questions: - variable: installTVK.enabled default: true description: "TriloVault Manager is an instance of TrilioVault for Kubernetes. Selecting this checkbox automatically creates a TrilioVault Manager instance" required: true type: boolean label: "Install TrilioVault Manager Automatically" group: "TrilioVault Manager Install Configuration" - variable: installTVK.tvkInstanceName show_if: "installTVK.enabled=true" default: "triliovault-manager" description: "TrilioVault Manager Instance Name. This will be used to manage the Kubernetes cluster in TVK Management Console and backups performed by the TrilioVault for Kubernetes" required: true type: string label: "TrilioVault Manager Instance Name" group: "TrilioVault Manager Install Configuration" - variable: installTVK.applicationScope default: Cluster description: "TrilioVault Manager installation scope: Cluster or Namespaced" required: true type: enum label: "TrilioVault Manager Installation Scope" group: "TrilioVault Manager Install Configuration" options: - "Cluster" - "Namespaced" - variable: default: "" description: "Hostname URL to access the TVK Management Console - For example:" required: true type: hostname label: "TVK Management Console Hostname URL" group: "Ingress Configuration" - variable: installTVK.ingressConfig.tlsSecretName default: "" description: "TLS Secret containing an appropriate certificate to access the TVK Management Console over HTTPS protocol. Secret should of type" required: false type: secret label: "TLS Secret of type (Optional)" group: "Ingress Configuration" - variable: installTVK.ComponentConfiguration.ingressController.service.type default: "NodePort" description: "Ingress Controller Service Type to access the TVK Management Console" required: true type: enum label: "Ingress Controller Service Type" group: "Ingress Configuration" options: - "NodePort" - "LoadBalancer" - variable: installTVK.ingressConfig.annotations default: "" description: "Annotations to add for the TrilioVault Manager ingress resource - For example: {'foo':'bar'}" required: false type: string label: "Annotations for Ingress Resource (Optional)" group: "Ingress Configuration" - variable: proxySettings.PROXY_ENABLED default: false description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the TrilioVault Manager via a proxy server" required: false type: boolean label: "Proxy Settings (Optional)" group: "Proxy Settings" show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: proxySettings.NO_PROXY default: "" description: "Provide the user defined IPs/hosts and subnets to exempt from proxy. User can provide comma separated values. For example: 'localhost,,,'" required: false type: string label: "No Proxy (Optional)" group: "Proxy Settings" - variable: proxySettings.HTTP_PROXY default: "" description: "Provide HTTP proxy information. For example: http://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port>" required: true type: string label: "HTTP Proxy" group: "Proxy Settings" - variable: proxySettings.HTTPS_PROXY default: "" description: "Provide HTTPS proxy information. For example: https://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port>" required: true type: string label: "HTTPS Proxy" group: "Proxy Settings" - variable: proxySettings.CA_BUNDLE_CONFIGMAP default: "" description: "Provide a CA Certificate bundle configmap present on the Kubernetes cluster to communicate with the proxy server" required: false type: string label: "CA Certificate Bundle Configmap Name (Optional)" group: "Proxy Settings" - variable: observability.enabled default: false description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Observability Stack with Triliovault operator" required: false type: boolean label: "Observability Stack (Optional)" group: "Observability" show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: observability.logging.loki.enabled default: true description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Logging Stack with Loki" required: true type: boolean label: "Logging with Loki" group: "Logging" - variable: observability.logging.promtail.enabled default: true description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Logging Stack with Promtail" required: true type: boolean label: "Logging with Promtail" group: "Logging" - variable: observability.monitoring.prometheus.enabled default: true description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Monitoring Stack with Prometheus" required: true type: boolean label: "Monitoring with Prometheus" group: "Monitoring" - variable: observability.monitoring.prometheus.server.enabled default: true description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Monitoring Stack with Prometheus Server" required: true type: boolean label: "Monitoring with Prometheus Server" group: "Monitoring" - variable: observability.visualization.grafana.enabled default: true description: "Select this checkbox to deploy the Visualization Stack with Grafana" required: true type: boolean label: "Visualization with Grafana" group: "Visualization" - variable: observability.visualization.grafana.service.type show_if: "observability.visualization.grafana.enabled=true" default: "ClusterIP" description: "Grafana Service Type to access the Grafana Dashboards" required: true type: enum label: "Grafana Service Type" group: "Visualization" options: - "NodePort" - "LoadBalancer"