# Please uncomment and specify values for these options as per your requirements. kvdb: ownEtcdOption: none etcdAuth: none etcdType: "Built-in" # KVDB type etcd: credentials: none:none # Username and password for ETCD authentication in the form user:password ca: none # Name of CA file for ETCD authentication. server.ca cert: none # Name of certificate for ETCD authentication. Should be server.crt key: none # Name of certificate key for ETCD authentication Should be server.key consul: token: none # ACL token value used for Consul authentication. (example: 398073a8-5091-4d9c-871a-bbbeb030d1f6) region: none # US or EU regions for Portworx hosted etcds dataInterface: none # Name of the interface managementInterface: none # Name of the interface platformOptions: none # AKS, EKS or GKE platforms customRegistryURL: registrySecret: clusterName: mycluster # This is the default. please change it to your cluster name. secretType: k8s # Defaults to None, but can be AWS / KVDB / Vault. envVars: none # NOTE: This is a ";" seperated list of environment variables. For eg: MYENV1=myvalue1;MYENV2=myvalue2 stork: true # Use Stork https://docs.portworx.com/scheduler/kubernetes/stork.html for hyperconvergence. storkVersion: 2.12.0 deployOnMaster: false # For POC only csi: false # Enable CSI openshiftInstall: false AKSorEKSInstall: false serviceAccount: hook: create: true name: deploymentType: oci # accepts "oci" or "docker" imageType: none # imageVersion: 2.11.4 # Version of the PX Image. result: none environment: none onpremStorage: none maxStorageNodes: none journalDevice: none usefileSystemDrive: false # true/false Instructs PX to use an unmounted Drive even if it has a filesystem. usedrivesAndPartitions: false # Use unmounted disks even if they have a partition or filesystem on it. PX will never use a drive or partition that is mounted. (useDrivesAndPartitions) provider: none deviceConfig: none essentialID: none drive_1: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: standard size: 1000 drive_2: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_3: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_4: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_5: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_6: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_7: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_8: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_9: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none drive_10: aws: type: none size: none iops: none gc: type: none size: none existingDisk1: none existingDisk2: none existingDisk3: none existingDisk4: none existingDisk5: none