--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: kubeslice-api-gw name: kubeslice-api-gw spec: ports: - name: http port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 3000 selector: app: kubeslice-api-gw type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: kubeslice-api-gw name: kubeslice-api-gw spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: kubeslice-api-gw template: metadata: labels: app: kubeslice-api-gw spec: containers: - image: '{{ .Values.kubeslice.apigw.image }}:{{ .Values.kubeslice.apigw.tag }}' imagePullPolicy: '{{ .Values.kubeslice.apigw.pullPolicy }}' env: - name: KUBESLICE_CONTROLLER_PROMETHEUS value: {{ .Values.kubeslice.prometheus.url }} - name: KUBESLICE_WORKER_INSTALLER_IMAGE value: '{{ .Values.kubeslice.workerinstaller.image }}:{{ .Values.kubeslice.workerinstaller.tag }}' - name: KUBESLICE_WORKER_INSTALLER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY value: '{{ .Values.kubeslice.workerinstaller.pullPolicy}}' name: kubeslice-api-gw ports: - containerPort: 3000 protocol: TCP volumeMounts: - mountPath: /app/secrets name: oidc-secrets {{- if and .Values.imagePullSecrets .Values.imagePullSecrets.repository .Values.imagePullSecrets.username .Values.imagePullSecrets.password }} imagePullSecrets: - name: kubeslice-ui-image-pull-secret {{- end }} restartPolicy: Always serviceAccount: kubeslice-api-gw serviceAccountName: kubeslice-api-gw volumes: - name: oidc-secrets secret: secretName: kubeslice-ui-oidc optional: true --- # create configmap called worker-chart-options apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: worker-chart-options data: # set the chart options workerChartOptions.yaml: | workerChartOptions: metricsInsecure: # [Optional] Default is false. Set to true if required to disable TLS for metrics server. repository: # [Optional] Helm repository URL for worker charts. Default is `https://kubeslice.aveshalabs.io/repository/kubeslice-helm-ent-prod/` releaseName: # [Optional] Release name of kubeslice-worker. Default is `kubeslice-worker` chartName: # [Optional] Name of the chart. Default is `kubeslice-worker` chartVersion: # [Optional] Version of the chart. Default is the latest version debug: # [Optional] Default is false. Set to true if required to enable debug logs for kubeslice-worker helmCredentials: username: # [Optional] Required for for private helm repo password: # [Optional] Required for for private helm repo imagePullSecrets: repository: # [Optional] Required for for private docker repo username: # [Optional] Required for for private docker repo password: # [Optional]Required for for private docker repo email: # [Optional] Required for for private docker repo