{{/* Template to generate service spec for v0 rest services */}} {{- $container_port := .Values.service.internalPort -}} {{- $service_port := .Values.service.externalPort -}} {{- $aggregated_api_port := .Values.service.aggregatedApiPort -}} {{- $postfix := default .Release.Name .Values.ingress.urlPath -}} {{- $colocated_services := include "get.enabledColocatedServices" . | fromYaml -}} {{- $exposed_services := include "get.enabledExposedServices" . | splitList " " -}} {{- $os_postfix := default .Release.Name .Values.route.path -}} {{- $main_context := . -}} {{ $service_list := append (include "get.enabledRestServices" . | splitList " ") "frontend" }} {{- range $service_list }} {{- $exposed_service := (has . $exposed_services) }} {{- $mc_exposed_service := (eq . "controllermanager") }} {{ if not (hasKey $colocated_services . ) }} apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }} name: {{ . }}-svc labels: {{ include "helm.labels" $ | indent 4 }} component: {{ . }} run: {{ . }}-svc {{- if not $.Values.gateway.next_gen }} {{- if or $exposed_service (eq . "frontend") $mc_exposed_service }} annotations: getambassador.io/config: | {{- if or $exposed_service (eq . "frontend") }} --- apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Mapping name: {{ . }}-mapping {{- if $.Values.route.enabled }} {{- if eq . "frontend" }} prefix: /{{ $os_postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/ {{- else }} prefix: /{{ $os_postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/{{ . }}-svc/ {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- if eq . "frontend" }} prefix: /{{ $postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/ {{- else }} prefix: /{{ $postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/{{ . }}-svc/ {{- end }} {{- end }} rewrite: / service: {{ . }}-svc.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}:{{ $service_port }} timeout_ms: 30000 hostname: "*" ambassador_id: [ {{ include "k10.ambassadorId" . }} ] {{- end }} {{- $colocatedList := include "get.enabledColocatedSvcList" $main_context | fromYaml }} {{- range $skip, $secondary := index $colocatedList . }} {{- $colocConfig := index (include "get.enabledColocatedServices" $main_context | fromYaml) $secondary }} {{- if (has $secondary $exposed_services) }} --- apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Mapping name: {{ $secondary }}-mapping prefix: /{{ $postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/{{ $secondary }}-svc/ rewrite: / service: {{ $colocConfig.primary }}-svc.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}:{{ $colocConfig.port }} timeout_ms: 30000 hostname: "*" ambassador_id: [ {{ include "k10.ambassadorId" . }} ] {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $mc_exposed_service }} --- apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Mapping name: {{ . }}-mc-mapping {{- if $.Values.route.enabled }} prefix: /{{ $os_postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/mc/ {{- else }} prefix: /{{ $postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/mc/ {{- end }} rewrite: / service: {{ . }}-svc.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}:{{ include "k10.mcExternalPort" nil }} timeout_ms: 30000 hostname: "*" ambassador_id: [ {{ include "k10.ambassadorId" . }} ] {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} spec: ports: - name: http protocol: TCP port: {{ $service_port }} targetPort: {{ $container_port }} {{- if and (eq . "controllermanager") ($.Values.injectKanisterSidecar.enabled) }} - name: https protocol: TCP port: 443 targetPort: {{ $.Values.injectKanisterSidecar.webhookServer.port }} {{- end }} {{- $colocatedList := include "get.enabledColocatedSvcList" $main_context | fromYaml }} {{- range $skip, $secondary := index $colocatedList . }} {{- $colocConfig := index (include "get.enabledColocatedServices" $main_context | fromYaml) $secondary }} - name: {{ $secondary }} protocol: TCP port: {{ $colocConfig.port }} targetPort: {{ $colocConfig.port }} {{- end }} {{- if eq . "logging" }} - name: logging protocol: TCP port: 24224 targetPort: 24224 - name: logging-metrics protocol: TCP port: 24225 targetPort: 24225 {{- end }} {{- if eq . "controllermanager" }} - name: mc-http protocol: TCP port: {{ include "k10.mcExternalPort" nil }} targetPort: {{ include "k10.mcExternalPort" nil }} {{- end }} selector: run: {{ . }}-svc --- {{ end }}{{/* if not (hasKey $colocated_services $k10_service ) */}} {{ end -}}{{/* range append (include "get.enabledRestServices" . | splitList " ") "frontend" */}} {{- range append (include "get.enabledServices" . | splitList " ") "kanister" }} {{- if eq . "gateway" -}}{{- continue -}}{{- end -}} apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }} name: {{ . }}-svc labels: {{ include "helm.labels" $ | indent 4 }} component: {{ . }} run: {{ . }}-svc spec: ports: {{- if eq . "aggregatedapis" }} - name: http port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: {{ $aggregated_api_port }} {{- else }} - name: http protocol: TCP port: {{ $service_port }} targetPort: {{ $container_port }} {{- end }} {{- $colocatedList := include "get.enabledColocatedSvcList" $main_context | fromYaml }} {{- range $skip, $secondary := index $colocatedList . }} {{- $colocConfig := index (include "get.enabledColocatedServices" . | fromYaml) $secondary }} - name: {{ $secondary }} protocol: TCP port: {{ $colocConfig.port }} targetPort: {{ $colocConfig.port }} {{- end }} selector: run: {{ . }}-svc --- {{ end -}} {{- if eq (include "check.dexAuth" .) "true" }} apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {{- if not $.Values.gateway.next_gen }} annotations: getambassador.io/config: | --- apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Mapping name: dex-mapping {{- if $.Values.route.enabled }} prefix: /{{ $os_postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/dex/ {{- else }} prefix: /{{ $postfix | trimPrefix "/" | trimSuffix "/" }}/dex/ {{- end }} rewrite: "" service: dex.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}:8000 timeout_ms: 30000 hostname: "*" ambassador_id: [ {{ include "k10.ambassadorId" . }} ] {{- end }} name: dex namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }} labels: {{ include "helm.labels" $ | indent 4 }} component: dex run: auth-svc spec: ports: - name: http port: {{ $service_port }} protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 selector: run: auth-svc type: ClusterIP {{ end -}}