{{- if (or (and (ne (.Values.client.enabled | toString) "-") .Values.client.enabled) (and (eq (.Values.client.enabled | toString) "-") .Values.global.enabled)) }} # ConfigMap with extra configuration specified directly to the chart # for client agents only. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ template "consul.fullname" . }}-client-config namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "consul.name" . }} chart: {{ template "consul.chart" . }} heritage: {{ .Release.Service }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} component: client data: client.json: |- { {{- if and .Values.global.secretsBackend.vault.enabled }} "auto_reload_config": true {{- end }} } extra-from-values.json: |- {{ tpl .Values.client.extraConfig . | trimAll "\"" | indent 4 }} central-config.json: |- { "enable_central_service_config": true } {{- if .Values.connectInject.enabled }} {{/* We set check_update_interval to 0s so that check output is immediately viewable in the UI. */}} config.json: |- { "check_update_interval": "0s" } {{- end }} {{- end }}