# Airlock Microgateway CNI
![Version: 4.2.3](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-4.2.3-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 4.2.3](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-4.2.3-informational?style=flat-square)
*Airlock Microgateway is a Kubernetes native WAAP (Web Application and API Protection) solution to protect microservices.*
Modern application security is embedded in the development workflow and follows DevSecOps paradigms. Airlock Microgateway is the perfect fit for these requirements. It is a lightweight alternative to the Airlock Gateway appliance, optimized for Kubernetes environments. Airlock Microgateway protects your applications and microservices with the tried-and-tested Airlock security features against attacks, while also providing a high degree of scalability.
__This Helm chart is part of Airlock Microgateway. See our [GitHub repo](https://github.com/airlock/microgateway/tree/4.2.3).__
### Features
* Kubernetes native integration with its Operator, Custom Resource Definitions, hot-reload, automatic sidecar injection.
* Reverse proxy functionality with request routing rules, TLS termination and remote IP extraction
* Using native Envoy HTTP filters like Lua scripting, RBAC, ext_authz, JWT authentication
* Content security filters for protecting against known attacks (OWASP Top 10)
* Access control to allow only authenticated users to access the protected services
* API security features like JSON parsing or OpenAPI specification enforcement
For a list of all features, view the **[comparison of the community and premium edition](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1675772882054.html)**.
## Documentation and links
Check the official documentation at **[docs.airlock.com](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/)** or the product website at **[airlock.com/microgateway](https://www.airlock.com/en/microgateway)**. The links below point out the most interesting documentation sites when starting with Airlock Microgateway.
* [Getting Started](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1660804708742.html)
* [System Architecture](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1660804709650.html)
* [Installation](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1660804708637.html)
* [Troubleshooting](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1659430054787.html)
* [GitHub](https://github.com/airlock/microgateway)
# Quick start guide
The instructions below provide a quick start guide. Detailed information are provided in the **[manual](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/)**.
## Prerequisites
* [helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) (>= v3.8.0)
## Deploy Airlock Microgateway CNI
1. Install the CNI Plugin with Helm.
> **Note**: Certain environments such as OpenShift or GKE require non-default configurations when installing the CNI plugin. For the most common setups, values files are provided in the [chart folder](/deploy/charts/airlock-microgateway-cni).
# Standard setup
helm install airlock-microgateway-cni -n kube-system oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3'
kubectl -n kube-system rollout status daemonset -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=airlock-microgateway-cni
# GKE setup
helm install airlock-microgateway-cni -n kube-system oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3' -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/airlock/microgateway/4.2.3/deploy/charts/airlock-microgateway-cni/gke-values.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system rollout status daemonset -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=airlock-microgateway-cni
# OpenShift setup
helm install airlock-microgateway-cni -n openshift-operators oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3' -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/airlock/microgateway/4.2.3/deploy/charts/airlock-microgateway-cni/openshift-values.yaml
kubectl -n openshift-operators rollout status daemonset -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=airlock-microgateway-cni
**Important:** On OpenShift, all pods which should be protected by Airlock Microgateway must explicitly reference the Airlock Microgateway CNI NetworkAttachmentDefinition via the annotation `k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks` (see [documentation](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1658483168033.html) for details).
2. (Recommended) You can verify the correctness of the installation with `helm test`.
# Standard and GKE setup
helm upgrade airlock-microgateway-cni -n kube-system --set tests.enabled=true --reuse-values oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3'
helm test airlock-microgateway-cni -n kube-system --logs
helm upgrade airlock-microgateway-cni -n kube-system --set tests.enabled=false --reuse-values oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3'
# OpenShift setup
helm upgrade airlock-microgateway-cni -n openshift-operators --set tests.enabled=true --reuse-values oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3'
helm test airlock-microgateway-cni -n openshift-operators --logs
helm upgrade airlock-microgateway-cni -n openshift-operators --set tests.enabled=false --reuse-values oci://quay.io/airlockcharts/microgateway-cni --version '4.2.3'
Consult our [documentation](https://docs.airlock.com/microgateway/latest/#data/1699611533587.html) in case of any installation error.
## Support
### Premium support
If you have a paid license, please follow the [premium support process](https://techzone.ergon.ch/support-process).
### Community support
For the community edition, check our **[Airlock community forum](https://forum.airlock.com/)** for FAQs or register to post your question.
## Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| affinity | object | `{}` | Custom affinity for the DaemonSet to only deploy the CNI plugin on specific nodes. |
| commonAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to all resources. |
| commonLabels | object | `{}` | Labels to add to all resources. |
| config.cniBinDir | string | `"/opt/cni/bin"` | Directory where the CNI plugin binaries reside on the host. |
| config.cniNetDir | string | `"/etc/cni/net.d"` | Directory where the CNI config files reside on the host. |
| config.excludeNamespaces | list | `["kube-system"]` | Namespaces for which this CNI plugin should not apply any modifications. |
| config.installMode | string | `"chained"` | Whether to install the CNI plugin as a `chained` plugin (default, required with most interface CNI providers), as a `standalone` plugin (required for use with Multus CNI, e.g. on OpenShift) or in `manual` mode, where no CNI network configuration is written. |
| config.logLevel | string | `"info"` | Log level for the CNI installer and plugin. |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | Allows overriding the name to use as full name of resources. |
| image.digest | string | `"sha256:82b5924866840f783cce2e9b4095b7710a0e1cbf555498e8723ca811ca916290"` | SHA256 image digest to pull (in the format "sha256:7144f7bab3d4c2648d7e59409f15ec52a18006a128c733fcff20d3a4a54ba44a"). Overrides tag when specified. |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | Pull policy for this image. |
| image.repository | string | `"quay.io/airlock/microgateway-cni"` | Image repository from which to pull the Airlock Microgateway CNI image. |
| image.tag | string | `"4.2.3"` | Image tag to pull. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | ImagePullSecrets to use when pulling images. |
| multusNetworkAttachmentDefinition.create | bool | `false` | Whether a NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR should be created, which can be used for applying the CNI plugin to Pods. |
| multusNetworkAttachmentDefinition.namespace | string | `"default"` | Namespace in which the NetworkAttachmentDefinition is deployed. Note: If namespace is set to a custom value, referencing the created NetworkAttachmentDefinition from other namespaces may not work if Multus namespace isolation is enabled. https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni/blob/v4.0.2/docs/configuration.md#namespace-isolation |
| nameOverride | string | `""` | Allows overriding the name to use instead of "microgateway-cni". |
| nodeSelector | object | `{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"}` | NodeSelector to apply to the CNI DaemonSet in order to only deploy the CNI plugin on specific nodes. |
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to all Pods. |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | Labels to add to all Pods. |
| privileged | bool | `false` | Whether the DaemonSet should run in privileged mode. Must be enabled for environments which require it for writing files to the host (e.g. OpenShift). |
| rbac.create | bool | `true` | Whether to create RBAC resources which are required for the CNI plugin to function. |
| rbac.createSCCRole | OpenShift | `false` | Whether to create RBAC resources which allow the CNI installer to use the "privileged" security context constraint. |
| resources | object | `{"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"100Mi"}}` | Resource restrictions to apply to the CNI installer container. |
| serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount. |
| serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Whether a ServiceAccount should be created. |
| serviceAccount.name | string | `""` | Name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. |
| tests.enabled | bool | `false` | Whether additional resources required for running `helm test` should be created (e.g. Roles and ServiceAccounts). If set to false, `helm test` will not run any tests. |
## License
View the [detailed license terms](https://www.airlock.com/en/airlock-license) for the software contained in this image.
* Decompiling or reverse engineering is not permitted.
* Using any of the deny rules or parts of these filter patterns outside of the image is not permitted.
Airlock® is a security innovation by [ergon](https://www.ergon.ch/en)