Thank you for installing {{ .Chart.Name }}. Your release is named {{ .Release.Name }}. To find more information about the Dynatrace OneAgent Operator, try: To verify the current state of the OneAgent deployment, try: $ kubectl get pods -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} $ kubectl logs -f deployment/{{ .Release.Name }} -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} $ kubectl get oneagent {{ }} -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{- if eq .Values.mode "apm" -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.image -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.image {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.args -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.args {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.env -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.env {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.nodeSelector -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.nodeSelector {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.labels -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.labels {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.disableAgentUpdate -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.disableAgentUpdate {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.dnsPolicy -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.dnsPolicy {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.resources -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.resources {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.tolerations -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.tolerations {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.waitReadySeconds -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.waitReadySeconds {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.oneagent.priorityClassName -}} WARNING: The following argument did not get applied since it can only be used with fullstack: oneagent.priorityClassName {{- end -}} {{- end -}}