# ReplicaCount should always be 1 - We do not properly support syncing state (yet) so it will cause the same events to be sent and overload the server. replicaCount: 1 image: repository: komodorio/k8s-watcher pullPolicy: IfNotPresent namespace: komodor createNamespace: true # enableMemLimitChecks will use downward API to tell the pod what is the allocated memory # when the allocated memory is almost full the agent will stop receiving new events # the process resumes once there is free memory to use enableMemLimitChecks: true serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template # name: "" proxy: enabled: false http: "" https: "" no_proxy: "" resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 4Gi requests: cpu: 0.25 memory: 256Mi deploymentAnnotations: {} podAnnotations: {} existingSecret: "" apiKey: "" watcher: enableAgentTaskExecution: true allowReadingPodLogs: true # clusterName: "" servers: healthCheck: {} collectHistory: true watchNamespace: all namespacesDenylist: [] nameDenylist: [] redact: [] resources: event: true deployment: true replicationController: true replicaSet: true daemonSet: true statefulSet: true service: true pod: true job: true cronjob: true node: true clusterRole: true serviceAccount: true persistentVolume: true persistentVolumeClaim: true namespace: true secret: false configMap: true ingress: true endpoints: true storageClass: true rollout: true metrics: true limitRange: true podTemplate: true resourceQuota: true admissionRegistrationResources: true controllerRevision: true authorizationResources: true horizontalPodAutoscaler: true certificateSigningRequest: true lease: true endpointSlice: true flowControlResources: true ingressClass: true networkPolicy: true runtimeClass: true policyResources: true clusterRoleBinding: true roleBinding: true role: true priorityClass: true csiDriver: true csiNode: true csiStorageCapacity: true volumeAttachment: true controller: resync: period: "0"