  io.rancher.certified: partner
- variable: license.accept
  required: true
  type: enum
  description: "Set to yes to accept the terms and conditions of the Citrix license."
  label: Accept License
  group: "Deployment Settings"
  - "yes"
  - "no"
- variable: openshift
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "openshift is set to true if charts are being deployed in OpenShift environment"
  label: Openshift flag
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: adcCredentialSecret
  required: true
  default: ""
  type: string
  description: "adcCredentialSecret is secret file for NetScaler login"
  label: adcCredentialSecret Name
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: imagePullSecrets[0]
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Provide list of Kubernetes secrets to be used for pulling the images from a private Docker registry or repository"
  label: imagePullSecrets
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: nsIP
  required: true
  type: string
  description: "nsIP is NetScaler NSIP/SNIP, SNIP in case of HA (mgmt has to be enabled)"
  label: Citrix ADC IP
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: nsVIP
  required: false
  type: string
  label: Virtual IP of Citrix ADC
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: nsSNIPS
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "The list of subnet IPAddresses on the Citrix ADC device, which will be used to create PBR Routes instead of Static Routes"
  label: Citrix ADC nsSNIPS
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: nsPort
  required: false
  default: 443
  type: int
  description: "nsPort is port for ADC NITRO"
  label: nsPort
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: nsProtocol
  required: false
  default: "HTTPS"
  type: string
  description: "nsProtocol is protocol for ADC NITRO"
  label: nsProtocol
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: entityPrefix
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "The prefix for the resources on the Citrix ADC VPX/MPX"
  label: entityPrefix
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: kubernetesURL
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "kubernetesURL is for registering events to kubeapi server"
  label: Kubernetes API-server URL
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: clusterName
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "The unique identifier of the kubernetes cluster on which the CIC is deployed"
  label: Cluster Name
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: ingressClass[0]
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "ingressClass is the name of the Ingress Class"
  label: Ingress Class
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: setAsDefaultIngressClass
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set the IngressClass object as default ingress class. New Ingresses without an `ingressClassName` field specified will be assigned the class specified in ingressClass. Applicable only for kubernetes versions >= 1.19"
  label: setAsDefaultIngressClass
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: serviceClass[0]
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "serviceClass is the name of the Service Class"
  label: Service Class
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: defaultSSLCertSecret
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Provide Kubernetes secret name that needs to be used as a default non-SNI certificate in Citrix ADC."
  label: defaultSSLCertSecret
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: podIPsforServiceGroupMembers
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "By default Citrix Ingress Controller will add NodeIP and NodePort as service group members,This variable if set to True will change the behaviour to add pod IP and Pod port instead of nodeIP and nodePort."
  label: podIPsforServiceGroupMembers
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: ignoreNodeExternalIP
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  label: ignoreNodeExternalIP
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: ipam
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this argument if you want to use the IPAM controller to automatically allocate an IP address to the service of type LoadBalancer"
  label: ipam
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: logProxy
  required: false
  default: False
  type: string
  description: "Provide Elasticsearch or Kafka or Zipkin endpoint for Citrix observability exporter."
  label: Log Proxy
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: nodeWatch
  required: false
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "nodeWatch is used for automatic route configuration on NetScaler towards the pod network"
  label: NodeWatch
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: cncPbr
  required: false
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "Use this argument to inform CIC that Citrix Node Controller(CNC) is configuring Policy Based Routes(PBR) on the Citrix ADC."	
  label: CNC PBR
  group: "ADC Settings"
- variable: nodeSelector.key
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Node label key to be used for nodeSelector option in CIC deployment"	
  label: NodeSelector Key	
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: nodeSelector.value
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Node label value to be used for nodeSelector option in CIC deployment."	
  label: NodeSelector value	
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: tolerations[0]
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Specify the tolerations for the CIC deployment"	
  label: Tolerations	
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: updateIngressStatus
  required: false
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this argurment if Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress field of the Ingress resources managed by the Citrix ingress controller needs to be updated with allocated IP addresses"	
  label: Update Ingress Status	
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: nsHTTP2ServerSide
  required: false
  default: "OFF"
  type: string
  description: "Set this argument to ON for enabling HTTP2 for Citrix ADC service group configurations."	
  label: nsHTTP2ServerSide
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: nsCookieVersion
  required: false
  default: "0"
  type: string
  description: "Specify the persistence cookie version (0 or 1)"	
  label: nsCookieVersion
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: routeLabels
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "You can use this parameter to provide the route labels selectors to be used by Citrix Ingress Controller for routeSharding in OpenShift cluster."	
  label: Route Labels
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: namespaceLabels
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "you can use this parameter to provide the namespace labels selectors to be used by Citrix Ingress Controller for routeSharding in OpenShift cluster"
  label: namespaceLabels
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: cic.image
  required: true
  type: string
  default: ""
  label: CIC Image
  group: "CIC Image Settings"
- variable: cic.pullpolicy
  required: true
  default: "IfNotPresent"
  type: enum
  label: CIC Image Pullpolicy
  group: "CIC Image Settings"
  - "Always"
  - "IfNotPresent"
  - "Never"
- variable: logLevel
  required: false
  default: "INFO"
  type: enum
  label: CIC Loglevel
  group: "CIC Image Settings"
  - "DEBUG"
  - "INFO"
  - "ERROR"
  - "TRACE"
- variable: exporter.required
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "If set to true exporter will be deployed as sidecar"
  label: Enable Exporter
  group: "Exporter Settings"
- variable: exporter.image
  default: ""
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Exporter Image"
  label: Exporter Image
  group: "Exporter Settings"
- variable: exporter.pullPolicy
  required: false
  default: IfNotPresent
  type: string
  description: "Exporter Image pull policy"
  label: Exporter Image PullPolicy
  group: "Exporter Settings"
- variable: exporter.ports.containerPort
  required: false
  default: 8888 
  type: int
  label: Exporter ContainerPort
  group: "Exporter Settings"
- variable: crds.install
  required: false
  default: true
  type: boolean
  description: "If set to true the charts will install CustomResourceDefinitions which are consumed by CIC."
  label: CRD flag
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: crds.retainOnDelete
  required: false
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this argument to true if you want to retain CustomResourceDefinitions even after uninstalling CIC. This will avoid data-loss of Custom Resource Objects created before uninstallation."
  label: CRD retainOnDelete flag
  group: "Deployment Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.required
  required: true
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this to true if you want to configure Citrix ADC to send metrics and transaction records to COE"
  label: Enable COE
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.distributedTracing.enable
  required: false
  default: false
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this value to true to enable OpenTracing in Citrix ADC."
  label: Enable coeConfig DistributedTracing
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.distributedTracing.samplingrate
  required: false
  default: "100"
  type: string
  description: "Specifies the OpenTracing sampling rate in percentage."
  label: coeConfig DistributedTracing Samplingrate
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.endpoint.server
  required: false
  type: string
  description: "Set this value as the IP address or DNS address of the analytics server"
  label: coeConfig Endpoint Server
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.timeseries.port
  required: false
  default: "30002"
  type: string
  description: "Specify the port used to expose COE service outside cluster for timeseries endpoint"
  label: coeConfig timeseries Port
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.timeseries.metrics.enable
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this value to true to enable sending metrics from Citrix ADC"
  label: Enable coeConfig Timeseries Metrics
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.timeseries.metrics.mode
  required: false
  default: "avro"
  type: string
  description: "Specifies the mode of metric endpoint"
  label: coeConfig Timeseries Metrics Mode
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.timeseries.auditlogs.enable
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this value to true to export audit log data from Citrix ADC"
  label: coeConfig Timeseries Auditlogs Enable
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable:
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this value to true to export events from the Citrix ADC"
  label: Enable coeConfig Timeseries Events
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.transactions.enable
  required: false
  default: False
  type: boolean
  description: "Set this value to true to export transactions from Citrix ADC"
  label: Enable coeConfig Transactions
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: coeConfig.transactions.port
  required: false
  default: 30001
  type: string
  description: "Specify the port used to expose COE service outside cluster for transaction endpoint"
  label: coeConfig Transactions Port
  group: "COE Settings"
- variable: serviceAccount.create
  required: false
  default: true
  type: boolean
  description: "Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created"
  label: ServiceAccount Create
  group: "Deployment Settings"