{{/*** MATCH LABELS *** NOTE: The match labels here (`app` and `release`) are divergent from the match labels set by the upstream chart. This is intentional since a Deployment's `spec.selector` is immutable and K10 has already been shipped with these values. A change to these selector labels will mean that all customers must manually delete the Prometheus Deployment before upgrading, which is a situation we don't want for our customers. Instead, the `app.kubernetes.io/name` and `app.kubernetes.io/instance` labels are included in the `prometheus.commonMetaLabels` in: `helm/k10/templates/{values}/prometheus/charts/{charts}/values/prometheus_values.tpl`. */}} {{- define "prometheus.common.matchLabels" -}} app: {{ include "prometheus.name" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} {{- end -}} {{- define "prometheus.server.labels" -}} {{ include "prometheus.server.matchLabels" . }} {{ include "prometheus.common.metaLabels" . }} app.kubernetes.io/component: {{ .Values.server.name }} {{- end -}} {{- define "prometheus.server.matchLabels" -}} component: {{ .Values.server.name | quote }} {{ include "prometheus.common.matchLabels" . }} {{- end -}}