# Intel SGX Device Plugin Helm Chart ## Get Helm Repository Info ``` helm repo add intel https://intel.github.io/helm-charts/ helm repo update ``` You can execute `helm search repo intel` command to see pulled charts [optional]. ## Install Helm Chart ``` helm install sgx-device-plugin intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx [flags] ``` ## Upgrade Chart ``` helm upgrade sgx-device-plugin intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx [flags] ``` ## Uninstall Chart ``` helm uninstall sgx-device-plugin ``` ## Configuration See [Customizing the Chart Before Installing](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing). To see all configurable options with detailed comments: ```console helm show values intel/intel-device-plugins-sgx ``` You may also run `helm show values` on this chart's dependencies for additional options. |parameter| value | |---------|-----------| | `hub` | `intel` | | `tag` | `` | | `enclaveLimit` | `110` | | `provisionLimit` | `110` | | `logLevel` | `4` |