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# -- Allows overriding the name to use instead of "microgateway-cni".
nameOverride: ""
# -- Allows overriding the name to use as full name of resources.
fullnameOverride: ""
# -- Labels to add to all resources.
commonLabels: {}
# -- Annotations to add to all resources.
commonAnnotations: {}
# -- ImagePullSecrets to use when pulling images.
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: myRegistryKeySecretName
# Specifies the Airlock Microgateway CNI image.
# -- Image repository from which to pull the Airlock Microgateway CNI image.
repository: "quay.io/airlock/microgateway-cni"
# -- Image tag to pull.
tag: "4.3.1"
# -- SHA256 image digest to pull (in the format "sha256:7144f7bab3d4c2648d7e59409f15ec52a18006a128c733fcff20d3a4a54ba44a").
# Overrides tag when specified.
digest: "sha256:bdd216c8a8c56a0eee0134f67772cbd75358640a0685cf5d71add653abb2c53b"
# -- Pull policy for this image.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Annotations to add to all Pods.
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to add to all Pods.
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource restrictions to apply to the CNI installer container.
cpu: 10m
memory: 100Mi
# -- NodeSelector to apply to the CNI DaemonSet in order to only deploy the CNI plugin on specific nodes.
kubernetes.io/os: linux
# -- Custom affinity for the DaemonSet to only deploy the CNI plugin on specific nodes.
affinity: {}
# Configures the generation of RBAC Roles and RoleBindings.
# -- Whether to create RBAC resources which are required for the CNI plugin to function.
create: true
# -- (OpenShift) Whether to create RBAC resources which allow the CNI installer to use the "privileged" security context constraint.
createSCCRole: false
# -- Whether the DaemonSet should run in privileged mode. Must be enabled for environments which require it for writing files to the host (e.g. OpenShift).
privileged: false
# Configures the generation of the ServiceAccount.
# -- Whether a ServiceAccount should be created.
create: true
# -- Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount.
annotations: {}
# -- Name of the ServiceAccount to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
name: ""
# Configures the generation of a NetworkAttachmentDefinition for use with Multus CNI (OpenShift)
# -- Whether a NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR should be created, which can be used for applying the CNI plugin to Pods.
create: false
# -- Namespace in which the NetworkAttachmentDefinition is deployed.
# Note: If namespace is set to a custom value, referencing the created NetworkAttachmentDefinition from other namespaces
# may not work if Multus namespace isolation is enabled. https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni/blob/v4.0.2/docs/configuration.md#namespace-isolation
namespace: default
# Parameters for the CNI installer configuration.
# -- Whether to install the CNI plugin as a `chained` plugin (default, required with most interface CNI providers),
# as a `standalone` plugin (required for use with Multus CNI, e.g. on OpenShift)
# or in `manual` mode, where no CNI network configuration is written.
installMode: "chained"
# -- Log level for the CNI installer and plugin.
logLevel: info
# -- Directory where the CNI config files reside on the host.
# This path can either be found in the documentation of your Kubernetes distribution or CNI provider.
# It can also be queried by running the command `crictl info -o go-template --template '{{.config.cni.confDir}}'` on your Kubernetes node.
cniNetDir: "/etc/cni/net.d"
# -- Directory where the CNI plugin binaries reside on the host.
# This path can either be found in the documentation of your Kubernetes distribution or CNI provider.
# It can also be queried by running the command `crictl info -o go-template --template '{{.config.cni.binDir}}'` on your Kubernetes node.
cniBinDir: "/opt/cni/bin"
# -- Namespaces for which this CNI plugin should not apply any modifications.
- kube-system
# -- Whether additional resources required for running `helm test` should be created (e.g. Roles and ServiceAccounts).
# If set to false, `helm test` will not run any tests.
enabled: false