# Default values for artifactory-jcr. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Beware when changing values here. You should know what you are doing! # Access the values with {{ .Values.key.subkey }} # This chart is based on the main artifactory chart with some customizations. # See all supported configuration keys in https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory ## All values are under the 'artifactory' sub chart. artifactory: ## Artifactory ## See full list of supported Artifactory options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory artifactory: ## Default tag is from the artifactory sub-chart in the requirements.yaml image: registry: releases-docker.jfrog.io repository: jfrog/artifactory-jcr # tag: ## Uncomment the following resources definitions or pass them from command line ## to control the cpu and memory resources allocated by the Kubernetes cluster resources: {} # requests: # memory: "1Gi" # cpu: "500m" # limits: # memory: "4Gi" # cpu: "1" ## The following Java options are passed to the java process running Artifactory. ## You should set them according to the resources set above. ## IMPORTANT: Make sure resources.limits.memory is at least 1G more than Xmx. javaOpts: {} # xms: "1g" # xmx: "3g" # other: "" installer: platform: jcr-helm installerInfo: '{"productId": "Helm_artifactory-jcr/{{ .Chart.Version }}", "features": [ { "featureId": "Platform/{{ default "kubernetes" .Values.installer.platform }}"}]}' ## Nginx ## See full list of supported Nginx options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory nginx: enabled: true tlsSecretName: "" service: type: LoadBalancer ## Ingress ## See full list of supported Ingress options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory ingress: enabled: false tls: ## PostgreSQL ## See list of supported postgresql options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory ## Configuration values for the PostgreSQL dependency sub-chart ## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/blob/master/bitnami/postgresql/README.md postgresql: enabled: true ## This key is required for upgrades to protect old PostgreSQL chart's breaking changes. databaseUpgradeReady: "yes" ## If NOT using the PostgreSQL in this chart (artifactory.postgresql.enabled=false), ## specify custom database details here or leave empty and Artifactory will use embedded derby. ## See full list of database options and documentation in artifactory chart: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory # database: jfconnect: enabled: false ## Enable the PostgreSQL sub chart postgresql: enabled: true router: image: tag: 7.61.3