global: image: # -- Default registry for all Kuma Images registry: "" # -- The default tag for all Kuma images, which itself defaults to .Chart.AppVersion tag: # -- Whether or not to patch the target namespace with the system label patchSystemNamespace: true # -- Whether ot not install new CRDs before upgrade (if any were introduced # with the new version of Kuma) installCrdsOnUpgrade: enabled: true imagePullSecrets: [ ] controlPlane: # -- Kuma CP log level: one of off,info,debug logLevel: "info" # -- Kuma CP modes: one of standalone,zone,global mode: "standalone" # -- (string) Kuma CP zone, if running multizone zone: # -- Only used in `zone` mode kdsGlobalAddress: "" # -- Number of replicas of the Kuma CP. Ignored when autoscaling is enabled replicas: 1 # Horizontal Pod Autoscaling configuration autoscaling: # -- Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, which requires the [Metrics Server]( in the cluster enabled: false # -- The minimum CP pods to allow minReplicas: 2 # -- The max CP pods to scale to maxReplicas: 5 # -- For clusters that don't support autoscaling/v2beta, autoscaling/v1 is used targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 # -- For clusters that do support autoscaling/v2beta, use metrics metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 80 # -- Node selector for the Kuma Control Plane pods nodeSelector: linux amd64 # -- Affinity placement rule for the Kuma Control Plane pods affinity: {} # -- Failure policy of the mutating webhook implemented by the Kuma Injector component injectorFailurePolicy: Fail service: # -- (string) Optionally override of the Kuma Control Plane Service's name name: # -- Service type of the Kuma Control Plane type: ClusterIP # -- Additional annotations to put on the Kuma Control Plane annotations: { } # -- URL of Global Kuma CP globalZoneSyncService: # -- Service type of the Global-zone sync type: LoadBalancer # -- (string) Optionally specify IP to be used by cloud provider when configuring load balancer loadBalancerIP: # -- Additional annotations to put on the Global Zone Sync Service annotations: { } # -- Port on which Global Zone Sync Service is exposed port: 5685 defaults: # -- Whether or not to skip creating the default Mesh skipMeshCreation: false # -- Optionally override the resource spec # @default -- the resources will be chosen based on the mode resources: # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 256Mi # TLS for various servers tls: general: # -- Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt and ca.crt for protecting Kuma in-cluster communication secretName: "" # -- Base64 encoded CA certificate (the same as in controlPlane.tls.general.secret#ca.crt) caBundle: "" apiServer: # -- Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt for protecting Kuma API on HTTPS secretName: "" # -- Secret that contains list of .pem certificates that can access admin endpoints of Kuma API on HTTPS clientCertsSecretName: "" kdsGlobalServer: # -- Secret that contains tls.crt, key.crt for protecting cross cluster communication secretName: "" kdsZoneClient: # -- Secret that contains ca.crt which was used to sign KDS Global server. Used for CP verification secretName: "" image: # -- Kuma CP ImagePullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- Kuma CP image repository repository: "kuma-cp" # -- (list of { Env: string, Secret: string, Key: string }) Secrets to add as environment variables, # where `Env` is the name of the env variable, # `Secret` is the name of the Secret, # and `Key` is the key of the Secret value to use secrets: # -- Additional environment variables that will be passed to the control plane envVars: { } webhooks: validator: # -- Additional rules to apply on Kuma validator webhook. Useful when building custom policy on top of Kuma. additionalRules: "" ownerReference: # -- Additional rules to apply on Kuma owner reference webhook. Useful when building custom policy on top of Kuma. additionalRules: "" cni: # -- Install Kuma with CNI instead of proxy init container enabled: false # -- Install CNI in chained mode chained: false # -- Set the CNI install directory netDir: /etc/cni/multus/net.d # -- Set the CNI bin directory binDir: /var/lib/cni/bin # -- Set the CNI configuration name confName: kuma-cni.conf # -- CNI log level: one of off,info,debug logLevel: info # -- Node Selector for the CNI pods nodeSelector: linux amd64 image: # -- CNI image registry registry: "" # -- CNI image repository repository: "lobkovilya/install-cni" # -- CNI image tag tag: "0.0.9" dataPlane: image: # -- The Kuma DP image repository repository: "kuma-dp" # -- Kuma DP ImagePullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent initImage: # -- The Kuma DP init image repository repository: "kuma-init" ingress: # -- If true, it deploys Ingress for cross cluster communication enabled: false # -- Time for which old listener will still be active as draining drainTime: 30s # -- Number of replicas of the Ingress replicas: 1 service: # -- Service type of the Ingress type: LoadBalancer # -- (string) Optionally specify IP to be used by cloud provider when configuring load balancer loadBalancerIP: # -- Additional annotations to put on the Ingress service annotations: { } # -- Port on which Ingress is exposed port: 10001 # -- Additional deployment annotation annotations: { } # -- Node Selector for the Ingress pods nodeSelector: linux amd64 # -- Affinity placement rule for the Kuma Ingress pods affinity: {} kumactl: image: # -- The kumactl image repository repository: kumactl kubectl: # bitnami maintains an image for all k8s versions */ } } # see: */ } } image: # -- The kubectl image registry registry: bitnami # -- The kubectl image repository repository: kubectl # -- The kubectl image tag tag: "1.20" hooks: # -- Node selector for the HELM hooks nodeSelector: linux amd64