipa-cloud --versions --devel
helm search repo shipa-onprem --versions --devel

# helm install
helm install shipa shipa-dev/shipa --version 1.x.x -n shipa-system  --timeout=1000s -f values.override.yaml

Shipa client

If you are looking to operate Shipa from your local machine, we have binaries of shipa client: https://learn.shipa.io/docs/downloading-the-shipa-client


We welcome all feedback or pull requests. If you have any questions feel free to reach us at info@shipa.io