# Kubecost Helm chart This is the official Helm chart for [Kubecost](https://www.kubecost.com/), an enterprise-grade application to monitor and manage Kubernetes spend. Please see the [website](https://www.kubecost.com/) for more details on what Kubecost can do for you and the official documentation [here](https://docs.kubecost.com/), or contact [team@kubecost.com](mailto:team@kubecost.com) for assistance. To install via Helm, run the following command. ```sh helm upgrade --install kubecost -n kubecost --create-namespace \ --repo https://kubecost.github.io/cost-analyzer/ cost-analyzer \ --set kubecostToken="aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20=xm343yadf98" ``` Alternatively, add the Helm repository first and scan for updates. ```sh helm repo add kubecost https://kubecost.github.io/cost-analyzer/ helm repo update ``` Next, install the chart. ```sh helm install kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer -n kubecost --create-namespace \ --set kubecostToken="aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20=xm343yadf98" ``` While Helm is the [recommended install path](http://kubecost.com/install) for Kubecost especially in production, Kubecost can alternatively be deployed with a single-file manifest using the following command. Keep in mind when choosing this method, Kubecost will be installed from a development branch and may include unreleased changes. ```sh kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart/develop/kubecost.yaml ``` The following table lists commonly used configuration parameters for the Kubecost Helm chart and their default values. Please see the [values file](values.yaml) for the complete set of definable values. | Parameter | Description | Default | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | `global.prometheus.enabled` | If false, use an existing Prometheus install. [More info](http://docs.kubecost.com/custom-prom). | `true` | | `prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled` | If true, Prometheus server will create a Persistent Volume Claim. | `true` | | `prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size` | Prometheus server data Persistent Volume size. Default set to retain ~6000 samples per second for 15 days. | `32Gi` | | `prometheus.server.retention` | Determines when to remove old data. | `15d` | | `prometheus.server.resources` | Prometheus server resource requests and limits. | `{}` | | `prometheus.nodeExporter.resources` | Node exporter resource requests and limits. | `{}` | | `prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled` `prometheus.serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create` | If false, do not crate NodeExporter daemonset. | `true` | | `prometheus.alertmanager.persistentVolume.enabled` | If true, Alertmanager will create a Persistent Volume Claim. | `true` | | `prometheus.pushgateway.persistentVolume.enabled` | If true, Prometheus Pushgateway will create a Persistent Volume Claim. | `true` | | `persistentVolume.enabled` | If true, Kubecost will create a Persistent Volume Claim for product config data. | `true` | | `persistentVolume.size` | Define PVC size for cost-analyzer | `32.0Gi` | | `persistentVolume.dbSize` | Define PVC size for cost-analyzer's flat file database | `32.0Gi` | | `ingress.enabled` | If true, Ingress will be created | `false` | | `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `{}` | | `ingress.className` | Ingress class name | `{}` | | `ingress.paths` | Ingress paths | `["/"]` | | `ingress.hosts` | Ingress hostnames | `[cost-analyzer.local]` | | `ingress.tls` | Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) | `[]` | | `networkPolicy.enabled` | If true, create a NetworkPolicy to deny egress | `false` | | `networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.enabled` | If true, create a newtork policy for cost-analzyer | `false` | | `networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.annotations` | Annotations to be added to the network policy | `{}` | | `networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.additionalLabels` | Additional labels to be added to the network policy | `{}` | | `networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.ingressRules` | A list of network policy ingress rules | `null` | | `networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.egressRules` | A list of network policy egress rules | `null` | | `networkCosts.enabled` | If true, collect network allocation metrics [More info](http://docs.kubecost.com/network-allocation) | `false` | | `networkCosts.podMonitor.enabled` | If true, a [PodMonitor](https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#podmonitor) for the network-cost daemonset is created | `false` | | `serviceMonitor.enabled` | Set this to `true` to create ServiceMonitor for Prometheus operator | `false` | | `serviceMonitor.additionalLabels` | Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus | `{}` | | `serviceMonitor.relabelings` | Sets Prometheus metric_relabel_configs on the scrape job | `[]` | | `serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings` | Sets Prometheus relabel_configs on the scrape job | `[]` | | `prometheusRule.enabled` | Set this to `true` to create PrometheusRule for Prometheus operator | `false` | | `prometheusRule.additionalLabels` | Additional labels that can be used so PrometheusRule will be discovered by Prometheus | `{}` | | `grafana.resources` | Grafana resource requests and limits. | `{}` | | `grafana.sidecar.datasources.defaultDatasourceEnabled` | Set this to `false` to disable creation of Prometheus datasource in Grafana | `true` | | `serviceAccount.create` | Set this to `false` if you want to create the service account `kubecost-cost-analyzer` on your own | `true` | | `tolerations` | node taints to tolerate | `[]` | | `affinity` | pod affinity | `{}` | | `kubecostProductConfigs.productKey.mountPath` | Use instead of `kubecostProductConfigs.productKey.secretname` to declare the path at which the product key file is mounted (eg. by a secrets provisioner) | `N/A` | | `kubecostFrontend.api.fqdn` | Customize the upstream api FQDN | `computed in terms of the service name and namespace` | | `kubecostFrontend.model.fqdn` | Customize the upstream model FQDN | `computed in terms of the service name and namespace` | | `clusterController.fqdn` | Customize the upstream cluster controller FQDN | `computed in terms of the service name and namespace` | | `global.grafana.fqdn` | Customize the upstream grafana FQDN | `computed in terms of the release name and namespace` | ## Adjusting Log Output The log output can be customized during deployment by using the `LOG_LEVEL` and/or `LOG_FORMAT` environment variables. ### Adjusting Log Level Adjusting the log level increases or decreases the level of verbosity written to the logs. To set the log level to `trace`, the following flag can be added to the `helm` command. ```sh --set 'kubecostModel.extraEnv[0].name=LOG_LEVEL,kubecostModel.extraEnv[0].value=trace' ``` ### Adjusting Log Format Adjusting the log format changes the format in which the logs are output making it easier for log aggregators to parse and display logged messages. The `LOG_FORMAT` environment variable accepts the values `JSON`, for a structured output, and `pretty` for a nice, human-readable output. | Value | Output | |--------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `JSON` | `{"level":"info","time":"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00","message":"Starting cost-model (git commit \"1.91.0-rc.0\")"}` | | `pretty` | `2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00 INF Starting cost-model (git commit "1.91.0-rc.0")` | ## Testing To perform local testing do next: - install locally [kind](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind) according to documentation. - install locally [ct](https://github.com/helm/chart-testing) according to documentation. - create local cluster using `kind` \ use image version from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases e.g. `kindest/node:v1.25.11@sha256:227fa11ce74ea76a0474eeefb84cb75d8dad1b08638371ecf0e86259b35be0c8` ```shell kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.25.11@sha256:227fa11ce74ea76a0474eeefb84cb75d8dad1b08638371ecf0e86259b35be0c8 ``` - perform ct execution ```shell ct install --chart-dirs="." --charts="." ```