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Kong for Kubernetes

Kong for Kubernetes is an open-source Ingress Controller for Kubernetes that offers API management capabilities with a plugin architecture.

This chart bootstraps all the components needed to run Kong on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


$ helm repo add kong https://charts.konghq.com
$ helm repo update

$ helm install kong/kong --generate-name

Table of contents


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure if persistence is needed for Kong datastore.


To install Kong:

$ helm repo add kong https://charts.konghq.com
$ helm repo update

$ helm install kong/kong --generate-name --set ingressController.installCRDs=false


To uninstall/delete a Helm release my-release:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Tip: List all releases using helm list


Please read the FAQs document.

Kong Enterprise

If using Kong Enterprise, several additional steps are necessary before installing the chart:

Once you have these set, it is possible to install Kong Enterprise.

Please read through Kong Enterprise considerations to understand all settings that are enterprise specific.

Deployment Options

Kong is a highly configurable piece of software that can be deployed in a number of different ways, depending on your use-case.

All combinations of various runtimes, databases and configuration methods are supported by this Helm chart. The recommended approach is to use the Ingress Controller based configuration along-with DB-less mode.

Following sections detail on various high-level architecture options available:


Kong can run with or without a database (DB-less). By default, this chart installs Kong without a database.

You can set the database the env.database parameter. For more details, please read the env section.

DB-less deployment

When deploying Kong in DB-less mode(env.database: "off") and without the Ingress Controller(ingressController.enabled: false), you have to provide a declarative configuration for Kong to run. The configuration can be provided using an existing ConfigMap (dblessConfig.configMap) or or the whole configuration can be put into the values.yaml file for deployment itself, under the dblessConfig.config parameter. See the example configuration in the default values.yaml for more details.

Using the Postgres sub-chart

The chart can optionally spawn a Postgres instance using Bitnami's Postgres chart as a sub-chart. Set postgresql.enabled=true to enable the sub-chart. Enabling this will auto-populate Postgres connection settings in Kong's environment.

The Postgres sub-chart is best used to quickly provision temporary environments without installing and configuring your database separately. For longer-lived environments, we recommend you manage your database outside the Kong Helm release.

Runtime package

There are three different packages of Kong that are available:

  • Kong Gateway
    This is the Open-Source offering. It is a full-blown API Gateway and Ingress solution with a wide-array of functionality. When Kong Gateway is combined with the Ingress based configuration method, you get Kong for Kubernetes. This is the default deployment for this Helm Chart.
  • Kong Enterprise K8S
    This package builds up on top of the Open-Source Gateway and bundles in all the Enterprise-only plugins as well. When Kong Enterprise K8S is combined with the Ingress based configuration method, you get Kong for Kubernetes Enterprise. This package also comes with 24x7 support from Kong Inc.
  • Kong Enterprise
    This is the full-blown Enterprise package which packs with itself all the Enterprise functionality like Manager, Portal, Vitals, etc. This package can't be run in DB-less mode.

The package to run can be changed via image.repository and image.tag parameters. If you would like to run the Enterprise package, please read the Kong Enterprise Parameters section.

Configuration method

Kong can be configured via two methods:

  • Ingress and CRDs
    The configuration for Kong is done via kubectl and Kubernetes-native APIs. This is also known as Kong Ingress Controller or Kong for Kubernetes and is the default deployment pattern for this Helm Chart. The configuration for Kong is managed via Ingress and a few Custom Resources. For more details, please read the documentation on Kong Ingress Controller. To configure and fine-tune the controller, please read the Ingress Controller Parameters section.
  • Admin API
    This is the traditional method of running and configuring Kong. By default, the Admin API of Kong is not exposed as a Service. This can be controlled via admin.enabled and env.admin_listen parameters.

Separate admin and proxy nodes

Note: although this section is titled "Separate admin and proxy nodes", this split release technique is generally applicable to any deployment with different types of Kong nodes. Separating Admin API and proxy nodes is one of the more common use cases for splitting across multiple releases, but you can also split releases for hybrid mode CP/DP nodes, split proxy and Developer Portal nodes, etc.

Users may wish to split their Kong deployment into multiple instances that only run some of Kong's services (i.e. you run helm install once for every instance type you wish to create).

To disable Kong services on an instance, you should set SVC.enabled, SVC.http.enabled, SVC.tls.enabled, and SVC.ingress.enabled all to false, where SVC is proxy, admin, manager, portal, or portalapi.

The standard chart upgrade automation process assumes that there is only a single Kong release in the Kong cluster, and runs both migrations up and migrations finish jobs. To handle clusters split across multiple releases, you should:

  1. Upgrade one of the releases with helm upgrade RELEASENAME -f values.yaml --set migrations.preUpgrade=true --set migrations.postUpgrade=false.
  2. Upgrade all but one of the remaining releases with helm upgrade RELEASENAME -f values.yaml --set migrations.preUpgrade=false --set migrations.postUpgrade=false.
  3. Upgrade the final release with helm upgrade RELEASENAME -f values.yaml --set migrations.preUpgrade=false --set migrations.postUpgrade=true.

This ensures that all instances are using the new Kong package before running kong migrations finish.

Users should note that Helm supports supplying multiple values.yaml files, allowing you to separate shared configuration from instance-specific configuration. For example, you may have a shared values.yaml that contains environment variables and other common settings, and then several instance-specific values.yamls that contain service configuration only. You can then create releases with:

helm install proxy-only -f shared-values.yaml -f only-proxy.yaml kong/kong
helm install admin-only -f shared-values.yaml -f only-admin.yaml kong/kong

Standalone controller nodes

The chart can deploy releases that contain the controller only, with no Kong container, by setting deployment.kong.enabled: false in values.yaml. There are several controller settings that must be populated manually in this scenario and several settings that are useful when using multiple controllers:

  • ingressController.env.kong_admin_url must be set to the Kong Admin API URL. If the Admin API is exposed by a service in the cluster, this should look something like https://my-release-kong-admin.kong-namespace.svc:8444
  • ingressController.env.publish_service must be set to the Kong proxy service, e.g. namespace/my-release-kong-proxy.
  • ingressController.ingressClass should be set to a different value for each instance of the controller.
  • ingressController.env.admin_filter_tag should be set to a different value for each instance of the controller.
  • If using Kong Enterprise, ingressController.env.kong_workspace can optionally create configuration in a workspace other than default.

Standalone controllers require a database-backed Kong instance, as DB-less mode requires that a single controller generate a complete Kong configuration.

Hybrid mode

Kong supports hybrid mode deployments as of Kong 2.0.0 and Kong Enterprise 2.1.0. These deployments split Kong nodes into control plane (CP) nodes, which provide the admin API and interact with the database, and data plane (DP) nodes, which provide the proxy and receive configuration from control plane nodes.

You can deploy hybrid mode Kong clusters by creating separate releases for each node type, i.e. use separate control and data plane values.yamls that are then installed separately. The control plane and data plane configuration sections below cover the values.yaml specifics for each.

Cluster certificates are not generated automatically. You must create a certificate and key pair for intra-cluster communication.


Hybrid mode uses TLS to secure the CP/DP node communication channel, and requires certificates for it. You can generate these either using kong hybrid gen_cert on a local Kong installation or using OpenSSL:

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name secp384r1) \
  -keyout /tmp/cluster.key -out /tmp/cluster.crt \
  -days 1095 -subj "/CN=kong_clustering"

You must then place these certificates in a Secret:

kubectl create secret tls kong-cluster-cert --cert=/tmp/cluster.crt --key=/tmp/cluster.key

Control plane node configuration

You must configure the control plane nodes to mount the certificate secret on the container filesystem is serve it from the cluster listen. In values.yaml:

- kong-cluster-cert
  role: control_plane
  cluster_cert: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.crt
  cluster_cert_key: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.key

Furthermore, you must enable the cluster listen and Kubernetes Service, and should typically disable the proxy:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    servicePort: 8005
    containerPort: 8005

  enabled: false

Enterprise users with Vitals enabled must also enable the cluster telemetry service:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    servicePort: 8006
    containerPort: 8006

If using the ingress controller, you must also specify the DP proxy service as its publish target to keep Ingress status information up to date:

    publish_service: hybrid/example-release-data-kong-proxy

Replace hybrid with your DP nodes' namespace and example-release-data with the name of the DP release.

Data plane node configuration

Data plane configuration also requires the certificate and role configuration, and the database should always be set to off. You must also trust the cluster certificate and indicate what hostname/port Kong should use to find control plane nodes.

Though not strictly required, you should disable the admin service (it will not work on DP nodes anyway, but should be disabled to avoid creating an invalid Service resource).

- kong-cluster-cert
  enabled: false
  role: data_plane
  database: off
  cluster_cert: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.crt
  cluster_cert_key: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.key
  lua_ssl_trusted_certificate: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.crt
  cluster_control_plane: control-plane-release-name-kong-cluster.hybrid.svc.cluster.local:8005
  cluster_telemetry_endpoint: control-plane-release-name-kong-clustertelemetry.hybrid.svc.cluster.local:8006 # Enterprise-only

Note that the cluster_control_plane value will differ depending on your environment. control-plane-release-name will change to your CP release name, hybrid will change to whatever namespace it resides in. See Kubernetes' documentation on Service DNS for more detail.

CRD management

Earlier versions of this chart (<2.0) created CRDs associated with the ingress controller as part of the release. This raised two challenges:

  • Multiple release of the chart would conflict with one another, as each would attempt to create its own set of CRDs.
  • Because deleting a CRD also deletes any custom resources associated with it, deleting a release of the chart could destroy user configuration without providing any means to restore it.

Helm 3 introduced a simplified CRD management method that was safer, but requires some manual work when a chart added or modified CRDs: CRDs are created on install if they are not already present, but are not modified during release upgrades or deletes. Our chart release upgrade instructions call out when manual action is necessary to update CRDs. This CRD handling strategy is recommended for most users.

Some users may wish to manage their CRDs automatically. If you manage your CRDs this way, we strongly recommend that you back up all associated custom resources in the event you need to recover from unintended CRD deletion.

While Helm 3's CRD management system is recommended, there is no simple means of migrating away from release-managed CRDs if you previously installed your release with the old system (you would need to back up your existing custom resources, delete your release, reinstall, and restore your custom resources after). As such, the chart detects if you currently use release-managed CRDs and continues to use the old CRD templates when using chart version 2.0+. If you do (your resources will have a meta.helm.sh/release-name annotation), we strongly recommend that you back up all associated custom resources in the event you need to recover from unintended CRD deletion.


The chart able to deploy initcontainers along with Kong. This can be very useful when require to setup additional custom initialization. The deployment.initcontainers field in values.yaml takes an array of objects that get appended as-is to the existing spec.template.initContainers array in the kong deployment resource.


The chart able to inject host aliases into containers. This can be very useful when require to resolve additional domain name which can't be looked-up directly from dns server. The deployment.hostAliases field in values.yaml takes an array of objects that set to spec.template.hostAliases field in the kong deployment resource.

Sidecar Containers

The chart can deploy additional containers along with the Kong and Ingress Controller containers, sometimes referred to as "sidecar containers". This can be useful to include network proxies or logging services along with Kong. The deployment.sidecarContainers field in values.yaml takes an array of objects that get appended as-is to the existing spec.template.spec.containers array in the Kong deployment resource.

User Defined Volumes

The chart can deploy additional volumes along with Kong. This can be useful to include additional volumes which required during iniatilization phase (InitContainer). The deployment.userDefinedVolumes field in values.yaml takes an array of objects that get appended as-is to the existing spec.template.spec.volumes array in the kong deployment resource.

User Defined Volume Mounts

The chart can mount the volumes which defined in the user defined volume or others. The deployment.userDefinedVolumeMounts field in values.yaml takes an array of object that get appended as-is to the existing spec.template.spec.containers[].volumeMounts and spec.template.spec.initContainers[].volumeMounts array in the kong deployment resource.

Using a DaemonSet

Setting deployment.daemonset: true deploys Kong using a DaemonSet controller instead of a Deployment controller. This runs a Kong Pod on every kubelet in the Kubernetes cluster.

Using dnsPolicy and dnsConfig

The chart able to inject custom DNS configuration into containers. This can be useful when you have EKS cluster with NodeLocal DNSCache configured and attach AWS security groups directly to pod using security groups for pods feature.

Example configurations

Several example values.yaml are available in the example-values directory.


Kong parameters

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Kong image kong
image.tag Kong image version 2.5
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets null
replicaCount Kong instance count. It has no effect when autoscaling.enabled is set to true 1
plugins Install custom plugins into Kong via ConfigMaps or Secrets {}
env Additional Kong configurations
migrations.preUpgrade Run "kong migrations up" jobs true
migrations.postUpgrade Run "kong migrations finish" jobs true
migrations.annotations Annotations for migration job pods `{"sidecar.istio.io/inject": "false"
migrations.jobAnnotations Additional annotations for migration jobs {}
waitImage.enabled Spawn init containers that wait for the database before starting Kong true
waitImage.repository Image used to wait for database to become ready. Uses the Kong image if none set
waitImage.tag Tag for image used to wait for database to become ready
waitImage.pullPolicy Wait image pull policy IfNotPresent
postgresql.enabled Spin up a new postgres instance for Kong false
dblessConfig.configMap Name of an existing ConfigMap containing the kong.yml file. This must have the key kong.yml. ``
dblessConfig.config Yaml configuration file for the dbless (declarative) configuration of Kong see in values.yaml

Kong Service Parameters

The various SVC.* parameters below are common to the various Kong services (the admin API, proxy, Kong Manger, the Developer Portal, and the Developer Portal API) and define their listener configuration, K8S Service properties, and K8S Ingress properties. Defaults are listed only if consistent across the individual services: see values.yaml for their individual default values.

SVC below can be substituted with each of:

  • proxy
  • udpProxy
  • admin
  • manager
  • portal
  • portalapi
  • cluster
  • clustertelemetry
  • status

status is intended for internal use within the cluster. Unlike other services it cannot be exposed externally, and cannot create a Kubernetes service or ingress. It supports the settings under SVC.http and SVC.tls only.

cluster is used on hybrid mode control plane nodes. It does not support the SVC.http.* settings (cluster communications must be TLS-only) or the SVC.ingress.* settings (cluster communication requires TLS client authentication, which cannot pass through an ingress proxy). clustertelemetry is similar, and used when Vitals is enabled on Kong Enterprise control plane nodes.

udpProxy is used for UDP stream listens (Kubernetes does not yet support mixed TCP/UDP LoadBalancer Services). It does not support the http, tls, or ingress sections, as it is used only for stream listens.

Parameter Description Default
SVC.enabled Create Service resource for SVC (admin, proxy, manager, etc.)
SVC.http.enabled Enables http on the service
SVC.http.servicePort Service port to use for http
SVC.http.containerPort Container port to use for http
SVC.http.nodePort Node port to use for http
SVC.http.hostPort Host port to use for http
SVC.http.parameters Array of additional listen parameters []
SVC.tls.enabled Enables TLS on the service
SVC.tls.containerPort Container port to use for TLS
SVC.tls.servicePort Service port to use for TLS
SVC.tls.nodePort Node port to use for TLS
SVC.tls.hostPort Host port to use for TLS
SVC.tls.overrideServiceTargetPort Override service port to use for TLS without touching Kong containerPort
SVC.tls.parameters Array of additional listen parameters ["http2"]
SVC.type k8s service type. Options: NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer
SVC.clusterIP k8s service clusterIP
SVC.loadBalancerSourceRanges Limit service access to CIDRs if set and service type is LoadBalancer []
SVC.loadBalancerIP Reuse an existing ingress static IP for the service
SVC.externalIPs IPs for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for the servic []
SVC.externalTrafficPolicy k8s service's externalTrafficPolicy. Options: Cluster, Local
SVC.ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource creation (works with SVC.type=ClusterIP) false
SVC.ingress.tls Name of secret resource, containing TLS secret
SVC.ingress.hostname Ingress hostname ""
SVC.ingress.path Ingress path. /
SVC.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. See documentation for your ingress controller for details {}
SVC.annotations Service annotations {}
SVC.labels Service labels {}

Stream listens

The proxy configuration additionally supports creating stream listens. These are configured using an array of objects under proxy.stream and udpProxy.stream:

Parameter Description Default
protocol The listen protocol, either "TCP" or "UDP"
containerPort Container port to use for a stream listen
servicePort Service port to use for a stream listen
nodePort Node port to use for a stream listen
hostPort Host port to use for a stream listen
parameters Array of additional listen parameters []

Ingress Controller Parameters

All of the following properties are nested under the ingressController section of values.yaml file:

Parameter Description Default
enabled Deploy the ingress controller, rbac and crd true
image.repository Docker image with the ingress controller kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller
image.tag Version of the ingress controller 1.2.0
image.effectiveSemver Version of the ingress controller used for version-specific features when image.tag is not a valid semantic version
readinessProbe Kong ingress controllers readiness probe
livenessProbe Kong ingress controllers liveness probe
installCRDs Creates managed CRDs. false
serviceAccount.create Create Service Account for ingress controller true
serviceAccount.name Use existing Service Account, specify its name ""
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for Service Account {}
env Specify Kong Ingress Controller configuration via environment variables
ingressClass The ingress-class value for controller kong
args List of ingress-controller cli arguments []
watchNamespaces List of namespaces to watch. Watches all namespaces if empty []
admissionWebhook.enabled Whether to enable the validating admission webhook false
admissionWebhook.failurePolicy How unrecognized errors from the admission endpoint are handled (Ignore or Fail) Fail
admissionWebhook.port The port the ingress controller will listen on for admission webhooks 8080
admissionWebhook.certificate.provided Whether to generate the admission webhook certificate if not provided false
admissionWebhook.certificate.secretName Name of the TLS secret for the provided webhook certificate
admissionWebhook.certificate.caBundle PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the provided webhook certificate

For a complete list of all configuration values you can set in the env section, please read the Kong Ingress Controller's configuration document.

General Parameters

Parameter Description Default
namespace Namespace to deploy chart resources
deployment.kong.enabled Enable or disable deploying Kong true
deployment.initContainers Create initContainers. Please go to Kubernetes doc for the spec of the initContainers
deployment.daemonset Use a DaemonSet instead of a Deployment false
deployment.userDefinedVolumes Create volumes. Please go to Kubernetes doc for the spec of the volumes
deployment.userDefinedVolumeMounts Create volumeMounts. Please go to Kubernetes doc for the spec of the volumeMounts
autoscaling.enabled Set this to true to enable autoscaling false
autoscaling.minReplicas Set minimum number of replicas 2
autoscaling.maxReplicas Set maximum number of replicas 5
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target Percentage for when autoscaling takes affect. Only used if cluster doesnt support autoscaling/v2beta2 80
autoscaling.metrics metrics used for autoscaling for clusters that support autoscaling/v2beta2` See values.yaml
updateStrategy update strategy for deployment {}
readinessProbe Kong readiness probe
livenessProbe Kong liveness probe
lifecycle Proxy container lifecycle hooks see values.yaml
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Sets the termination grace period for Deployment pods 30
affinity Node/pod affinities
topologySpreadConstraints Control how Pods are spread across cluster among failure-domains
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
deploymentAnnotations Annotations to add to deployment see values.yaml
podAnnotations Annotations to add to each pod {}
podLabels Labels to add to each pod {}
resources Pod resource requests & limits {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
dnsPolicy Pod dnsPolicy
dnsConfig Pod dnsConfig
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable PodDisruptionBudget for Kong false
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Represents the minimum number of Pods that can be unavailable (integer or percentage) 50%
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Represents the number of Pods that must be available (integer or percentage)
podSecurityPolicy.enabled Enable podSecurityPolicy for Kong false
podSecurityPolicy.spec Collection of PodSecurityPolicy settings
priorityClassName Set pod scheduling priority class for Kong pods ""
secretVolumes Mount given secrets as a volume in Kong container to override default certs and keys. []
securityContext Set the securityContext for Kong Pods {}
containerSecurityContext Set the securityContext for Containers {}
serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor for Prometheus Operator false
serviceMonitor.interval Scraping interval 30s
serviceMonitor.namespace Where to create ServiceMonitor
serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor labels {}
serviceMonitor.targetLabels ServiceMonitor targetLabels {}
serviceMonitor.honorLabels ServiceMonitor honorLabels {}
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings ServiceMonitor metricRelabelings {}
extraConfigMaps ConfigMaps to add to mounted volumes []
extraSecrets Secrets to add to mounted volumes []

The env section

The env section can be used to configured all properties of Kong. Any key value put under this section translates to environment variables used to control Kong's configuration. Every key is prefixed with KONG_ and upper-cased before setting the environment variable.

Furthermore, all kong.env parameters can also accept a mapping instead of a value to ensure the parameters can be set through configmaps and secrets.

An example:

  env:                       # load PG password from a secret dynamically
     pg_user: kong
            key: kong
            name: postgres
     nginx_worker_processes: "2"

For complete list of Kong configurations please check the Kong configuration docs.

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

The extraLabels section

The extraLabels section can be used to configure some extra labels that will be added to each Kubernetes object generated.

For example, you can add the acme.com/some-key: some-value label to each Kubernetes object by putting the following in your Helm values:

  acme.com/some-key: some-value

Kong Enterprise Parameters


Kong Enterprise requires some additional configuration not needed when using Kong Open-Source. To use Kong Enterprise, at the minimum, you need to do the following:

  • Set enterprise.enabled to true in values.yaml file.
  • Update values.yaml to use a Kong Enterprise image.
  • Satisfy the two prerequisites below for Enterprise License and Enterprise Docker Registry.
  • (Optional) set a password environment variable to create the initial super-admin. Though not required, this is recommended for users that wish to use RBAC, as it cannot be done after initial setup.

Once you have these set, it is possible to install Kong Enterprise, but please make sure to review the below sections for other settings that you should consider configuring before installing Kong.

Some of the more important configuration is grouped in sections under the .enterprise key in values.yaml, though most enterprise-specific configuration can be placed under the .env key.


Kong Enterprise License

Kong Enterprise 2.3+ can run with or without a license. If you wish to run 2.3+ without a license, you can skip this step and leave enterprise.license_secret unset. In this case only a limited subset of features will be available. Earlier versions require a license.

If you have paid for a license, but you do not have a copy of yours, please contact Kong Support. Once you have it, you will need to store it in a Secret:

$ kubectl create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-file=license=./license.json

Set the secret name in values.yaml, in the .enterprise.license_secret key. Please ensure the above secret is created in the same namespace in which Kong is going to be deployed.

Kong Enterprise Docker registry access

Kong Enterprise versions 2.2 and earlier use a private Docker registry and require a pull secret. If you use 2.3 or newer, you can skip this step.

You should have received credentials to log into docker hub after purchasing Kong Enterprise. After logging in, you can retrieve your API key from <your username> > Edit Profile > API Key. Use this to create registry secrets:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry kong-enterprise-edition-docker \
    --docker-server=hub.docker.io \
    --docker-username=<username-provided-to-you> \
secret/kong-enterprise-edition-docker created

Set the secret names in values.yaml in the image.pullSecrets section. Again, please ensure the above secret is created in the same namespace in which Kong is going to be deployed.

Service location hints

Kong Enterprise add two GUIs, Kong Manager and the Kong Developer Portal, that must know where other Kong services (namely the admin and files APIs) can be accessed in order to function properly. Kong's default behavior for attempting to locate these absent configuration is unlikely to work in common Kubernetes environments. Because of this, you should set each of admin_gui_url, admin_api_uri, proxy_url, portal_api_url, portal_gui_host, and portal_gui_protocol under the .env key in values.yaml to locations where each of their respective services can be accessed to ensure that Kong services can locate one another and properly set CORS headers. See the Property Reference documentation for more details on these settings.


You can create a default RBAC superuser when initially running helm install by setting a password environment variable under env in values.yaml. It should be a reference to a secret key containing your desired password. This will create a kong_admin admin whose token and basic-auth password match the value in the secret. For example:

        name: kong-enterprise-superuser-password
        key: password

If using the ingress controller, it needs access to the token as well, by specifying kong_admin_token in its environment variables:

          name: kong-enterprise-superuser-password
          key: password

Although the above examples both use the initial super-admin, we recommend creating a less-privileged RBAC user for the controller after installing. It needs at least workspace admin privileges in its workspace (default by default, settable by adding a workspace variable under ingressController.env). Once you create the controller user, add its token to a secret and update your kong_admin_token variable to use it. Remove the password variable from Kong's environment variables and the secret containing the super-admin token after.


Login sessions for Kong Manager and the Developer Portal make use of the Kong Sessions plugin. When configured via values.yaml, their configuration must be stored in Secrets, as it contains an HMAC key.

Kong Manager's session configuration must be configured via values.yaml, whereas this is optional for the Developer Portal on versions 0.36+. Providing Portal session configuration in values.yaml provides the default session configuration, which can be overridden on a per-workspace basis.

$ cat admin_gui_session_conf
$ cat portal_session_conf
$ kubectl create secret generic kong-session-config --from-file=admin_gui_session_conf --from-file=portal_session_conf
secret/kong-session-config created

The exact plugin settings may vary in your environment. The secret should always be changed for both configurations.

After creating your secret, set its name in values.yaml in .enterprise.rbac.session_conf_secret. If you create a Portal configuration, add it at env.portal_session_conf using a secretKeyRef.


Email is used to send invitations for Kong Admins and Developers.

Email invitations rely on setting a number of SMTP settings at once. For convenience, these are grouped under the .enterprise.smtp key in values.yaml. Setting .enterprise.smtp.disabled: true will set KONG_SMTP_MOCK=on and allow Admin/Developer invites to proceed without sending email. Note, however, that these have limited functionality without sending email.

If your SMTP server requires authentication, you must provide the username and smtp_password_secret keys under .enterprise.smtp.auth. smtp_password_secret must be a Secret containing an smtp_password key whose value is your SMTP password.

By default, SMTP uses AUTH PLAIN when you provide credentials. If your provider requires AUTH LOGIN, set smtp_auth_type: login.

Prometheus Operator integration

The chart can configure a ServiceMonitor resource to instruct the Prometheus Operator to collect metrics from Kong Pods. To enable this, set serviceMonitor.enabled=true in values.yaml.

Kong exposes memory usage and connection counts by default. You can enable traffic metrics for routes and services by configuring the Prometheus plugin.

The ServiceMonitor requires an enable-metrics: "true" label on one of the chart's Services to collect data. By default, this label is set on the proxy Service. It should only be set on a single chart Service to avoid duplicate data. If you disable the proxy Service (e.g. on a hybrid control plane instance or Portal-only instance) and still wish to collect memory usage metrics, add this label to another Service, e.g. on the admin API Service:

    enable-metrics: "true"

Seeking help

If you run into an issue, bug or have a question, please reach out to the Kong community via Kong Nation. Please do not open issues in this repository as the maintainers will not be notified and won't respond.