{{- if (or (and (ne (.Values.server.enabled | toString) "-") .Values.server.enabled) (and (eq (.Values.server.enabled | toString) "-") .Values.global.enabled)) }} # StatefulSet to run the actual Consul server cluster. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ template "consul.fullname" . }}-server-config namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "consul.name" . }} chart: {{ template "consul.chart" . }} heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} component: server data: server.json: | { {{- if and .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.enabled }} "auto_reload_config": true, {{- end }} "bind_addr": "", "bootstrap_expect": {{ if .Values.server.bootstrapExpect }}{{ .Values.server.bootstrapExpect }}{{ else }}{{ .Values.server.replicas }}{{ end }}, "client_addr": "", "connect": { "enabled": {{ .Values.server.connect }} }, "datacenter": "{{ .Values.global.datacenter }}", "data_dir": "/consul/data", "domain": "{{ .Values.global.domain }}", "ports": { {{- if not .Values.global.tls.enabled }} "grpc": 8502, "grpc_tls": -1, {{- end }} {{- if .Values.global.tls.enabled }} "grpc": -1, "grpc_tls": 8502, {{- end }} "serf_lan": {{ .Values.server.ports.serflan.port }} }, "recursors": {{ .Values.global.recursors | toJson }}, "retry_join": ["{{template "consul.fullname" . }}-server.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:{{ .Values.server.ports.serflan.port }}"], {{- if .Values.global.peering.enabled }} "peering": { "enabled": true }, {{- end }} "server": true } {{- $vaultConnectCAEnabled := and .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.connectCA.address .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.connectCA.rootPKIPath .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.connectCA.intermediatePKIPath -}} {{- if and .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.enabled $vaultConnectCAEnabled }} {{- with .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault }} connect-ca-config.json: | { "connect": [ { "ca_config": [ { "address": "{{ .connectCA.address }}", {{- if and .ca.secretName .ca.secretKey }} "ca_file": "/consul/vault-ca/tls.crt", {{- end }} "intermediate_pki_path": "{{ .connectCA.intermediatePKIPath }}", "root_pki_path": "{{ .connectCA.rootPKIPath }}", "auth_method": { "type": "kubernetes", "mount_path": "{{ .connectCA.authMethodPath }}", "params": { "role": "{{ .consulServerRole }}" } } } ], "ca_provider": "vault" } ] } {{- if .connectCA.additionalConfig }} additional-connect-ca-config.json: | {{ tpl .connectCA.additionalConfig $ | trimAll "\"" | indent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} extra-from-values.json: |- {{ tpl .Values.server.extraConfig . | trimAll "\"" | indent 4 }} {{- if .Values.global.acls.manageSystemACLs }} acl-config.json: |- { "acl": { "enabled": true, "default_policy": "deny", "down_policy": "extend-cache", {{- if (and .Values.global.acls.replicationToken.secretName .Values.global.acls.replicationToken.secretKey) }} "enable_token_replication": true, {{- end }} "enable_token_persistence": true } } {{- end }} {{- if .Values.global.tls.enabled }} tls-config.json: |- { "tls": { {{- if .Values.global.tls.verify }} "internal_rpc": { "verify_incoming": true, "verify_server_hostname": true }, "grpc": { "verify_incoming": false }, {{- end }} "defaults": { {{- if .Values.global.tls.verify }} "verify_outgoing": true, {{- end }} {{- if .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.enabled }} "ca_file": "/vault/secrets/serverca.crt", "cert_file": "/vault/secrets/servercert.crt", "key_file": "/vault/secrets/servercert.key" {{- else }} "ca_file": "/consul/tls/ca/tls.crt", "cert_file": "/consul/tls/server/tls.crt", "key_file": "/consul/tls/server/tls.key" {{- end }} } }, {{- if .Values.global.tls.enableAutoEncrypt }} "auto_encrypt": { "allow_tls": true }, {{- end }} "ports": { {{- if .Values.global.tls.httpsOnly }} "http": -1, {{- end }} "https": 8501 } } {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ui.enabled }} ui-config.json: |- { "ui_config": { {{- if (or (eq "true" (.Values.ui.metrics.enabled | toString) ) (and .Values.global.metrics.enabled (eq "-" (.Values.ui.metrics.enabled | toString)))) }} "metrics_provider": "{{ .Values.ui.metrics.provider }}", "metrics_proxy": { "base_url": "{{ .Values.ui.metrics.baseURL }}" }, {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ui.dashboardURLTemplates.service }} "dashboard_url_templates": { "service": "{{ .Values.ui.dashboardURLTemplates.service }}" }, {{- end }} "enabled": true } } {{- end }} central-config.json: |- { "enable_central_service_config": true } {{- if .Values.global.federation.enabled }} federation-config.json: |- { "primary_datacenter": "{{ .Values.global.federation.primaryDatacenter }}", "primary_gateways": {{ .Values.global.federation.primaryGateways | toJson }}, "connect": { "enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation": true } } {{- end }} {{- if (and .Values.global.metrics.enabled .Values.global.metrics.enableAgentMetrics) }} telemetry-config.json: |- { "telemetry": { "prometheus_retention_time": "{{ .Values.global.metrics.agentMetricsRetentionTime }}" } } {{- end }} {{- end }}